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This Concept can change how you play Simple Planes.

18.1k typeZERO  4.8 years ago
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    18.1k typeZERO

    @TheReturningHound @jamesPLANESii @Inviticus @Ryn176 @WarHawk95 @AstleyIndustries @ItBurger @Roswell

    Here's the Concept I am Talking about....
    And as you can see, Not All the Missiles does damage to the enemy aircraft.
    And that is where "Why I want to talk to the Devs about something" comes in
    I asked them to Add BlastRadius and MissileDamage to the XML Files....

    To Sum Up, its not the Concept that I want them to Add in Game, But the MissileDamage and the BlastRadius. To make the Game More Fun, To give Each builds a Sense of "Gameplay" and lastly, to make the concept more reliable.

    Pinned 4.8 years ago
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    i strongly agree

    4.8 years ago
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    25.6k Mustang51

    @typeZERO Surprisingly, SimplePlanes is as realistic as you want it to be. If you play around with wing shape, wing area, drag points, engine power, having air breaks activate when you pitch to simulate realistic deceleration, and much more. On the other hand, you can have your plane pull 20g turns at 1000mpg with a radius of 50m hahahaha

    +3 4.8 years ago
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    18.1k typeZERO

    Bold of you to say that SimplePlanes has Realistic Physics...
    Also, this concept is for those who loves Ace Combat...
    It was never meant to have Realistic Physics to begin with.... 😜😜😜

    4.8 years ago
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    25.6k Mustang51

    @typeZERO it was the first game I got back when the first PSP came out. I think I shared my view on this in another post but I think that adding missile explosion radius is a good idea. Also choosing the weight of the warhead might be a better idea than missile damage. Since a “good hit” on a fighter sized aircraft is almost a 100% guaranteed kill, it would be better if missiles were less likely to get a good hit. The further away the missile explodes, the less damage it does to the plane. At the moment, getting any kind of hit with a missile is an almost guaranteed kill in SP but taking distance from the explosion into account in regards to damage would be a good idea. The ace combat idea of multiple missile hits on one target to get a kill takes away realism

    4.8 years ago
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    18.1k typeZERO

    You ever played Ace Combat MaDude?

    4.8 years ago
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    18.1k typeZERO

    Welp.... If the Devs are going to turn a Deaf Ear on my Request.... My Plans will remain the same... I created this concept.... And even though It is Unreliable and Unpredictable, I will stand with it...

    4.8 years ago
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    71.5k MintLynx

    Changing missile Damage as a thing will require one thing be removed from the game. In my experience explosive weapons (missiles, bombs, explosive shells) seem to completely bypass any forms of damage protection.
    Neither high health points, partcollisionresponse=false, nor anything I've seen seems to protect even the largest builds from getting one hit even by a puny Air-to-Air missile! Explosive weapons have a cheat for their damage that needs to be removed, replaced with proper, numerical damage.

    +2 4.8 years ago
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    16.7k DarthAbhinav

    @typeZERO that's something we've been requesting for a long time, mate. Probably won't be coming.

    4.8 years ago
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    18.1k typeZERO

    Well, to what I can see it, It gives Each Builds a Sense of "Gameplay"
    To me: The Build is Useless if its only for good Looks. If it Performs Well, then Its a Legit Build. Also, this Concecpt are for those who played Ace Combat. If you have played Ace Combat, then this Concept will surely Change the way you build.

    4.8 years ago
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    I doubt 2 xml inputs will ‘change how you play simpleplanes’, you’re being overly dramatic but its a good idea

    +4 4.8 years ago
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    18.1k typeZERO

    BlastRadius and MissileDamage... :3

    4.8 years ago
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    18.1k typeZERO

    Here's a Sneak Peak on the Concept I'm developing... :3

    4.8 years ago
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    18.1k typeZERO

    ProximityDetonation. It Explodes when it gets to a Certain Distance from the Aircraft. And The Blast Radius Damages the Aircraft. But as you can see, not all the Missiles that Exploded Deals Damage...

    4.8 years ago