2,751 NordicAerospace
Player Biography
Discord: german.luftwaffle#0
I’m a Florida resident, and people call me smart for my age. I study geography, politics, aerodynamics, history, and more. I usually take people’s builds and modify them.
Looks like I’m not joining the USPN.
Also, to some posts, you can find sticky notes that may be important sometimes.
Favorite Aircraft
Overall: 777
Narrowbody: 757
Military: Nakajima Kikka (Imperial bias)
Bronze: 3rd of June 2023
2 Followers: 8th of June 2023
3 Followers: 10th of July 2023
5 Followers: 27th of July 2023
8 Followers: 4th of August 2023
i lost track here lol
1,000 ACCOUNT VISITS: APRIL 17, 2024
9th of June 2023, Aerogance was established after the merger between Icelandair and ATL (Air Transport of Lukrativsten). This airline is a joke, and is not serious.
11th of June 2023, Capital of Lukrativsten was renamed Glickheyt
9th of July 2023, Exulans Airways was established to replace the role of Aerogance.
4th of July 2023, the Silver title is reached.
8th of September 2023, the capital of United Lukrativsten is moved to Norheimsund. a relatively big city for its geographical position. Norheimsund is renamed to Glickheyt-Norheim and Glickheyt-Bøyum is renamed back to its previous name.
9th of September 2023, the anthem of United Lukrativsten is declared to be Nordmannen, a Norwegian patriotic song.
Current Projects
A-51M “Canine”
Most info about the country can be found here.