Now I don't wanna start any arguments but it's fact that the majority of platinum rank users are on windows. Are they just really good or does a computer give them a slight advantage over the ios and Android users. XML modding?
I only play it's fun and I wanted to be noticed but not from the upvote the comments.
@BlueCitrus meh probably something like that.
Well the only difference is the amount of parts it can handle i think.....
@SupremeDorian k cool
@ThePrototype k cool
It's less so better processing power and more that keyboard shortcuts, a mouse, and a few mods really make building a lot easier.
It's mostly due to the amount of resources they have on PC plus most seem to prefer it. It's possible to build nice stuff on IOS, it just takes some practice. I personally prefer mobile myself :)
@jamesPLANESii lol I wouldn't necessarily say I have fat fingers
Cuz you can release the mouse without stuff moving like what fat fingers do lol.
@randomusername @DPSAircraftManufacturer @CrashFighter05 @DPSAircraftManufacturer well it seems I've created some chat room but I can't say that's bad because you seem to be giving genuine knowledge so carry on if you please, cuz I'm learning new stuff too :)
@ChiChiWerx well the game is much cheaper on mobile so I guess it makes sense.
@randomusername yeah that makes alot of sense. Or some one just found simple planes on their PC and decided to buy and play it
@Kimcotupan15 yeah I know, but I mean the majority of platinum users are Windows' users.
@JamesBoA meh I'm just saying really I'm not a fanboy and I would get a pc I my parents let me, not just for simple planes but for other daily uses
@CrashFighter05 For most people their PC has better specs than their phones
It’s much harder to build on iOS...small screen, imprecise grabbing and dragging, no way to mod the XML files and no third-party Mods. It really has nothing to do with processing power, my iPhone 8 actually runs really high part builds better than my PC, but I only build on PC. I did start on iOS, but never looked back when I switched to PC. I also use Fine Tuner, Overload and another Mod called Designer Suite. I also dive into the XML files quite often, especially when using custom color and reflectivity settings. I can’t do any of those thing on my iPhone, though I do enjoy flying builds on my mobile.
@Kyle123344 my tablet has better specs than my pc
i make planes i mean trains on PC and sometimes mobile, i find PC easier to do stuff for trains because i can elongate fuselage blocks to save parts
Not all platinum users made planes on PC. Me and some of the users made planes on Android so far
Because the game will freeze for a few to several seconds everytime after typing something on android (idk about iOS) if your build is very large (by size not part count) also PC generally has better hardware so it can support more parts for detail.
Just better graphics. You can find them on IOS now too.
Not really.
Take an example of supermini555
He can do complex panelling on his iPad
As an IOS vetaran -4 years- i understand what your saying
after recently switching over to Windows, I think it has to do with XML modding, and it being easier to make planes.
Mouse makes things a lot easier, and more processing power allows you to build more complex things without too much lag. Let’s not make any hasty generalizations though! Some of the best builds that I have seen were done on Android. Ephwurd’s older stuff comes to mind...
Using a mouse.
That is all.
Well, I build sweet planes, and I'm was on Android lol (now on iOS) @Loopy200