fun story:
my brothers and I played around on Maywar Island, on my family's old mac. We loaded a plane up with 12(i think) cleavers, and proceeded to self destruct the plane in the wind mill farm. It hardly lasted a second, before the computer froze with the weird sand texture across the entire screen. We couldn't force quit, or anything. We eventually hard reset the computer, but after that we couldn't ever open simpleplanes on it and it slowly degraded from there...
@Aghsan22 - Tu-95V Tsar Bomba carrier
fun story:
my brothers and I played around on Maywar Island, on my family's old mac. We loaded a plane up with 12(i think) cleavers, and proceeded to self destruct the plane in the wind mill farm. It hardly lasted a second, before the computer froze with the weird sand texture across the entire screen. We couldn't force quit, or anything. We eventually hard reset the computer, but after that we couldn't ever open simpleplanes on it and it slowly degraded from there...
What's an epileptic seizure warning fr. AM400 made my day
Tsar Bomba: wow that's quite the bomb
Tsar Bomba ×2: dam.....
AMR-339: 💀
AM-400: gets teleported to a lost footage horror game about a bomb
@KSB24 that’s what very nearly almost happened to the irl pilots
Wow 50 tons TNT
rip pilot
"No civilians were harmed during making these analog footage"