Hello i just wanted to ask if this mod was available on Simple Planes v1.12.128.0 please answer if you can
@goboygo1 Thank you that worked, i have to building my ka-50 (a simple one made out of blocks) and i really wanted to do what a ka-50 really does so i can tag you when i upload it so you can see
It looks like the he-162, anyway nice build
Nice build, man!
@Minnigunner Thanks man
@Vincenzo53ita Sì, potresti anche farlo tu, sempre ricordarsi di taggare il creatore dopo però
@brians1209 Yes, if you want i can help you at any moment for building one
Very cool plane to fly on pc, very very good
Very cool plane but it's missing some parts...
Hello i just wanted to ask if this mod was available on Simple Planes v1.12.128.0 please answer if you can
+3@goboygo1 Thank you that worked, i have to building my ka-50 (a simple one made out of blocks) and i really wanted to do what a ka-50 really does so i can tag you when i upload it so you can see
It looks like the he-162, anyway nice build
Nice build, man!
@Minnigunner Thanks man
@Vincenzo53ita Sì, potresti anche farlo tu, sempre ricordarsi di taggare il creatore dopo però
@brians1209 Yes, if you want i can help you at any moment for building one
Very cool plane to fly on pc, very very good
Very cool plane but it's missing some parts...