Amazing! But usually Kamov helicopters have another rotor that spins the opposite way, so the aircraft is stable. Both of those rotors are spinning in the same direction.
@Majakalona See, that’s what I thought it was: the Starfleet logo, but then I had second thoughts about it and figured it was just a cool look-a-like symbol, so I used it.
Wow. BeastHunter created this. What is the world coming to.
+2@BeastHunter You absolute warrior! I WOULD NOT SAY THAT IF I WERE YOU.
+2I like the number.
+1@MA2211c yeah… It’s cheaper though!
+1Cool plane!
+1@Majakalona UHHH. That was kinda fast.
+1@Type2volkswagen nah, im just being random.
+1also this is a sick plane.
Aw man.. I can’t do this challenge!
+1many a jet
+1@F16xl Agreed!
+1@MA2211c Nope. I added all of these parts. “The Flea” has nothing to do with this aircraft. But I’m glad you flown it!
+1@Majakalona who nose?
+1: C (
+1omg i love it.
+1@MA2211c Thanks! I thought so too!
+1am joining
+1That’s the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen in my life.
Also, i would just like to say,
+1@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore Whoopsie looks like i accidentally made another Cessna :)
+1@IceCraftGaming Thanks! :D
+1Where are his weapons?
+1Amazing! But usually Kamov helicopters have another rotor that spins the opposite way, so the aircraft is stable. Both of those rotors are spinning in the same direction.
+1@88 Alrighty then.
+1@Christiant2 I don’t know where!
+1@Majakalona Yeah.. Maybe the thumbnail is too chaotic??
+1@Majakalona See, that’s what I thought it was: the Starfleet logo, but then I had second thoughts about it and figured it was just a cool look-a-like symbol, so I used it.
+1@Majakalona Really!? It flys fine to me.
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 I don’t have any right now. But cool drone!
+1@Mousewithamachinegun122 The name. I identify a digit or two that may have some correlation with my slightly unique username.
+1Did it!
+1We will miss you, MAPA. You’ve made oh so many amazing aircraft, but I suppose everything has to end at some point…
Welcome to SimplePlanes!
+1Hey, this looks familiar…
+1@001 what’s that?
+1I was actually thinking about weaponizing this aircraft! Cool that someone beat me to it!
+1@Graingy you tried the weapons, didn’t you? >:)
+1dear god
+1@HanakoSan nah don’t think i want to just not feelin’ it, y’know.
+1@Noob101 l o l
+1@Majakalona From what I know, a pheasant is a type of bird, which is why I called it that.
+1Yeah, totally not gorpalstivl.
+1@EntityQuerty495 🔺
+1🔺 🔺
🔺 🔺 🔺
Ah. What’s he filming?
+1@Mousewithamachinegun123 Thank you! 🔺
+1Rocket League
+1@Yish42 ✨wow✨
+1@Gabriel747 Lol. Put a Cleaver on the Cleaver now.
+1@SimplifiedAviationFX6 WAIT YOU’RE BACK!!????