@PapaKernels Damn, you kinda got me there, but its partially your fault. The first one was from a webm, a video of an acrobatics team with T-6s, then I went and took out blueprint didn't start making it until yours came out.
@TwistedWarshipDude Base design is on the 1st revision of an old build, kept the nose to stay on the original design, but granted on the 2nd revision, it will be changed.
Wow, FlyOut looks promising as hell. Thanks for the heads up on that. Shame you have to leave the community, this beautiful send off should be enough to get you remembered.
Kind of a nuisance but something quite minor to even worry about, still it's nice that you show some of us the extra bits we could tamper with in SP. Much appreciated.
@AsteroidAsteroidTheBook I'm using cockpit blocks though, a little easier than pulling out my hairs trying to nudge and make subtle adjustments.
@Kangy yes
+1People hardly getting in due to anonymousity and not getting noticed, the game prolly dying, school, work, the like.
@WiiMini Yay free advertisement. Thanks a lot man
@WiiMini Got it
Hmm I had planned on making something like This.. Using my old Crusader as a template.
+1@PapaKernels Still glad you appreciated it.
@PapaKernels I never had accuracy in mind while building, making it fly well enough posed more of a concern. The weapons was more free rein.
@PapaKernels Damn, you kinda got me there, but its partially your fault. The first one was from a webm, a video of an acrobatics team with T-6s, then I went and took out blueprint didn't start making it until yours came out.
Honestly I first planned of using the Flying Lions livery for this but I kind of not felt like doing it.
You guys are way early and ahead of us
@TwistedWarshipDude Base design is on the 1st revision of an old build, kept the nose to stay on the original design, but granted on the 2nd revision, it will be changed.
@TwistedWarshipDude @Fungus
There's more to it, that's assured.
A little janky for the moment, but it'll be up soon. Minor additions and all.
@TwistedWarshipDude Yup, A teaser.
Wow, FlyOut looks promising as hell. Thanks for the heads up on that. Shame you have to leave the community, this beautiful send off should be enough to get you remembered.
+1Great, now let's go find an Ewok to roadkill.
+4Ballsy suggestion
@WolfSpark First build to feature the sound generator is rick roll. Just a prediction
@ApolloFujiwara lol
+1@MikoyanGorevich21 less is good, be conservative.. Pls upvote.
@SuperRoto Sorta looks cheap.. Maybe up the price a bit, it shouldn't be that cheap, unless it had a bit of history..
Not an expert or anything but isnt it a bit cheap for a barge that big
@Imtiaak It was amongst my first three builds I uploaded in SP three months ago and only now improved much of it..
Here it is
Oh cool, dope place you got here
Boys!! Don't simp.
@DoingStuffMaybe go look at custom missiles from past from posts, it should be a quick google search.
Silvercup.. Nice
It's a bit dry, here's some updoot.
+2@Northsoutheastthrop Alas blissful rewards are not gain through hard efforts but of whims
+1@Northsoutheastthrop I know, this just too good.
Kind of a nuisance but something quite minor to even worry about, still it's nice that you show some of us the extra bits we could tamper with in SP. Much appreciated.
+2Holy F%£@!!! This is an abomination.. I love it
Just honestly needs more details
+4Karen: Does it produce cancer?
@RomanTorchwick thanks
@russianspy thanks mate
+1@Ande1steve5 Wait till you see the interior
@APilotOfPlanes Care if I join in?
@AssamAssamTheManuh Much appreciated.
Needs weapons
+1@Jdlarkspur r/woosh
@Jdlarkspur Didn't you finish the video all the way through?
@FishMiner You'd still be fined £3.54 for unlicensed operation of firearms.
+7@Ande1steve5 I already made one but granted it doesn't fly too well
Your efforts here is just astonishing, bravo mate.
@TheOneTrueTrollYT But mod though