@Chancey21 last thing i read is only steam early access will hit before 2018 ends. So the actual full release has been pushed into 2019. Again only PRETTY sure i read this somewhere.
Well they’ve been working on SR2 a long time and they still did tournaments, since they delayed/canceled this one it’s a clue that the release is near @WNP78
@Chancey21 yep like i said early access before end of 2018. Ide guess the FULL release will be in 2019 tho
Look on steam, it now says early access in summer 2018 @WhiteRabbit
@Chancey21 last thing i read is only steam early access will hit before 2018 ends. So the actual full release has been pushed into 2019. Again only PRETTY sure i read this somewhere.
Well they’ve been working on SR2 a long time and they still did tournaments, since they delayed/canceled this one it’s a clue that the release is near @WNP78
@Chancey21 of course, because they are only busy when they are just about to release.
Keyword Like, they wouldn’t postpone the tourney if it was in two months @JoshMan @Mostly
@Chancey21 They said February of 2018, what makes you think they won't push the opening date a couple more months?
@Chancey21 3/10 would recommend googling when summer ends.
End of summer... @Dllama4
@Chancey21 Well, I’m sure it’s not going to be next week.
Well they probably wouldn’t delay the tournament if it was like next month and it isn’t “summer 2018” for much longer @WNP78 @Awsomur @Dllama4
@Chancey21 and what type of astrology did you use to determine that?
They did say the end of summer 2018 @Awsomur @Dllama4
What? No way. @Chancey21
@Chancey21 And you know this how?
SR2 is probably coming out like next week
Because the devs are busy with SR2
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