142 AstroMagician22 Comments

  • My First AirPlane 9.1 years ago

    Use a jet engine is how to make a jet but nice job

  • Thrust SSC (modded) 9.1 years ago

    @iceman modding is easy all you have to do is download a plane and make it better.

  • AG-30 Imperial Star Destroyer 9.2 years ago

    This is bull crap....... It's an exact replica and should be removed from the website you did absolutely nothing. Except add cannons

  • McDonnell Douglas F/A 18 9.9 years ago

    There are no words to describe this airplane! Great job.

  • Gta-5 cuban 9.9 years ago

    This is a bull sh*t copy off of Authors Cessna 471 Golden eagle you did nothing and I want to see you make something yourself.

  • Fun Prop Plane 9.9 years ago

    Sounds good you can keep me updated through this little chat let me know when you have completed it. Can't wait to see it! @TheDocHoliday

  • Fun Prop Plane 10.0 years ago

    Awesome and I don't even know why. Super fun but a tad bit too nose heavy.

  • Flying pipe 10.0 years ago


  • Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor II 10.0 years ago

    Found out your problem! I know I'm not as expierienced as you in this but when I read all the comments I noticed you needed help finding out what made your plane turn to the left. So when I downloaded it I looked at the col/com/cot and realized that the center of lift (col) wasn't in the center of the plane. That appeared on mine anyway but may not show on yours.

  • 4 10.0 years ago

    Great work! I must congratulate but perhaps the next one can be a bit smaller because even on my iPad it still lags the most any vehicle has ever but still great work!!

  • F-22 Raptor 10.0 years ago

    I did that for stability not speed but thans for the tips @Allstarship

  • P-38 lightning 10.0 years ago

    Thanks for the tips I will make a new one and maybe you will like it better.

  • Ultimate starship 10.0 years ago

    Sorry forgot to put that please rate higher I did make a few minor modifications.