825 AceWorks Comments

  • IA Raycaster: Bricks 2.6 years ago

    Simpleplanes started as making planes to literally computer programming and DCS flight sim

  • Malaria - Fast Attack Craft 4.1 years ago

    While indonesia gets beaten by a tsunami let's take a look at his little brother more to the North

  • Weapons Bay Fuselage 4.6 years ago

    Can you add rear bay door?

  • SPVR Update - Control Base 3.5 years ago

    For spvr players it's a great way to control planes but for normal simpleplanes PC and Mobile I'll be a nice touch to detail and less lag for mobile players (like me) with this update it could revolutionazed the creativity of this community

    Also @AndrewGarrison can you add tracks and make it less laggy since the update didn't dropped yet? if you couldn't you can add it on the next update after this

  • Cake Air Force (Cake plane) 4.7 years ago

    Wait...it's all just a hyper realistic cake!?

  • [CONTINUED] Wolfy's AI Rotorcraft ASAP Collection 2.7 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 will you make Sb-1 defiant X and Raider X also bell 360 too?

  • War challenge [CLOSED] 2.7 years ago

    @Yourlocalhuman idk the krakabolans is already surrendering so I guess there's no reason to nuke em besides they could be a potential ally in future conflicts

  • Classic Eggman 2.8 years ago

    I've come to make an announcement

  • The Wok 3.4 years ago

    Man I see this everytime it's Hari Raya or a relative arrange their wedding at my house good times

  • McDonnell Douglas JSF 3.4 years ago

    How do you put image in the description box?

  • R.O.F.L.copter 3.4 years ago

    The ROFL copter goes swoswoswoswo

  • F9G-3C Mustang 1.5 years ago

    I thought of a naval variant of the p-51 mustang some time ago and this is pretty much how I imagine I'll look like

  • AI Rotorcraft ASAP - Invictus 1.6 years ago


  • War Challenge: Desert Storm [Closed] 2.5 years ago

    Operation Blackout

    the objective is simple,search and destroy 3 possible Sam sites within the enemy lines to make it easy for our pilots to establish air superiority within the enemy airspace.
    The operation would take place on the dead of night where five RAH-23s from the Griffon squadron would take off from a FOB in Velyek and head west towards the enemy position,armed with 8x Adra-M atgm the team would fly low to the ground to avoid radar detection.
    friendly units within the AO
    -Scorpion Squadron(Backup Team)
    Hostile units within the AO
    -Maywar air petrols(ah-1Ws)
    -SPAA units

  • IA Raycasting Demo 2.6 years ago

    does this mean we could make a DOS styled games on simpleplanes now?

  • War challenge: 1917 (closed) 2.6 years ago

    even though the berlingschon manage to defeat the Marineon forces during battle of the Wright island,it won't take long before the island goes unoccupied again after the Federation of Pivolishk invaded the Berlingschon empire,which forced all of their forces in Wright island to go back to their homeland to defend it leaving fully built port and airbase pretty much intact and when the Marineon empire See's this,they immediately capture the island and put plenty of defences around the island just in case the Berlingschon tries to get it back which never happened.

  • [CONTINUED] Wolfy's AI Rotorcraft ASAP Collection 2.7 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 ok,but you might want to look at latest images of the 360 Invictus cause they changed the tail rotor from fenestron to conventional open tail rotor configuration

  • Another? 2.7 years ago

    I would say yes but that doesn't mean you should,like you could ask other users to do it

  • F-41A Shadow 2.7 years ago

    @Yourlocalhuman well...it's more of a boom & zoom type fighting aircraft not a dogfighter but if it get outmeneuvered by an enemy aircraft it could simply outrun them but anyway you could tell me what I should do to make the aircraft better also I based this aircraft after YF-12 which explains the slow meneuvering

  • War challenge II [Closed] 2.7 years ago

    @Yourlocalhuman first prototype of the DOAS program has been made by ThunderDynamics aircraft company.

  • NW-4A 2.7 years ago

    It's like my F-2 but cooler and clean
    Gotta start improve my build skills

  • War challenge [CLOSED] 2.7 years ago

    @ZeroWithSlashedO well...Snowstone has been real quiet during the Wright - krakabola conflict I assume they had some plans and the reason I know the aircraft that observe the explosions it's because I had deploy my spy units on Snowstone to find out the reason they being quiet,I've haven't heard anything from them ever since the war ended

  • War challenge [CLOSED] 2.7 years ago

    @Panzerwaifu69 no it's not

  • War challenge [CLOSED] 2.7 years ago

    Anyway,it's been a fun challenge hopefully there's will be more of this [ENTER_COLDWAR]

  • War challenge [CLOSED] 2.7 years ago

    Welp,seems the JF-1 won't seeing any action for a while...

  • Haunebu III 2.7 years ago

    @CharlesDeGaulle so any modern missile system could shoot it down,thanks for the explanation

  • Haunebu III 2.7 years ago

    @CharlesDeGaulle Interesting,this haunebu and vrils are practically obsolete in terms of armaments but if they use it correctly it might be effective but by the time they use it for world domination allied laser,radar and tracking system might have matured enough to be deployed almost around the globe with minimal cost

  • Haunebu III 2.7 years ago

    the haunebu and vrils are outmatched in terms of maneuverability but it still uses projectile based weaponry which is useless during literal faster than light flight and if it faced squadron of 5th or 6th gen fighters with missiles and laser pods I wonder what the fight would looked liked

  • A Flying Pulpen 2.8 years ago

    i could totally relate this

  • Cursed Landing Gear 2.8 years ago

    Now that's some complex stuff

  • RAH-66 Comanche 3.1 years ago

    At last. A modern raplica of the Comanche with today's simpleplanes parts

  • Warpath IS-152mm Defense of Kraklaboa ??????!! (Tomarrow Download) 3.2 years ago

    Warpath(kv-2) vs brawl(king tiger)

  • Stealth body - helicopter (free) 3.3 years ago

    We need more stealth helicopter on this community website we just need more

  • Ankha Zone~ 3.3 years ago

    Alright here's is something that I want to let you know
    1:I ain't scared of no sussy memes
    2:I am scared
    And lastly 3!

    She haunts me in my dreams.....
    HELP ME!

  • Auto targeting turret? 3.4 years ago

    @232287168147825 hey man can you help me with my turret? I wasn't really good at funky tree stuff so yeah can you help me making it auto targeting?
    Here's the commands


    Old help

  • Bell UH-1D Huey Gunship 3.7 years ago

    @Monday I meant like planes with mod parts

  • Bell UH-1D Huey Gunship 3.7 years ago

    @Monday you know mods like weapons custom designer background something like that

  • Bell UH-1D Huey Gunship 3.7 years ago

    @Monday also one question how do I upload planes with mods?

  • Bell UH-1D Huey Gunship 3.7 years ago

    @Monday ok thanks btw what website is that?

  • Bell UH-1D Huey Gunship 3.7 years ago

    @Monday thank you for the explanation but I still couldn't understand how to do it could you make a little video tutorial?

  • Bell UH-1D Huey Gunship 3.7 years ago

    How you make aircraft description like that I have wondering how everyone do that for like.years and I'm using a mobile version

  • Digdaya Main Battle Tank 3.9 years ago

    I see an indonesian version of pt-93 pendekar

  • FA-24A Tigercat 4.2 years ago

    Can you made a rah-66 and ah-64e hybrid?

  • F-35A Lightning 4.6 years ago

    @Homemade1 or you can make me a whole helicopter fuselage with internal bays(the pylons will be fixed forward) and cockpit interior then I will do the rest of the job I will featured you in once I've finished if you didn't mind...

  • Schiffsabwehrraketen Abwehrsystem 4.7 years ago

    Hey can you make your next build this:skdjfbxnskkisjdhdhrhfhsiwjhdhfjxienrbfjxiheheFregan

  • Cake Air Force (Cake plane) 4.7 years ago

    @Uchanka wait isn't guns don't suppose to work in space? And WHERE IS THE SPACESHIP!?

  • RAH-66 Comanche Teaser 1.6 years ago


  • Mobile Sale 1.7 years ago

    Simpleplanes hasn't got any update for a while now,you guys still planning an update for it?

  • War Challenge: The return of the evil (CLOSED) 2.1 years ago

    does anyone thought of light carrier with submarine capabilities? Could really aid us with the upcoming landing operation