So there is gonna be a 1.8 update here are my ideas
*a train around maywar or a highway around maywar
*a way of keeping vehicles in one spot across multiple loads and reloads
*Shipwrecks that you can find with submarines
*a way of controlling buoyancy, so submarines and sinking ships are easier
*floatability so airships and hot air balloons are easier to make and fly
*sound blocks that can play a car horn,a ship horn,a truck horn,Morse code noises and air traffic control voices
*Maywar on Mobile (super six’s idea)
*aCtUAl BuILdInGS aND CiTiES.(Awsomur’s idea)
@AndrewGarrison we need you
Yeah I thought about that @Awsomur
@GeneralOliverVonBismarck i already they are working on some new parts i was just saying 1.9 or 2.0 because they already have something planned
Why is no one suggesting for better game performance and better graphics
I legit never do anything there, as there isn’t really anything to do there
you aren’t really missing out on much without maywar on iOS, it’s pretty boring there and causes a ton of lag
How about aCtUAl BuILdInGS aND CiTiES.
Yea I know how a tree works but if we plant forests in vacant land co2 is managed @DPSAircraftManufacturer
It can @Strikefighter04
I tHinK iT cAN WoRrK @SuperSix
This experimental beta is for the devs to sort out all the bugs with the game before they add the new features.
@DPSAircraftManufacturer in a game?
But trees eat carbon dioxide which creates more oxygen so when a regular car drives by its feeding trees and sea plants @DPSAircraftManufacturer
Well 1.8 is out of the question...
try 1.9 or 2.0.