
Created 5.5 years ago

It's been a while since we've had a tournament, so let's do this! Hopefully, I still remember how to click all the buttons to make it happen and hopefully all of you remember how to complain how bad the AI is at flying your planes!

Tournament Details

  • Course: Daredevil
  • Class: Unlimited
  • Max Part Count: 150
  • Max Length: 20 meters (65.6 ft)
  • Max Wingspan: 20 meters (65.6 ft)
  • Max Height: 10 meters (32.8 ft)
  • Must be an original (ie - not a successor of another player's plane)
  • No weapons!

Read the Tournament Guide here for more info on how we run tournaments and what this all means.


View Tournament Bracket
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    41.8k Ren

    This is so weird

    4.1 years ago
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    135 Alpha6

    @Jetpackturtle fine, I'll remove the infinte fuel tank. I still consumes little fuel with normal tanks

    4.6 years ago
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    how about in the next one I bring a unarmed Mitsubishi a6m zero (borrowed)

    5.3 years ago
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    4,680 ddweck32

    Hey Bossman, any chance we can get a car tournament? @AndrewGarrison

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    lol at least i looked good failing

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    12.3k goxictamer88

    @Aerofy yeah but hey now you know

    5.4 years ago
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    6,361 Aeromotive

    @toxicgamer88 Wow... it isn't even adressed in the rules.

    5.4 years ago
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    8,659 Zkillerwolfe

    Seems like various people figured out why none of the unlimited class tournaments were won by a plane that left its engine on the ground.

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    15.6k Jacobdaniel

    Noooooooo!!!!!! My plane was successful in almost all the tests and I didn't even make it past the first round!

    5.4 years ago
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    12.3k goxictamer88

    @Aerofy saddly yes. planes with their vtol engines left to the ground never took off
    (if that wasnt the case then the outcome of the race would be very different)

    5.4 years ago
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    493 PilotBug

    Where can we watch the race again?

    5.4 years ago
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    27.8k Strucker

    That was disappointing, literally watching my plane do flips when it could fly so well before.
    Hope the next tourney is soon.
    I’ll be prepared.

    5.4 years ago
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    27.8k Strucker

    Why the hell did my plane do flips?
    It worked before.
    Suppose that’s why you don’t make a racer out of a jet fighter?

    5.4 years ago
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    6,361 Aeromotive

    @AndrewGarrison What happened to my plane? Do detached parts get removed??

    5.4 years ago
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    4,464 Generalkeath

    Congrats to all participants, it was wack that my plane crashed every time in the 3rd round of qualifying. But a special round of applause for the guy who beat me ( my plane was the MERICA STREEK )

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    God damnit, mines faster than the dart....
    ..screams at ai..

    +4 5.4 years ago
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    Yooooo what I won

    +3 5.4 years ago
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    26.7k Gameboi17

    I was 2nd place at least!

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    26.7k Gameboi17

    Boooooooooo 👎

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    7,655 WhiteWing

    I won three rounds this time round, hopefully we don’t need to wait as long for the next tournament ;)

    +2 5.4 years ago
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    12.3k goxictamer88

    gg mine didnt even take off :/

    +2 5.4 years ago
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    17.4k Geekpride

    Well done @AnonymousUser99! Congratulations on becoming the champion!

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    37.7k V

    @MAHADI what

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    156k MAHADI

    @robloxweponco got it!

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    12.3k goxictamer88

    @wzr1 i agree we both lost before even racing nice design btw

    +1 5.4 years ago
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