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[PEA]Incom/SPC Z-95 Headhunter

11.5k SuperSuperTheSylph  2 months ago

Part Efficient Aircrafts!

The Z-95 Headhunter, also referred to as the Z-95 starfighter or simply the Z-95, was a multi-purpose starfighter jointly manufactured by Incom Corporation and Sublights Products Corporation. Despite being considered outdated, the Z-95 was durable and adaptable to a variety of different roles, which led many to recognize it as a versatile and respectable snub-fighter of its era. Countless variants of the Headhunter were produced, including one model designed specifically for the Grand Army of the Republic's clone pilots during the Clone Wars. The Z-95 was the forerunner of Incom's popular T-65B X-wing starfighter.

Though already outdated by the time it entered production,the multi-purpose Z-95 Headhunter starfighter boasted endurance and adaptability and was largely recognized as a respectable and versatile snub-fighter of its era.Named after the Coromon Headhunter, the Z-95 was equipped with two pairs of engines,the Z-95 was originally manufactured without a hyperdrive, though it could be retrofitted with a rudimentary one.However, as it lacked an astromech socket, its pilot was forced to pre-program hyperspace routes or force-feed its navicomputer jump coordinates provided by data chips. The Z-95 was also noted for its cramped one-man cockpit.

Despite these drawbacks, the Z-95 featured internal environmental controls and a pair of wingtip-mounted,high-powered blaster cannons. It also boasted concussion missile launchers and a center-mounted ion cannon, which was capable of penetrating deflector shields. The Z-95 was the forerunner of Incom's incredibly successful T-65B X-wing starfighter, which implemented technologies and designs tested in the Z-95.Another successor to the Headhunter was the Z-96, introduced after the Clone Wars.


Standard SP controls.
Trim to level the aircraft.
VTOL controls are same as the E-wing, and disengage with retracted landing gear:
VTOL- controls forward/backward/upward movement needed for V/STOL operations.
Pitch-move forward/backward
Roll+Yaw correction- Strafe

6x Krupx MG5 concussion missile launchers
2x Taim and Bak KX5 laser cannons
160x countermeasures(chaff)

-Missiles can be janky.
-With little skill,you can actually fly well in hover flight.
-Main engines will engage when the landing gear is retracted.Achieve a speed of 200 km/h before retracting the gear.

Have fuun! :D <3


General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 46.6ft (14.2m)
  • Length 55.0ft (16.8m)
  • Height 12.0ft (3.7m)
  • Empty Weight 7,486lbs (3,396kg)
  • Loaded Weight 9,297lbs (4,217kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 3.263
  • Wing Loading 39.1lbs/ft2 (190.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 237.9ft2 (22.1m2)
  • Drag Points 3837


  • Number of Parts 68
  • Control Surfaces 4
  • Performance Cost 396