Hehe, cool thumbnail! Love how the exhaust is blue and orange, and it’s very detailed! The wonderful jet doesn’t pitch that great tho. But, 44/50. Very good!
Ok, it’s a forward-swept wing plane, and those are always super cool to me, and since I accidentally left a jet turbine in the fuselage and also because this plane has turboprops, makes this plane sound extremely crazy! It’s saddening that the back gear don’t retract though… 36/50.
Ok, it looks pretty cool, however, it is very unstable, and you can tailstrike easily. And somehow, once I took off, instead of turning right, it turned left… Same thing with banking left, but it does look cool tho. Valiant effort, but, 24/50.
Ooohhhh nice! Like the color, the propeller, and basically most of it! Except… the inlet on the nose of the plane is a bit weird, and I think it would look a bit better if the wings (all wings except vertical stabilizer) were swept a bit back But first plane, not bad at all! BTW, the points I give out are in the 50s so a bunch of people can join. So, 41/50. Thanks for entering! :D
8th place.
You get 6th place.
You get 5th place.
You get 4th place!
Nice job! You got 3rd place!
Amazing job!!! You got 2nd place!
+1CONGRATS!!! You have gotten 1st place!
If you want to see the ranks, check on y’all’s posts.
Looks cool I guess, but it flies poorly and it doesn’t even have gear. 21/50. Nice try.
Hehe, cool thumbnail! Love how the exhaust is blue and orange, and it’s very detailed! The wonderful jet doesn’t pitch that great tho. But, 44/50. Very good!
@Gastonplanes But I am not good at making cars.
@Gastonplanes ok. I’ll consider that.
This is the most micro thing i ever laid my eyes upon
@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore hehe, thanks!
+1@Gastonplanes That’s right!
Ok, it’s a forward-swept wing plane, and those are always super cool to me, and since I accidentally left a jet turbine in the fuselage and also because this plane has turboprops, makes this plane sound extremely crazy! It’s saddening that the back gear don’t retract though… 36/50.
@LimeAir yes, it is.
@Gastonplanes Right!?
Wow! Love the color, and it looks really cool. However, the jet is a bit hard to rotate. It does not pitch very well. But, 38.5/50.
@Gastonplanes Oh
@Gastonplanes are you talking about the Entraytasn? Because I already rated that.
@Gastonplanes WOW! That’s crazy! Also, sorry again, I cannot click on it again…
oh dat don’t look right…
@Cyno yeah! Wright Islands is non-existent now tho.
+1Mosquito with… wheels??
@Cyno you should already see the mushroom cloud
+2imma shoot it with a gun
+1Ok, this thing looks very cool! Adore the color too! And you added weapons as well! But the jet does not pitch the best though.
+142/50. Nice job!
Ok, it looks pretty cool, however, it is very unstable, and you can tailstrike easily. And somehow, once I took off, instead of turning right, it turned left… Same thing with banking left, but it does look cool tho. Valiant effort, but, 24/50.
Questionable looks… but it does fly, so that’s pretty neat.
Ok, 38/50.
hmm, I’ll try this…
@Graingy What? You’re only supposed to turn the rest of it into a plane.
F-51 Mustsaber
+2@50CalChicken And you cannot alter the parts that I already put on. Such as, well, the aircraft.
@50CalChicken It just has to have parts I did not put on the unfinished craft.
@50CalChicken Sry, I was building something, but no, unfortunately…
Ooohhhh nice! Like the color, the propeller, and basically most of it! Except… the inlet on the nose of the plane is a bit weird, and I think it would look a bit better if the wings (all wings except vertical stabilizer) were swept a bit back But first plane, not bad at all! BTW, the points I give out are in the 50s so a bunch of people can join. So, 41/50. Thanks for entering! :D
+1@Formulated That’s why I’m here!
he still doesn’t have 6 legs X(
Look how you massacred my boi…
Ayyyyyy it’s a Ring-Wing
+1Omg it’s so minuscule!
+1P U L E H