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Nevadan Infantry Loadouts

3,554 HellRaiser  6.1 years ago

A very, very lengthy loadout list of all Nevadan infantry units

FN SCAR-H: A versatile battle rifle used by the Army of Nevada, equipped to all standard infantrymen. 650RPM fire rate. Chambered in 7.62mm.

MG 42: A light machine gun with a large ammunition capacity and light enough to have the gun, long range kit and some ammo carried by one man. 1200RPM fire rate. Chambered in 7.92mm.

AI AWP: A powerful, accurate bolt-action sniper popular with marksmen across the world, it's fire rate is user dependent and has a very good ballistics. Chambered in .338LM.

Lahti L-39: A powerful, accurate semi-auto anti-materiel rifle found on Finnish soldiers back from the Second World War. Great ballistics. Chambered in 20mm.

Browning M3: A powerful, accurate heavy machine gun commonly found on vehicles or power suit infantry. It's fire rate is over 1,000RPM and has incendiary AP ammo. Chambered in .50 MG.

M134D: A rotary machine gun with a mind-blowing fire rate of 3-6,000RPM. Only found on Heavy Gun Troopers. The enemy will scatter once this beast arrives. Chambered in 7.62mm.

RPG-7: Basic rocket launcher for basic infantrymen. Point it at whatever absolutely needs to die, pull the trigger and watch the fireworks.

M67 Frag: A frag grenade. Pull the pin, throw, take cover, dead enemy. Simple.

Flashbang: A flash bomb. Pull the pin, throw, cover ears and eyes, disoriented enemy, now easy to kill. Just don't get caught with your eyes or ears uncovered.

Nevada Army Infantryman -
Armament - 1x SCAR-H 7.62 mm
Armament - 1x Five-seveN 5.7 mm
Grenade - 2x M67 Frag Grenade
Grenade - 2x Flashbang
Gear - Nevada Army Uniform
Gear - IBH Mk. III Helmet w/ FLIR & NV
Gear - ALICE Pack (Carries MRE's, 7.62 mm ammo and Medical Supplies)
Gear - SINIF Kevlar Vest with Mk. IV 12.7 mm RHA inserts in front, back and sides
Gear - 4x Primary Ammo Pouch (Holds 2x 30rnd 7.62x51 mm magazines)
Gear - 3x Secondary Ammo Pouch (Holds 2x 5.7x 28mm magazines)
Gear - M6A2-SRT Long Range Kit
Gear - SUSAT 4x Scope

Nevada Army Heavy Gunner (50cal) -
Armament - 1x Browning M3 .50 MG
Armament - 1x .50 MG Incendiary Ammo Feed
Gear - Nevada Army Uniform
Gear - Nevada Powered Infantry Armor Mk. 1d
Gear - IBH Mk. III Helmet w/ FLIR & NV
Gear - ALICE Pack (Holds MRE's and Medical Supplies)

Nevada Army Heavy Gunner (Rotary MG) -
Armament - M134D Rotary Machine Gun 7.62 mm
Armament - 7.62 mm Ammo Feed (3,500 Rounds)
Gear - Nevada Army Uniform
Gear - Nevada Powered Gunner Suit Mk. 1a
Gear - Nevada Powered Gunner Helmet Mk. 1a
Gear - ALICE Pack (Holds MRE's and Medical Supplies)

Nevada Army Infantry Light Gunner -
Armament - 1x MG 42 7.92 mm
Armament - 1x Five-seveN 5.7 mm
Grenade - 2x M67 Frag Grenade
Grenade - 2x Flashbang
Gear - Nevada Army Uniform
Gear - IBH Mk. III Helmet w/ FLIR & NV
Gear - ALICE Pack, Expanded (Carries MRE's and Medical Supplies)
Gear - SINIF Kevlar Vest with Mk. IV 12.7 mm RHA inserts in front, back and sides
Gear - 4x Primary Ammo Pouch (Holds 1x 200rnd 7.92x57 mm boxes)
Gear - 3x Secondary Ammo Pouch (Holds 2x 5.7x28 mm magazines)
Gear - M249 SAW Long Range Kit
Gear - SUSAT 4x Scope

Nevada Army Infantry Light Sniper
Armament: AI AWP .338 LM
Armament: Automag .44
Gear - Nevada Army Sniper Ghillie Suit
Gear - Ghillie Headgear
Gear - 2x Primary Ammo Pouch (Holds 4x 5-round .338 LM magazines)
Gear - 2x Secondary Ammo Pouch (Holds 2x 8-round .44Magnum magazines)
Gear - AI AWP Subsonic Suppressor Kit
Gear - 1x Schmidt-Bender PM II Military Scope with Ballistics Computer
Gear - 1x 2-Mode Night Vision/IR Sight Attachment

Nevada Army Infantry Rifle Grenadier
Armament - M6A2-SRT w/ M214A2 7.62x51 mm, 40x66 mm
Armament - Five-seveN 5.7x28 mm
Gear - Nevada Army Uniform
Gear - IBH Mk. III Helmet w/ FLIR & NV
Gear - ALICE Pack (Carries MRE's and 40mm grenades)
Gear - SINIF Kevlar Vest with Mk. IV 12.7 mm RHA inserts in front, back and sides
Gear - 4x Primary Ammo Pouch (Holds 2x 30rnd 7.62x51 mm magazines)
Gear - 3x Secondary Ammo Pouch (Holds 2x 5.7x 28mm magazines)
Gear - ACOG 4x Scope *Ballistic markings adjustable for M6A2 and Grenade Launcher)

Nevada Army Recoilless Rifleman
Armament - M8 Recoilless Rifle 105 mm HESH
Armament - Five-seveN 5.7x28 mm
Gear - Nevada Army Uniform
Gear - IBH Mk. III w/ FLIR & NV
Gear - ALICE Pack (Carries MRE's, 105 mm Shells and Medical Supplies)
Gear - SINIF Kevlar Vest with Mk. IV 12.7mm RHA inserts in front, back and sides
Gear - 4x Secondary Ammo Pouch (Holds 2x 5.7x 28mm magazines)
Gear - SUSAT 4x Scope

Nevada Army Heavy AT Infantryman
Armament - Javelin Reusable Anti-Tank Missile Launcher
Gear - Nevada Army Uniform
Gear - IBH Mk. III w/ FLIR & NV
Gear - Nevada Powered Anti-Tank Infantry Armor Mk. 1c
Gear - Nevada Powered Infantry Armor Storage Compartment Mk. 1c
-Note- Storage Compartment can hold up to 8 missiles

Nevada Army Infantry Anti-Materiel Rifleman
Armament: Lahti L-39 Anti-Materiel Rifle
Armament: Automag .44
Gear - Nevada Army Uniform
Gear - IBH Mk. III w/ FLIR & NV
Gear - 2x Primary Ammo Pouch (Holds 4x 10-round 20mm magazines)
Gear - 2x Secondary Ammo Pouch (Holds 2x 8-round .44Magnum magazines)
Gear - Lahti Long Range Kit
Gear - 1x Schmidt-Bender PM II Military Scope with Ballistics Computer

Nevada Army Reserve Rocket Team
Armament: RPG-7
Armament: Automag .44
Gear - Nevada Army Uniform
Gear - IBH Mk. III w/ FLIR & NV
Gear - 4x Rocket Pouch (Holds 4 Rockets each)
Gear - 2x Secondary Ammo Pouch (Holds 2x 8-round .44Magnum magazines)
Gear - 1x ACOG 4x Scope

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    Cool @HellRaiser

    6.1 years ago
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    3,554 HellRaiser

    @Strikefighter04 edited some infantry loadouts, namely Light Gunner and Infantryman

    +1 6.1 years ago
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    4,622 Bman01

    Do you own El Paso Texas uh,we kinda need El Paso for new oil reserves

    6.1 years ago
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    21.3k Fumo

    A 7.62 Standard Infantry Rifle won't be an Assault Rifle.
    That will be classed as a Battle Rifle due to the full-powered cartridges they fire.

    6.1 years ago
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    10.2k SuperSix

    There is @Brields95

    6.1 years ago
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    10.2k SuperSix

    I like them rotaries

    6.1 years ago
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    We need a role play tag lol

    6.1 years ago
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    3,554 HellRaiser

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck Keep in mind, it's the M3, not the M2. Which means better fire rate, accuracy, reliability and can accept better ammo

    6.1 years ago
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    3,554 HellRaiser

    @Brields95 Light as in, one man can carry the gun, not one man carry everything.

    6.1 years ago
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    The M249 is NOT light. It's actually a crew served gun.

    6.1 years ago
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    3,554 HellRaiser


    These are the current infantry loadouts for our ground troops. I'm not done with it yet.

    +1 6.1 years ago