We are a rare top tier gold species with only 57 of us currently! (As of 10/4/19)
We must unite to repopulate our kind! (Not Literally repopulate)
To do this we must find users who are close to 20k and bring them in!!!
But we must also celebrate the loss of gold users who retire and join the platinums
Basically join the T.T.G.T (top Tier gold tribe) today by upvoting this post if you are 20-24.9k !
Me belugasub
I have no clue what this is I’m bored ok.
Endangered species
lol @BaconRoll
Very good! @ThePilotDude
I am here for 3.4 years and still hoping for gold
Near-Platinum Purgatory Squad
@WarHawk95 mdr c'est fait
@Notaleopard thank you lol
thannks !@belugasub
Aw man, I got platinum already...
Ora Ora
Prepare to Face my Upvote Jitsu!
Congratulations on platinum! @BoganBoganTheMan
Oh no! He is no longer with us @Notaleopard
BoganBoganTheMan is a Platinum user now
Hallœ @Notaleopard
I Told you!
Hello there!
@belugasub Someday, just don't know when. Probably another year or so. I am really getting busy with studies. I may never get there.
@BoganBoganTheMan bravo pour les 25k et le platine vieux !
(Par contre en tant que Platine faudrait vraiment que tu changes ta photo de profil)
Im afraid not @metallicplanes but you will get up there someday!
(sobs uncontrollably) (ಥ﹏ಥ)
I can't join this can I
Why not? 1-2 months and its an additional 5k points for you. You must be a popular and skilful creator. @Notaleopard
There is nothing to Celebrate or be happy about
Oh bOi you are 11.6k now @Notaleopard