Ever sense the war with the AMO and Spain broke out, the JSEF was formed and took action. With the news the L.A.R tried to help in anyway, but was refused. Instead, they started a spy/ early waring campain, deploying E-95 dophins across the coasts of simple landia and near Maelstrom along with NF-63 Early Waring Fighters (EWF).
The spy network was small and mostly focused on the AMO. Then, I plot was discovered to have a large bombing raid on maelstrom. When the plot was discovered, L.A.R tried to warn Maelstrom of the threat, but ot was too late
Not long after, a E-95 pilot near Maelstrom spotted a formation of UFO's. He immediately called up EWF command and 4 NF-63's were deployed. They quickly caught up to the UFO's and Identified them as AMO bombers. They were shot down as so as possible. Ther was only one casualty for L.A.R.
The war isn't over, there are still threats on the horizon
@AircroftDesigin great
We are on high alert
@ViridiCinis cool
Definitely. @BlackhattAircraft
@ViridiCinis maybe we can talk tomorrow on discord? You down?
@ViridiCinis ok
And now... @BlackhattAircraft
*BTW, if you have questions about where the name comes from, you can ask me over Discord.
@ViridiCinis thanks
And @BlackhattAircraft , we greatly thank you for your assistance and help. We had found minor hints of an attack, but it was like Pearl Harbor in WWII, we did not know when and where (only difference is LAR found out before and helped us).
With deep gratitude, Maelstrom is offering LAR $45,000, and s fully paying for LAR's casualtie's service.
@BlackhattAircraft indeed we will. @Strikefighter04
@Strikefighter04 Yeah, I think Maelstrom and L.A.R. are going to work together on a large campaign against AMO
It ain't over yet boys...
It’s fine lol@BlackhattAircraft
@Bearclaw189 Oh shoot! I'm so sorry! I was only able to contact the people listed because, well, school
Very seriously however, I will pass it through Congress. We will see if we can get reinforcements
You didn’t tag me, I am offended. Lol
@ViridiCinis @Strikefighter04 @Bman01