Founded far, far away, the Koschmetall Department Test Site is a place where all OASSPSHZCH projects are built and tested, featuring three islands, a polygon, some hangars, a smaller landing site on the south and some tank turrets on concrete bases. There are also certain positions for artillery and tanks, which are hard to get there, but are very good for defending the main island. The northen plateu can be a place for a short landing and has a road leading to an artillery position.
Winter terrain rework!
Our radar systems show a new massive of terrain at the south. Investigation shows certain amounts of radio-electronic devices and, probably, anti-aircraft armament. Take your aircraft and investigate the new zone!
The map has now new 5000km² of earth covered with fierce snow and ice. Here, in the Northen Special Squadron Command the new Aoba-42 class cruisers are being built, while the whole area is protected by a fleet of destroyers and groups of fierce anti-aircraft defences. The ships are serviced in special elevator structures, lifting them at 700m above sea level to maintain and repair even the greatest damage. An airbase is constructed to protect the fleet from air attacks with it's new MS-2M interceptors.
Therefore, a few adjustments were made to the small base. A wing of all new UM-class ekranoplans are unloading their payload in front of the airfield. We also brought some TNT to the main airfield and blew up a mountain, which gave us a possibility of enhancing the airstrip and setting up a new radar station.
Added ships, tanks and other AI objects, including custom carrier - USS Antonov!
The map became much more detailed, it now includes models of AA defence, large caliber guns, SPG's, radar stations and so on. Some texture placing and terrain has been improved slightly.
Highly reccomend trying convoy assault here. Two groups of ships are waiting to stare their guns on you and the air defence has also became real and tricky to destroy.
The crafts on the screenshots are my Quantas KE-1 and the deafault Pigpen.
Thanks to DimaKosheleff & Fizmat for helping with map concept and ideas.
UPCOMING UPDATE: (not soon really)
Even more detalization
Enhanced surface of the new island massive and better airbase planning
Android port (not all base)
More buildings, destructable
A custom Aoba-42 cruiser fleet
Assault mission (???)
Some memes and easter eggs. Be ready to find them.
Как на телефон моды качать скажите
@DISHWASHER2005 i should update it mb, i have some funny stuff in the works)
one of the maps that my potato PC can run without lags
and 455 part build
surprisingly , the map still works
Can you make android
@GenrichTitov а, нашёл
@Funny8ekranoplan они там есть
Эххх, нет ни меня, ни экранопланодевочек(((
@marcox43 yeah xd
So you can see that on my last crafts
@DimaKosheleFF true xdd
@marcox43 as i, Koschmetall said long long ago: "Big guns - big holes" and "More guns - more holes".
Deal with it
Oops sorry for the second one
@GenrichTitov I love your work please can you make a simplified android version thank you!
@GenrichTtitov I love your work please can you make a simplified android version thank you!
@GenrichTitov thanks
@schneider821 of course.
This is so good :)
So, can I use and show this mod map in my movie on YouTube?
Oh, btw how large is your map?
Compare it with some default island except maywar please!
So if theres Android release, also make it as optimized as Wright Isles
@Oski in a few days.
@GenrichTitov ANDROId
Will there be an Android version. It seems nice.
@PorkyClown3 ???
@Kingstevenrules yeah it is supposed to.