▪︎Kategori: Replica= 10 (kurang mirip dan agak cursed di bagian turret ring nya yang offset.)
▪︎Kontrol: 10 (kontrol udah nyaman tapi kecepatan nya terlalu berlebihan tidak sesuai dengan kategori dan di dunia nyata.)
▪︎Part's and scale: 25 (parts nya udah sedikit dan lumayan detail, tapi ukurannya terlalu berlebihan untuk sebuah replica.)
▪︎Interior: 0
▪︎Totals: 65/100
Nice job tapi banyak note yang harus di ingat untuk build selanjutnya di masa depan. Oh iya tips aja,kalo pengen bikin land craft lagi, drag points di bikin 0 aja biar bisa muat lebih banyak parts lagi.
After drop the bomb don't turn around or loitering in the area or try to gain more altitude just fly straight after drop the bomb just like in real life
Hate speech
@Sakorsky yeah sure
+1Can it beat goku?
+1@Player5e chat di discord aja nanti tak kirimin link
+1Remind me of the Call of duty 2:the big red one B-24 mission
Welcome back my brother 😁
@ErikaMaid bodo
@DatMaluchGuy19 thx
Kangen 😫
@Noob101 yeah sure
Gw telanjangin tank lu 😈
+1@AndrewGarrison it works now
@AndrewGarrison Samsung galaxy A02s (android 12)
@GuianLorenzo I'm not the only one I guess
Saya sepuh dan saya bangga
-sun zu
@Salah001 oh wow I didn't know it will be this popular, thx for remind me btw ;)
@Zamanayt sure
@Zamanayt sure
@Unoorrr read the manual
@Dacquoise thx
+1@BogdanX thx for the suggestions
+1I'm back :)
It's been a while since the last time i upload
@Planebuilder2122 yeah sure
@KK2 👍
+1▪︎Bentuk: 20 (FSV)
▪︎Kategori: Replica= 10 (kurang mirip dan agak cursed di bagian turret ring nya yang offset.)
▪︎Kontrol: 10 (kontrol udah nyaman tapi kecepatan nya terlalu berlebihan tidak sesuai dengan kategori dan di dunia nyata.)
▪︎Part's and scale: 25 (parts nya udah sedikit dan lumayan detail, tapi ukurannya terlalu berlebihan untuk sebuah replica.)
▪︎Interior: 0
▪︎Totals: 65/100
Nice job tapi banyak note yang harus di ingat untuk build selanjutnya di masa depan. Oh iya tips aja,kalo pengen bikin land craft lagi, drag points di bikin 0 aja biar bisa muat lebih banyak parts lagi.
+1Time to try and torture it
+1@SWISS0O1 did you already press the activation group 1?
@Vincent repost without giving credit to the original craft and block the creator of the craft
Sorry for ping you
+1Which variation is this?, looks very off
+1After drop the bomb don't turn around or loitering in the area or try to gain more altitude just fly straight after drop the bomb just like in real life
If you turn around after you drop the bomb, you dead
So people fly at 10000ft instead of 34000ft
If you use imperial fly at 34000ft, if you use matric fly at 10000m.
Sometimes people mistook the matric as imperial
Or 34000ft?
@JakeTheAviationTeen did you fly at 10000m?
@X4JB yes
@X4JB it was M4A3 with small hatch hull
@LieutenantSOT no problem👌
+1@Tankmakerblitz sure
Haha first
@Kavazano np
+3I have a question for you,are you made this tank from zero?.