Guyfolk , I'm having difficulty making a flap limiter using G force, could you help me? My Gripen flies well, however, I would like to limit his maneuvers
@MDDJB I understand it's hard hahahaha I made 4 planes until I got to this one. makes it simple like mine. I saw players who didn't put in landing gear, this already saves 3 parts
hora de fazer um frete guri
@GabeT <3
Sp 2
I give up hahahaha this plane is too small and cramped, mine was square, I changed the fuselage a lot, it looked like a Cessna 152
I'll try, I haven't made small planes in a while
he can ?
Can I make one based on this?
@Empanadinho o que acha ?
@Empanadim obrigado por sempre me apoiar, agora vá a merda
Guyfolk , I'm having difficulty making a flap limiter using G force, could you help me? My Gripen flies well, however, I would like to limit his maneuvers
@Gabriel747 24 999183289
@Gabriel747 quero po
arthur rj
aumenta a aderencia do pneu e diminui a potencia do motor
ele pode transportar meus jatos ?
@Titaninfernal1 kkkkkkkkkkkk
@OPaiTaOn kkkkkkkkk esse nao vale
@Empanadim vou comprar 2 pra gente fazer racha
I liked this bus, I want to order for my company
@AeroBuddy ai sim heim
@Empanadim ta no forno ja
cool, just needed to scroll faster
@BRAZUCA valeu mano !!!
gostaria de encomendar 8 desses, qual é o valor a unidade ?
@Arthuur mandou*
@Empanadim mamou sim mano eu te falei
@Titaninfernal1 calma mano kkkkkkkkkk é so um apelido que te dei
@Titaninferna borracha
@XAircraftManufacturer thank you very much my dear friend
@MDDJB I understand it's hard hahahaha I made 4 planes until I got to this one. makes it simple like mine. I saw players who didn't put in landing gear, this already saves 3 parts
@Empanadim kkkkkkkkkk nao tinha testado acho que vou fazer outro com asas assim.....avioes de guerra tem asas simetricas eu acho
@MDDJB thanks man, your last plane was awesome !!!
@Empanadim porra, o olho ate enche de suor
@Empanadinho aprecie 1 semana de trabalhos com asa em delta
@WinsWings ok
@Dragorans sacanagem viu
@Empanadim tambem to com sua conta no wot
@Empanadim se liga que o pai ta treinado nas asas em delta
borracha mano
@Titaninferna sou eu arthurplayer carai mudei de nome
@Titaninferna kkkkkkkkk pq tu me respondeu em ingles kkkkkkkkkkk
gostei da manobra
heheh ve meu video no youtube
@LUIZWORLD eu tambem man
@AeroAeroTheMen valeu man !!!
@Empanadim to pensando nisso se o video se sair bem óoo senhor fantasma do site