@jokopuryono ini termasuk cyber crime lho jangan bohong, kalo anda polisi dan mengancam menggunakan jabatan atau pekerjaan anda untuk mengancam orang yang tidak bersalah, anda bisa di pecat dari pekerjaan anda.
kita juga bisa laporin amd ke Polisi biar di tindak lanjuti :)
@LunarEclipseSP you can check it by yourself, one of the most noticeable features of this tank is the hull using a fuselage inlet and not a normal fuselage since it was made before normal fuselages were able to be slanted or angled at one side and the gun port, back turret plate, and the cooling fan design immediately ring a bell to me. And the final confirmation to me is the way the side back for the hook thingy that was made very roughly if viewed in X-ray mode.
I'm not trying to be mean or anything it just makes me furious when I make those tanks for days and yet the re-uploader got more upvotes or even equal to the original one, I mean if they modified it by adding fancy funky trees and other quality of life improvements to my tank it will also take a while, and don't get me wrong I still forgive the re-uploader if they forgot who is the original maker of those tanks.
@TheUltimatePlaneLover that's my tiger tank if anybody even realize, I don't know what happened but so many people reup my old tanks without it being a successors. Yet no tags from the re-uploader
▪︎Kategori: Replica= 10 (kurang mirip dan agak cursed di bagian turret ring nya yang offset.)
▪︎Kontrol: 10 (kontrol udah nyaman tapi kecepatan nya terlalu berlebihan tidak sesuai dengan kategori dan di dunia nyata.)
▪︎Part's and scale: 25 (parts nya udah sedikit dan lumayan detail, tapi ukurannya terlalu berlebihan untuk sebuah replica.)
▪︎Interior: 0
▪︎Totals: 65/100
Nice job tapi banyak note yang harus di ingat untuk build selanjutnya di masa depan. Oh iya tips aja,kalo pengen bikin land craft lagi, drag points di bikin 0 aja biar bisa muat lebih banyak parts lagi.
@jokopuryono dari perkataan anda sudah jelas sekali bahwa anda berbohong, tidak ada bukti yang jelas. saksi nya hanya satu orang sedangkan AnIndonesianguy mempunyai bukti yang kuat dan jelas dan memiliki banyak saksi
nice house for bombing target
+9@jokopuryono ini termasuk cyber crime lho jangan bohong, kalo anda polisi dan mengancam menggunakan jabatan atau pekerjaan anda untuk mengancam orang yang tidak bersalah, anda bisa di pecat dari pekerjaan anda.
kita juga bisa laporin amd ke Polisi biar di tindak lanjuti :)
+7@Kavazano np
+3@LunarEclipseSP you can check it by yourself, one of the most noticeable features of this tank is the hull using a fuselage inlet and not a normal fuselage since it was made before normal fuselages were able to be slanted or angled at one side and the gun port, back turret plate, and the cooling fan design immediately ring a bell to me. And the final confirmation to me is the way the side back for the hook thingy that was made very roughly if viewed in X-ray mode.
+2no ice
+2it's not a pigpen anymore
+2@TirpitzWantsPlanes sure
+2don't forget to upvote if you like my creation;)
+2I'm not trying to be mean or anything it just makes me furious when I make those tanks for days and yet the re-uploader got more upvotes or even equal to the original one, I mean if they modified it by adding fancy funky trees and other quality of life improvements to my tank it will also take a while, and don't get me wrong I still forgive the re-uploader if they forgot who is the original maker of those tanks.
+1@TheUltimatePlaneLover that's my tiger tank if anybody even realize, I don't know what happened but so many people reup my old tanks without it being a successors. Yet no tags from the re-uploader
+1That tank looks oddly familiar, I wonder
+1@Sakorsky yeah sure
+1Can it beat goku?
+1@Player5e chat di discord aja nanti tak kirimin link
+1Gw telanjangin tank lu 😈
+1@Dacquoise thx
+1@BogdanX thx for the suggestions
+1@KK2 👍
+1▪︎Bentuk: 20 (FSV)
▪︎Kategori: Replica= 10 (kurang mirip dan agak cursed di bagian turret ring nya yang offset.)
▪︎Kontrol: 10 (kontrol udah nyaman tapi kecepatan nya terlalu berlebihan tidak sesuai dengan kategori dan di dunia nyata.)
▪︎Part's and scale: 25 (parts nya udah sedikit dan lumayan detail, tapi ukurannya terlalu berlebihan untuk sebuah replica.)
▪︎Interior: 0
▪︎Totals: 65/100
Nice job tapi banyak note yang harus di ingat untuk build selanjutnya di masa depan. Oh iya tips aja,kalo pengen bikin land craft lagi, drag points di bikin 0 aja biar bisa muat lebih banyak parts lagi.
+1Time to try and torture it
+1@Vincent repost without giving credit to the original craft and block the creator of the craft
Sorry for ping you
+1Which variation is this?, looks very off
+1@LieutenantSOT no problem👌
+1@Darg12e yeah it's an Easter egg
+1@Ghostzz it's actually my next project,so stay tuned
+1@SLSD thx
+1@katyusha4002 sorry no
+1@tarikGR thx
+1First 🗿
+1Press "F" to pay respect
+1one word, cute
+1my favorite plane
+1for the first time I win a challenge
@jokopuryono dari perkataan anda sudah jelas sekali bahwa anda berbohong, tidak ada bukti yang jelas. saksi nya hanya satu orang sedangkan AnIndonesianguy mempunyai bukti yang kuat dan jelas dan memiliki banyak saksi
+1@hRmm thanks
+1beter turn this F-16 into F-16 EMLU
+1I'm gonna slap that download button
+1i like this
+1AGG-10 egghawk
+1@IndManufacturer 👍