Version 0.22
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A small map made for rock crawling and free roam. Most of the map still needs to be textured and detailed.
Beta V 0.22 (10:03 EST 9/11/16)
*Lost the terrain data. No more updates on this particular map. There will be others.*
@OrangeBoardEnterprise too bad he quit the game over 2 years ago ) :
Andoid please, PLEASE
I loved the map. Too bad it won't be updated anymore.
This would be epik for VFR flying too!
Hmm ok, what version of unity are you using?
@ian8811946 Done all of that...
@FlipposMC are you sure you are saving everything correctly? Make sure your hierarchy is set correctly. Everything you want to be part of the mod should be a child of the "simple planes map". (you may want to delete any assets that are already saved in the window so you know they are being used/updated) Then select the "simple planes map" and hit "save selected scene objects" in the SP mod builder window. Once it is saved, hit "Save mod - PC".
@ian8811946 I have a queston, have you ever had the problem of the mod just not showing up in the mods section even though it is in the folder? I tried making maps too...the first time I tried everything worked just fine but the map wasn't nice so I scrapped it...Then I tried a second time with a better map, but it just didn't want to work. No matter what I do I always end up with a mod that is only 33 bytes in size :.
Ok, cool@ian8811946
@EliteSteel Yeah still works fine, just wont be finished. Lost the data for the project so I cant make updates to it. But there is 1kmx1km of free roam with a few trails that is plenty playable.
So does this mod still work, or is it not worth downloading anymore?
sorry that you lost ur data, buts its still a pretty freaking awesome map
@ian8811946 woah you made a six wheeled one aswell
@Ian8811946 android plz
So while trying to fix my tree/object problem I just lost all the terrain data. Gone. Does anyone know if you can extract data from the ".spmod" file? @AndrewGarrison @NathanMikeska
If not, there wont be any more updates on this particular map.
@ian8811946 ok, thank you
@fordzilla Yes as TrainDude said. I have responded about this before. But apparently there is more software I need to get. Some Android program and an SDK. I had been trying to export directly form the Unity editor and was getting many errors/failure. Still do not know exactly what I need or how to do it. Been busy with work and have not had time for it. If anyone has more specific information on exporting for Android, it would be appreciated.
On another note, Im not sure how well this would run on Android, it uses a 2048x2048 heightmap and texture in a 1kmx1km space.
@ian8811946 why won't you respond to all the people that want this for Android, atleast explain why you aren't able to do it
@marcox43 the file is 59 mb if that is what you are asking.
how much it wheights?
Hey can you please work on on a version for Android
I need this for android