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[HMS]HOOD--[Highest quality]

20.1k reimuuuua  3 months ago

my wife





HMS Hood (pennant number 51) was the last battlecruiser built for the Royal Navy.
Commissioned in 1920, she was named after the 18th-century Admiral Samuel Hood. One of four Admiral-class battlecruisers ordered in mid-1916, Hood had serious design limitations, though her design was drastically revised after the Battle of Jutland and improved while she was under construction. For this reason she was the only ship of her class to be completed. Hood was involved in several showing the flag exercises between her commissioning in 1920 and the outbreak of war in 1939, including training exercises in the Mediterranean Sea and a circumnavigation of the globe with the Special Service Squadron in 1923 and 1924. She was attached to the Mediterranean Fleet following the outbreak of the Second Italo-Abyssinian War. When the Spanish Civil War broke out, Hood was officially assigned to the Mediterranean Fleet until she had to return to Britain in 1939 for an overhaul. By this time, advances in naval gunnery had reduced Hood's usefulness
She was scheduled to undergo a major rebuild in 1941 to correct these issues, but the outbreak of World War II in September 1939 forced the ship into service without the upgrades.
When war with Germany was declared Hood was operating in the area around Iceland, and she spent the next several months hunting between Iceland and the Norwegian Sea for German commerce raiders and blockade runners. After a brief overhaul of her propulsion system, she sailed as the flagship of Force H, and participated in the destruction of the French Fleet at Mers-el-Kebir. Relieved as flagship of Force H, Hood was dispatched to Scapa Flow, and operated in the area as a convoy escort and later as a defence against a potential German invasion fleet. In May 1941, she and the battleship Prince of Wales were ordered to intercept the German battleship Bismarck and the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen which were en route to the Atlantic where they were to attack convoys. On 24 May 1941, early in the Battle of the Denmark Strait, Hood was struck by several German shells and exploded; the loss had a profound effect on the British people.

The Royal Navy conducted two inquiries into the reasons for the ship's quick demise. The first, held very quickly after the ship's loss, concluded that Hood's aft magazine had exploded after one of Bismarck's shells penetrated the ship's armour. A second inquiry was held after complaints that the first board had failed to consider alternative explanations, such as an explosion of the ship's torpedoes. It was more thorough than the first board, and concurred with the first board's conclusion. Despite the official explanation, some historians continued to believe that the torpedoes caused the ship's loss while others proposed an accidental explosion inside one of the ship's gun turrets that reached down into the magazine. Other historians have focused on the cause of the magazine explosion. The discovery of the ship's wreck in 2001 confirmed the conclusion of both boards, although the exact reason why the magazines detonated will forever be a mystery as that area of the ship was entirely destroyed in the explosion.





Technical Notes

I disabled drag calculation except the underwater part to reduce some lags.

I had made different color to the wooden deck to increase some details.

I applied fuselage cutting to make the vessel's shape more smooth.

Guns are automated with Funkytree codes.

I have built six major components of the ships seperately then put them together to complete the entire ship.

Me creating another ship after this one is most unlikely except SP2 publishes tomorrow.

There's some compromise made because of the limit of my phone's performance forcing me not to present you more details on this ship. Also, peoples been asking me just how my phone held together with all those astronomical amount of parts. That's because I'm using Huawei Honor 3800 CNY (~524 USD, ~82754 JPY) (also pretty affordable for chinese. Still, mobile phones are only mobile phones. Perhaps I will continue to build more ships if I can get a good personal confuser and SP2 could be available earlier.


I would like to thank my friends

Rafalemmm helped me take photos
FengRedWhite helped me make the cover
TsukasaYuzakihelped me with post release promotion


General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 112.6ft (34.3m)
  • Length 860.8ft (262.4m)
  • Height 186.8ft (56.9m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight N/A


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.043
  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 247416


  • Number of Parts 12680
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 34,879
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  • Profile image

    Mobile friendly but 12680 parts:)

    one month ago
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    one month ago
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    @NordicAerospace makes sense lol. I really do need to get a new iPad

    one month ago
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    @Crimsonknight 2024 iPad Air, M2 processor.

    +1 one month ago
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    @NordicAerospace mate what year and how powerful is your Ipad?

    one month ago
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    My IPad turned into Hood's magazine

    one month ago
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    @BB8droid1 was he one of the 1415 that perished…

    one month ago
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    bruh not a pc cood halde this

    one month ago
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    20.1k reimuuuua

    @BB8droid1 Salute to your uncle - a true anti fascist fighter

    +1 one month ago
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    944 BB8droid1

    This looks amazing! It’s a shame I can’t download it on mobile lol. My grand uncle was a sailor aboard HMS Hood from 1936-1941

    +2 one month ago
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    I ran it on my iPad with complete max graphics on EVERYTHING, and it was able to do 60fps while paused. It only did 15 fps but I’m still surprised it managed to do that. So yes, it is kinda mobile friendly.

    2 months ago
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    @GyatAirlines yeah

    2 months ago
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    0 xzlzx

    Who can steal his device.

    2 months ago
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    I would feel the same way as the man who witnessed the sheer power of 10,000 tnt detonating

    2 months ago
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    Mobile friendly as f*ck

    +1 2 months ago
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    ah yess, very mobile friendly

    2 months ago
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    Can’t even pull it up

    2 months ago
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    oh my pcccccccccccccc
    oh my mobile phoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    2 months ago
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    @reimuuuua what do i do? I cant run your ship! i want to put it in MPC!

    2 months ago
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    hell nah
    OH MY PC🚁🚁🚁🚁🚁🚁🚁

    2 months ago
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    +1 2 months ago
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    0 Cons2


    2 months ago
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    105 bluedia99

    “Mobile friendly” 💀

    +6 2 months ago
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    20.1k reimuuuua

    @QwolfOnions OK

    2 months ago
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    I want a ship hull, okay? :v

    2 months ago
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