IIRC the Nord 1500 Griffon had something similar, it had a multi-staged engine setup goin' on which would work like a normal jet engine then switch to Ramjet mode at speed.
man, there exists next to nothing about this "aircraft". the fact it was titled "Manned Air Defense Bomb" hints to me that it was some kind of manned missile/airburst rocket, but it's classed as a dive bomber? i guess not even the germans didn't know. as for propulsion, it probably would have been some kind of Ramjet.
you know, this is a really interesting plane, because there seems to be next to no real info of this plane, even the "images" are just fattened Me-209s, but there are aircraft, the Seino Hyojun or the 15-Shi Ru-Go, are said to be the actual names for the Nk-1b Fighter. so i still don't know...
aaaaaahhhh i remember these... (part of the fun of setting it up first time was spending 5 minutes setting up the trim so it didn't spin out of control lol)
AAYYYYYYY!!! another fellow tailsitter enjoyer! the american convoy fighters were my favorite never built planes. (plus yours is much better than mine)
@IndiaHotel unfortunately i can't upvote my own build, so i cant tell if the button is normally there or not, but there should be an "Upvote" Button under the orthographic pictures.
wow... just wow. the fact this is possible in Simpleplanes is nothing short of wizardry... also a Quadriplane so you get bonus points. this is the only plane i have ever upvoted here, well done sir!
Bro: why don't you watch the reels i send you.
+6The shit bro sends me:
Stephen Hawking Came back as a Terminator
+5there it is... the simple plane.
+5@jamalitothetostito Mods, wrap him up and gift him to the grinch
+4unfortunate name...
+3@AverageBreakingBadMeme he/she is just the master of their respective sex, nothing inappropriate about it. getcho mind outta tha gutter
+3def inspired by the Edgely EA-7 Optica, which is really neat because not enough people know about that cool lil' plane
+3i mean... this is just a manned Phalanx
+3all this fuss over 5 parts? inconceivable!
+2IIRC the Nord 1500 Griffon had something similar, it had a multi-staged engine setup goin' on which would work like a normal jet engine then switch to Ramjet mode at speed.
+2Please do not the cat
+2Number 15
+2man, there exists next to nothing about this "aircraft". the fact it was titled "Manned Air Defense Bomb" hints to me that it was some kind of manned missile/airburst rocket, but it's classed as a dive bomber? i guess not even the germans didn't know. as for propulsion, it probably would have been some kind of Ramjet.
+2i know it was a real proposal but seeing an Me 262 in Mistel configuration is just hella cursed to me.
+2ay look, i know you said not to get political, but can someone please tell me how properly make Oatmeal
+2you know, this is a really interesting plane, because there seems to be next to no real info of this plane, even the "images" are just fattened Me-209s, but there are aircraft, the Seino Hyojun or the 15-Shi Ru-Go, are said to be the actual names for the Nk-1b Fighter. so i still don't know...
+2Nice argument, one small issue. I am approaching your place of residence.
+2F3D, i like the base flightmodel, this is a nice inspiration.
+2aaaaaahhhh i remember these... (part of the fun of setting it up first time was spending 5 minutes setting up the trim so it didn't spin out of control lol)
+1funy baddleshib
+1very nice job, not enough StarFox builds here imo.
+1still lower visibility than the Su-57...
+1here's hoping all went well, if for whatever reason you're reading this, you're a damn champion, keep strong!
+1@FatPilotOne 😭the ending tho😭
+1HELL YES! this was easily my favorite Ghibli movie, and i loved the opening scene. fantastic work
+1AAYYYYYYY!!! another fellow tailsitter enjoyer! the american convoy fighters were my favorite never built planes. (plus yours is much better than mine)
+1@IndiaHotel unfortunately i can't upvote my own build, so i cant tell if the button is normally there or not, but there should be an "Upvote" Button under the orthographic pictures.
+1finally... the PISS VIXEN
+1Arwing my beloved
+1i... how??? WHAT THE HELL?! this is nuts. seriously impressive.
+1wow... just wow. the fact this is possible in Simpleplanes is nothing short of wizardry... also a Quadriplane so you get bonus points. this is the only plane i have ever upvoted here, well done sir!
+1the cockpit reminds me a bit like a Boeing Stratoliner because of the round front...
+1This some Man-from-Taured alternate history stuff right here...
+1Non-Line of Sight Missiles seem like a really interesting Concept.
+1Guarantee that it's a 1-off Mockup that's not flown yet for propaganda reasons, but cool model.
+1i like the realism with the weight, a good amount of VTOL fighters IRL couldn't take off vertically with a full load.
+1@PyrrhaNikos likely would have been airlaunched or would have taken off vertically.
+1this is a cursed frankenplane of US naval fighters... I LOVE IT!!
+1it's an An-22 with a PHAT ASS
+1to anyone going on bigass rants in this comment section.
+1We all respond with "ok"
this is a real nice build, as an aviation nut, i LOVE it when the more obscure stuff get a spotlight, even if it's just for a few minutes.
+1it's really cool what people can do with VR, First Gmod VR, then a working frame. real nice.
+1J21W Bis-Shin
@BMilan bote
way better than my current builds lol, very nicely done
dat boi cosplaying as a Hawker Hurricane
you think the UPS and the FedEx pilots dogfight eachother?
I'd like to make a special request for Craig, the plane that's got the name of an oldmate!