I'm thinking about getting 1.8 for my ipad but I don't want it to mess up anything I'm working on. I have a lot of planes on my Ipad so I don't want to risk it. Any comments or concerns about 1.8 that you might want to share? Thanks - B.H.A.
I'm thinking about getting 1.8 for my ipad but I don't want it to mess up anything I'm working on. I have a lot of planes on my Ipad so I don't want to risk it. Any comments or concerns about 1.8 that you might want to share? Thanks - B.H.A.
@ViridiCinis Ok
Hmmm... I've had a few minor glitches, but no game-ruining issues or loss of progress as far as I see. Thankfully, the Redlines are still here ;-) .
It's really up to you. I would say just save as unlisted your most valuable planes JUST IN CASE, and you could go ahead.
@AircroftDesigin I know thats why its so hard :(
@BlackhattAircraft I did but it's up to you (it is pretty cool)
@AircroftDesigin Yeah I've noticed, I'm still pondering whether to take the leap
@BlackhattAircraft you might not be so lucky plenty of people are having issues
@AircroftDesigin Good to know, thanks
Seems to be fine for me
@WarHawk95 oof :p
@GeneralOliverVonBismarck ok
Nope, exept for Mods
And I think I lost some planes but I'm not sure
@Nerfenthusiast true true
you could always backup your iPad and if it causes problems you can restore that backup
@WNP78 lol
Lol must be those avalanchians@WNP78
Just in case, save your most important stuff as unlisteds. And yes, it is causing major problems for whoever is driving the convoy trucks that keep getting abducted.
@Strikefighter04 @AttestedArk ok thanks
You will love it! It may run slower than the previous beta, but with the new graphics settings, the game is much more fun! The new parts are sweet too!
Nothing gets corrupted
It works well