Huh? Hand-cider Flyswatter?
No, stupid! HandspiderInsiders! The insider club for all things KingHandspider! Y'know, me!
You're barely silver! Who cares about your club?
Erm, t'be honest, probably not a lot of people, at this point. Or ever. But you should be!
The letter after X?
Being a member comes with many (some) benefits! These include:
1. Forgetting how the website interpets numbered lists! Woah!
2. Getting access to unreleased/unlisted builds of upcoming or cancled releases! WOW!
3. Being named and linked in KH's bio! BOOM!
4. Having any of your builds reviewed by me*, and discussed in a forum post! MEH!
HOLY FU-I mean poopy poop! And this is free?!
No, you useless turdstain! Just kidding. About the not-being-free part. Heh.
Alright, Cheapspider. How do I sign up?
Just pull up to the comment section on the floor below us, and be like: "Ay yo SPIDER! Sign me the eff up!"
Litty! Finna sign up rn!
I hate this generation.
What comes after "X"?
Why is there an asterisk by 4?
Well, see, I'm horrendously lazy, so I'll only do one build per week, but eventually I'll get to you, sport!
Wasn't this new a few days ago?
We don't speak of that one.
"Ay yo SPIDER! Sign me the eff up!"
Also ay yo SPIDER! Sign me the EFF up! I want my builds reviewed
HandspiderInsider? I hardly know her!
I will join all my fellow comrads who have joined @KingHandspider
I shall join you, komrade.
aye their me boi sing mi uhp
heccin sign me up my boi
@StarKnight697 Ight hang on, my laptop just died
@Chancey21 but theres no dedication for this!
I severed all attachments to clubs, fictional companies and countries accept my own, cause I don’t have the time
Ya sure I’ll join
I can't access my mobile device, so I won't be able to test, but I can give suggestions. @KingHandspider
@Strikefighter04 BET! Be prepared for an onslaught of mentions!
Ay yo SPIDER! Sign me the eff up!
e''a'''uu'''ahhhhh okay
@FastDan @Andrewtheplane BET
That was a bit profane but I'm down to clown for the club.
Im in