113k hpgbproductions

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joined 8.7 years ago

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Player Biography  

Image Source: me (full image: pixiv | twitter)

[ Announcement Board ]
241212 > KiHa T100 released!
241121 > North Railway SPMOD released!

[ Message of the Day ]
250308 > memories of bri'ish
250308 > long range sam from teki 2 mission 3a my beloved
250305 > migo day
250305 > certified interwar european boot moment (allegedly)
250303 > nerdge
250303 > i beat prepatch depressed angle
250228 > shipgirls really are the only mecha musume subgenre that try to be cute
250225 > we are getting more yuru lost media PepeLa
250223 > crimes

250223 > lake of rot in fort worth real nowaying
250220 > first crinoline in sp (maybe)

[ Active Projects ]
silly lance user

Aircraft/Subassembly Generators
MIDI to Tone Generator
Image to Label Converter

Building Resources
Funky Forest - my random FT collection
Label format and unit conversion features
Material Number Offset Tool
Remove drag, collisions, etc. quickly with regex

Modding Resources
Sky Editing and Replacement

Math Supplies (not for academic or professional use!)
Bessel function approximations
Tool for planning torque and power curves

Other Content
Tech Tree (abandoned)

twitter @hpgbproductions - progress images and the occasional cursed image

Additional Content
pixiv ID 31536000
deviantart cmg-simplestuff (inactive)

Other Contacts
Discord: natania#6856
(I don't check discord, avoid messaging here)

[ Some of the images of all time ]


namie vtuber

sui truck


[ Device List ]

PC: Inspiron 7590
- CPU: i7-9750H (2.60 GHz)
- GPU: GTX 1650
- RAM: 16 GB
- SP uses: modding, mass editing and uploading processes

Android: Galaxy S10+
- SP uses: main building processes

[ Radio Station ]

B-chuber section

Weeb EDM

[ Some of the quotes of all time ]

"there are perverts in positions of power"
~ aerodynamic reverse joint legs fan

"i love capitalism and feet"
~ the m stands for freedom units

"mix their friends and eat them together"
~ pink dog

"if you're not making art right now what are you doing"
~ wirty chan uwu nya nya

[ Money is no more ]
Touhou LostWord: natania (inactive)
Azur Lane: [EN server] Nataniachan (Avrora, 69833124) (inactive)

Q: I want to borrow some parts or FT?
A: Sure, you don't need to ask me for permission, but you must credit me in the description of your build.

Q: Is there a fictional timeline?
A: There is one somewhere on the web (WIP). It can also be pieced together from aircraft descriptions if you're brave enough. I try not to leave plot holes.

(tracking since 22.09.14)

[ Public bookmarks ]
"Cartoon image of simpleplanes" by factorization20
frame6 controls (aintnoway discord privating images killed this archive link)
label characters by Formula350
strange train starter info pack

[ Cool unlisted posts I made at some point ]

Previously known as AstleyIndustries