I just pushed a website update today that includes a couple of things worth mentioning:
Rules have changed
Just a few small changes. First, we removed a few things:
Keep it clean; kids use this site. (This was redundant, since the rule above it said the same thing)
No off-topic comments on airplanes. (The intent was to limit spam, which we added new rules for.)
Here are a few things we added:
- Don't spam other players' posts with links to your stuff.
- Don't use offensive symbols, unless they are necessary for historical accuracy (ie - Swastikas should only be used on things like a WW2 German Bomber).
And last, we clarified the rule about politics (and added religion):
- Please, remember that this is a game about airplanes. While we do allow off-topic conversations in the forums, if you talk about religion or politics then there is a good chance that your post will be removed. Especially if we feel that it is likely to stir up debate.
You can now remove comments
We also added the ability for players to remove comments from their airplane and mod posts (similar to how YouTube works). I understand it can be very frustrating if someone leaves spammy comments on your posts, so now you have the power to clean up your posts without having to wait for a moderator to come sort things out. I imagine some players may use this to remove valid criticism from their uploads, but that is their choice and they are free to do so.
I bet no kid would care about the symbol
@AndrewGarrison Thanks, good to know! BTW are we ever going to be able to see our followers?
Stupid iOS
No mate, sadly Apple prohibits the use of modding on iOS
Oh, Alrighty then! Awesome!@AndrewGarrison
Is there anyway iOS can be able to get mods or is apple restricting it
@TheGuyYouMightKnow Your usage is totally fine. Thanks for the links. We might reword the rule a bit to make it more clear that your planes are okay.
@KidKromosone Sorry about that. Must be a bug, I'll fix it when I'm back in the office next week.
I’ve experienced inability to delete my own comments on things other than my own posts. Is this a bug?
nice, now i can delet spammy and off-topic comments in my post ( and not doing evil things... )
Please implement what I said about creating different sections for builds and forum posts.
@AndrewGarrison Yes I do, in order from most recent to least recent. I'm not sure if the Balkenkreuz counts as an offensive symbol so I'm throwing those in too. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. Technically a couple of these are historically accurate but ya know. I have at least one more fictional German plane in the works, is this rule going to keep me from posting it?
@TheGuyYouMightKnow That's a valid point. Do you have links to any of your aircraft that are using swastikas?
@FOXLOVER Early next year
@AndrewGarrison The offensive symbol rule is a bit worrying for users like me who make fictional German planes as quite a few of my builds break that rule because technically they are not historically accurate. I've yet to see anyone use a swastika out of place on this site and I've been here since 1.1. I understand the rule but with this community's small size and calm nature I think it's unnecessary.
the silent pilot speaks!
Ok and iOS?@RailfanEthan
Hey,cool you can delete comments now!
Pretty handy
@Awsomur no, lol
@BaconAircraft I fully support this.
Cool beans
Very nice!
The next ”small website update” should include a link to direct download of S I M P L E R O C K E T S 2.
@BrianAircraftsNew I just did a test, no it doesn't give you a notification that your comment has been removed