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Psychological warfare challenge [CLOSED]

45.5k SamTheUncle  21 days ago

This challenge is now closed. I will be posting the results some time next week. Thanks to everyone who joined!

Now presenting the Psychological warfare challenge, by TheMouse!

This is a different type of challenge! There are several different types of build you can make, but it all has to be for Psychological warfare! That means you can have weapons, but the main point of the build is to mentally kill your enemy. It does not have to work against the ai, but it definitely has to work against anyone who downloads the plane!

There are several different types of category of build you can post for this challenge. You can choose which one you build!

Category 1: demonic builds.

This is a build that is demonic. This should be something like this, or this.
For this type, you need to build something really demonic. Those clickable links are just ideas, but try and build your own build.

Category 2: Plane people

This should be something like this or like this.

Category 3: Andrew

Make an a build that is of Andrew. It should be like this or this

Category 4: Skibidi, among us, duolingo, rickroll, and other games or videos.

(sorry Graingy)
This should be something like this. It can be something from any game, movie, video, or non simple planes thing.

Category 5: Sheer absurdity

This should just be absurd. Take for example, the lagwing.
Its just absurd, and this is for this type of stuff. If you want to make some kind of spamy part build, this is what it should be.

Category 6: Real life psychological warfare.

For this category, you build a plane, (Or something else) that has been used in real life for psychological warfare. This should be a replica.

Category 7: miscellaneous.

This can be anything and everything. A mix. It is for anything that is a big mix of all of the other categories, or does not fit anything else.


  1. Must follow the rules. I cannot accept your post if it is removed by a moderator.
  2. Must be below 5000 parts.
  3. Must be a successor post. (For noobs: this means that you download this challenge, and then build your plane off of the cockpit. If you need help making it a successor, tag @Seeras on the post, and he would be glad to help you. Just remember to say please!)
  4. Max of 5 submissions.
  5. You must give credit if you use things from other builds.
  6. Must kill your enemy psychologically. Weapons are allowed, but they are not the main point.
  7. The only mods allowed are the two built into the game. All other mods are banned.
  8. Should be slightly (or more than slightly) cursed.

Deadline: July 1st. I will post the results a week afterwards.


I am going to judge these entries based off of several things. Here are the categories.
1. Demonicness-10 points
2. Funny-10 points
3. Stupidity-10 points
4. Terrifyingness-10 points
5. Extra-10
Additionally, the if you are a lower rank, you will get several extra points.
Paper and bronze ranks get 5extra points.
Silver and gold ranks get 3 extra points.
Plat gets 0 extra points. (Lol)


First place will get 30 upvotes.
Second place will get 20 upvotes.
Third place will get 15 upvotes.
Fourth place will get 10 upvotes.
Fifth place will get 5 upvotes.
All builds will get 1 upvote.
If you do not have enough posts for me to upvote everything, I will do my best to spotlight some of your posts to make up for it.

Lastly, please remember to make sure all entries do follow the rules, as I cannot accept entries that have been removed by a mod. This is supposed to be a fun challenge, so please do follow the rules.


General Characteristics

  • Successors 47 airplane(s) +2975 bonus
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 1.6ft (0.5m)
  • Length 3.3ft (1.0m)
  • Height 1.6ft (0.5m)
  • Empty Weight 551lbs (250kg)
  • Loaded Weight 551lbs (250kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 127


  • Number of Parts 1
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 4
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  • Profile image
    45.5k SamTheUncle

    This challenge is now closed, thanks to everyone who joined! I will be posting the results some time next week!

    Pinned 4 days ago
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    29.1k destroyerP

    damn, how do you people find those old forgotten nightmares?

    Pinned 5 days ago
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    5,555 Karroc9522

    Erm, you already win the challenge for so much as even mentioning that ThInG of which is called wasp woman. That was just to mentally destroying that I gained depression from the pure sight of that horror....CONGRATS TO TheMouse for winning his own challenge before its even started!! 🎉 🎉 🎉

    Pinned 21 days ago
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    Pinned 21 days ago
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    45.5k SamTheUncle

    Yes, the thumbnail was intentionally upside down.

    Pinned 21 days ago
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    45.5k SamTheUncle

    Credits to @belugasub, @destroyerP @Souplane, @BB33, @PhilipTarpley, @AngelaMerkel, and @TheUltimatePlaneLover, for the pictures in the thumbnail.

    Pinned 21 days ago
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    5,555 Karroc9522

    @SamTheUncle it's fine. We are all busy nowadays so I understand

    +1 2 days ago
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    45.5k SamTheUncle

    I am working on it lol, 4th of july is making me more busy. I will try to post it on the 5th, if I have a chance, sorry for the delay.

    2 days ago
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    5,555 Karroc9522

    @SamTheUncle so, where did I place? lol 100% ignoring the results next week thing

    +1 2 days ago
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    1,101 GabeT

    @Karroc9522 naw I made this thing called a Speaker with was used on a Panama dictator.

    +1 2 days ago
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    45.5k SamTheUncle

    Yes lol

    3 days ago
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    435 rorrE

    Muncle the samouse!?!

    3 days ago
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    1,101 GabeT

    @Numbers2 it's over sorry for you not getting to post it :(

    4 days ago
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    1,101 GabeT

    @TheMouse I'm glad to have entered even if I didn't get first place just being in the top 5 or 10 out of 46 will work for me and I wish everyone who entered good luck and a great week until the results are posted. <3

    +1 4 days ago
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    1,418 Numbers2

    @TheMouse I have a late submission is it too late to enter?

    +1 4 days ago
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    45.5k SamTheUncle

    It’s not over for me until tomorrow. But I will post the results as soon as I can, after I grade the entries. (I’ve been a bit lazy so far lol, gotta hurry up)

    +1 5 days ago
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    challenge is yakover(for me who is ahead by 6-8 hrs)
    when we can see the standings?

    +1 5 days ago
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    45.5k SamTheUncle

    Idk. We are permanently damaged.

    5 days ago
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    45.5k SamTheUncle

    July 1st. You have a couple days.

    6 days ago
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    @TheMouse when the date is over?

    7 days ago
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    I'll make my goofy ahh heliplane moar absurd when I come back from vacation...

    +1 7 days ago
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    45.5k SamTheUncle


    7 days ago
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    3,308 CheckOneTwo

    This challenge made me lose braincells

    +1 8 days ago
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    45.5k SamTheUncle

    Not yet,

    8 days ago
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    The challenge is over?

    8 days ago
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