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Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System

37.0k UnstableOrbit  8.5 years ago
Version 0.6 Map

Note: if the roads dont show up after properly enabling the mod and going to where they are, try downloading a plane or car or restarting the game. That should refresh everything and hopefully make the roadways load in.


The Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System is a massive infrastructure project in the gameworld intended to connect all major islands in the game with a large, expansive network of highways. The roadways are designed for realistically scaled vehicles. Everything is still in an early state, so more roadways and features are incoming, and existing routes and features are subject to change.

Locations currently connected: Wright Airport, Wright Isle South, Wright Isle North, Sky Park City, Yeagar Airport.

Locations soon to be connected: Maywar, Krakabloa(one connection exists at Yeagar), Snowstone

--------------NOTES(READ THIS FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!!!!):------------

1: Any vehicle that you wish to drive on the interstate MUST have the default suspension enabled on its wheels, regardless of whether or not you have a custom mechanical spring setup for suspension. If you want to use a custom setup, just set the default suspension on the wheel to max strength so that it doesn't flex. There is a bug where wheels without suspension get little grip and bounce around on the road. I cannot fix this. It is either a unity thing or a simpleplanes thing.

2: right now there are no signs and few places to turn around, so it is very easy to get lost or go down the wrong way. Signs, more U-turn locations, and rest stops are features planned in the future.

3: some locations just have the road dead end in the ground for now. I am still modelling entrance/exit ramps and connections, so these will be replaced with proper fixtures in the future

4: if you are having performance issues, try turning off realtime reflections in the graphics settings. I plan on optimizing this in the future so that it will work with realtime reflections.

------------------PLANNED FEATURES -----------------

1: new textures. Right now these are using placeholder textures. Yes, they are ugly. I know. Don't complain.

2: moar roadz and better exits/entrances for highway destinations

3: moar locations

4: more friction on the roads. They are a bit slippery at the moment(coincidentally good for drifting!)

5: signage

-------------------------KNOWN BUGS------------------

1: weird textures on some parts of certain road pieces.

2: sometimes roads will be clipped when camera is at certain angle.

----------------------MOD COMPATIBILITY------------

Works with all known mods, and works in multiplayer!

If you want your map to have interstate support, get my attention somehow and I'll discuss terms.


---(20 September 2016) Version 0.6: new highway segment opened, Yeagar Airport connected to interstate, minor fixes that MAY improve framerate a bit.

---(14 September 2016) Version 0.5: initial release

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    50.7k PlaneFlightX
    3 months ago
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    How do i not have access to the mod download
    Whaddi do

    5 months ago
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    3,364 FishbedFive

    Can someone just send the file to me over Discord? I don't have steam.

    +3 9 months ago
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    The mod makes the game unable to load
    Probably cause this mod is an old man

    1.5 years ago
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    1,379 erastic007

    I dont have an access to google disk, make this downloadable

    +5 1.6 years ago
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    @Freerider2142 hey I did everything you said but it doesn't seem to work. Any chance you can send me the file from your side if possible?

    +4 2.5 years ago
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    @Ishaan25 you need a steam account and Simpleplanes. (in steam or Activated in steam)
    You just subscribe to the mod you want, and it will be added to your mod list in game.
    To find through steam:
    go to Simplelanes game page and select Workshop tab to see all mods.
    some might not work with new updates.

    2.5 years ago
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    @Freerider2142 how to download it from steam?

    2.5 years ago
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    28.7k VinFage

    Now we need a train tracks plug-in for this game

    +3 2.7 years ago
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    0 pgxlm

    iPhone上怎么下载使用?How to download and use it on my iPhone?

    +9 2.9 years ago
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    man i need this mod

    2.9 years ago
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    @iwannabeelected yeah me too i cant access too!

    2.9 years ago
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    The PC/MAC version requires access...
    The Steam version works perfectly!

    2.9 years ago
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    @SkullKid25 I can't donwload the mod because it says I don't have an access to the file on google drive

    2.9 years ago
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    Requires access to download

    2.9 years ago
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    @user4007 um sorry it's impossible because the mobile version doesn't support mods anymore.

    3.0 years ago
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    The loading time is too long

    +3 3.0 years ago
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    +1 3.1 years ago
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    Please( make this mobile supported please

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    7,472 TheCaper

    @se34ruy same. Also it says whenever I download a mod that simple planes cannot open it. My computer is a iMac with an M1 processor. Could someone Help!!!!!!

    3.1 years ago
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    120 CB76565

    @SheriffHackdogMCPE fair enough

    +2 3.1 years ago
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    I have mobile but I think this is a great idea and should be incorporated into the game

    3.1 years ago
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    @TheGuyFromTheIndonesia yeah ?

    3.2 years ago
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    638 se34ruy

    this doesnt work because of google drive

    +4 3.3 years ago
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