4,729 Atoka220 Comments

  • SP Extra bugs and suggestions here! 3.5 years ago

    I tried to use the light parts from SP extra and they seem to bug out a lot
    I wanted to put some actual ligths on my ship, but even just using 2 makes the lights glitch out and not show up at all, or just barely emitting something
    Is it a graphics setting or what could be wrong?

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    I mainly want actual lights that project or emit light
    They'd be great for landing lights, headlights, ship exteriors, cockpit lights and all that stuff
    The mod ones are pretty buggy

  • SPVR Update - Gauges 3.5 years ago

    Now this is really cool holy cow
    And what about actual lights like in SR2?
    We'd really take good use of them for landing lights, headlights and lighting up our ships hehe

  • Ocean 3.5 years ago

    I checked again and I was wrong, it's only 0 and 1
    Thanks for your answers, I'll continue fiddling around until that
    Also noticed the wakes spawn under the cockpit right? Just so I can set accordingly

  • Ocean 3.5 years ago

    I played around and managed to find it really hardly (the cockpit is at 16m and still works)
    It's just too little for my 215m long oceanic to even notice lol
    Am I missing something or the wake height can really only be 1?
    I saw your video and it seemed much larger
    For the bouncing I tried to set the waves and buoyancy and it kinda solved it

  • Ocean 3.5 years ago

    Hey Gest'
    I saw your comment about the Wake sliders and stuff but I have never managed to make them happen with any of my ships
    Are the slider's numbers in meters?
    Or perhaps my cockpit is just too high up? (i build early 20th century ocean liners)
    Also my ships keep bouncing even with the launch and thruster parts on them (with calm seas as well) and they are slower by some 5-10 km/h

  • USS Oklahoma (BB-37) 3.5 years ago

    Fuh ember te aztán odatetted magad
    Az életbe nem fogja elvinni a gépem, de nesze egy upvote :D
    Hihetetlen munka

  • RMS Oceanic (Original) 3.5 years ago

    Set mass scale to 0 on the largest parts, like hull and superstructure, so locomotion won't be a hard job to solve, I learnt it the hard way. My rawalpindi weighs 705 tons, accelerates slowly and has huge momentum like a real ship. This one is only nearly 15 tons and moves very lightly and while not realistic, it is fun for SP.

    I use jet engines to propel the ship and gyros to turn it and add stability. And to weight it down and make sure it floats, I hide 4 fuselage blocks with max dead weight and buoyancy just inside the hull on both sides each end of the ship's widest point on the waterline. Also worth setting max buoyancy on the hull above the waterline but not below

    This is how I build ships. The other are just pure cosmetics (including the propellers and turning rudder)

  • RMS Oceanic (Original) 3.5 years ago

    @aerodummy here is da ship

    @ACEPILOT109 Seems like I won't be able to, at least for now, sorry buddy
    Can't find any blueprints even after hours of looking. Also building such curved bow for modern ships are beyond my knowledge yet

  • How it feels taking your new ship on her maiden voyage 3.5 years ago

    As the first line says, I used photoshop if you mean the ship wake
    The actual waves are from Gestour's Ocean mod. Tho looking at it's settings, it's supposed to simulate ship wake or I don't know what that is, cause it doesn't work lol

  • RMS Oceanic (Original) 3.5 years ago

    Thank you guys, I hope you like it, I really find it beautiful
    Also I think adding a bridge view with animated helm and telegraphs was a good idea, it really feels like I'm turning a ship like that lol
    (Again, all credits go to @MegaFox for that)

    @ACEPILOT109 If it's an early 20th century liner, passenger or cargo ship, then probably (considering part count and size). But old sail ships modern ships and warships are a no-no for me. I don't like them and they have too much details for my pc to handle

    Also i build very slowly in my little free time and I'm lazy too lol
    This ship took me 2 weeks while I built the carpathia on just a weekend lol

  • "Hello World"???? 3.6 years ago

    @oan124 But can we shorten it for F-Art?

  • Ceremonial ship launching 3.6 years ago

    Okay, this is just pure awesome lol

  • LNG Tanker 3.6 years ago

    That part count is impressive

  • what should be my first plane? 3.6 years ago


  • Generic 40's German cruise ship 3.6 years ago

    Not just mobile
    Even my pc lags at my 1200 part arcona and the side is hot from the cpu while fans running on the highest rpm they can physically achieve lol
    And then there's Feanor with his astonishing ships with part counts even reaching almost 9000 lol

  • Generic 40's German cruise ship 3.6 years ago

    It gave me the idea
    It would be nice to build but it would probably have a part count somewhere near 2000 lol

  • RMS Carpathia 3.6 years ago

    Yea, but she was already having her final rest on the bottom by the time Carpathia arrived
    But you should do it
    My game would definitely crash before I get to set them up for a screen :D

  • Some stunning ship screens and questions 3.6 years ago

    @Someoneelse With the mod you can decrease buoyancy
    Without the mod you can play around with parts' buoyancy and see what looks best
    And then you can maybe add some superbuoyant blocks on some detachers so you can sink it when you want to
    I may actually try it sometime lol

  • Some stunning ship screens and questions 3.6 years ago

    @BMilan Yes, that's what I do
    Sometimes it gets fixed but mostly i have to keep doing it for like 2-3 mins til it stops lol
    Also noticed that it seems to happen when the computer is overloaded (loading stuff, looking at something laggy) that's why I was suspicious
    I'll experiment around and see

    Szerk.: Ja várj, hogy te is magyar vagy lol

  • RMS Carpathia 3.6 years ago

    @realSavageMan Ah so you have a pretty titanic lifeboat
    Included a screen with it if you dont mind c:

  • Im very tired at building and so....... 3.6 years ago

    Lusitania and Titanic in a draw for me
    But if I had to choose, probably Titanic (and the whole Olympic class)

  • Thank You For Silver! 3.6 years ago

    Thanks guys
    I have to stay at smaller, simpler, low part count ships for now cause my pc whines above 600 parts and melts down over 1000 lol
    But at least I found something that I can be good at in SP and it's also a good way to spend my time
    Also these early 20th century liners are a piece of my heart so I'll most likely build these kind of ships

  • RMS Carpathia 3.6 years ago

    Holy hell guys, thank you
    I just checked on the forum since yesterday and came back as silver with a ton of notifications lol
    Glad you like it. I could add a bit more details, but my computer was already screaming to stop

  • Wreck Exploration - RMS Titanic 3.6 years ago

    I like the attention to detail, as it's stated that her middle screw was also 3 bladed
    And that part count is impressive damn

  • a i r 3.6 years ago

    I love how still there are 32 downloads currently lol

  • a i r 3.6 years ago

    Wait that's illegal

  • New tag for custom-built, highly detailed cockpits 3.6 years ago

    @CRATE52PART2 There are mods for that already

  • Another ship sinking blooper 3.6 years ago

    Btw no, this doesn't even remotely remind me of Britannic ahh, what did you think?

  • RMS Carpathia 3.6 years ago

    Turns out I somehow accidentally left a random block on the bridge starboard side...
    Just delete it and forget it
    I dunno how it got there for real lol...

  • A X general cargo vessel 3.7 years ago

    My gawd she's beautiful
    Wish my pc wouldnt burn down above 1000 parts lol

  • SS Rawalpindi 3.7 years ago

    Thanks Mini, and for the appreciation already guys
    Noticed that she drifts after a turn for a bit and has some minor flaws after some sailing but hey, this is my first ship and I only learned by examining downloaded ships and some minor forum scratching.
    Glad you like it

  • Some ship questions (SOLVED) 3.7 years ago

    Solved it by moving the props higher
    Looks a bit dumb, but hey it works

  • Some ship questions (SOLVED) 3.7 years ago

    I seem like I got the stability right
    Added max dead weight to the buoyant blocks inside and a little bit more power to the gyro and seems fine.

    Haven't tought about scaling the props, thanks
    I'll keep trying cause I wanna publish her before the weekend, now she's fully ready, just need to solve the propblem (dat pun)

  • Ship building blooper, and WIP ship build 3.7 years ago

    lmao yea
    It was really immersive how slowly it sank with a tiny little list lol

  • SS Cap Arcona ocean liner 3.7 years ago

    Ah sweet
    I know some these drawings from Floating Sandbox lol
    Also just found pics for her plans with a top view as well

  • How to make ship paddles rotate? 3.7 years ago

    Ok, I'll keep trying and experimenting then, thanks bud'

  • How to make ship paddles rotate? 3.7 years ago

    @edensk Doesn't work still
    I increased it all the way to 1000. Should i set speed and range? (shouldn't matter if it's infinite tho)

  • How to make ship paddles rotate? 3.7 years ago

    @ExiledKristen I'm talking about the paddlewheel not the rudder. I already did that as i said in the post

    I'll try it edensk, thanks. I found a different code that didn't work

  • P.S. Seeandbee 3.7 years ago

    When i see a nice ship with low part count, i download
    Btw she's a P.S. (paddle steamer)

  • DShK Technical 3.7 years ago

    @TheNightmareCompany Don't forget the massive 1215 parts lol

  • RMS Lusitania (Version 1915) 3.7 years ago

    I love these low part count yet beautiful ship builds
    Do you have any future plans? I wanna see more

  • RMS Mauretania 3.7 years ago

    Great job on the controls, very easy and fun
    And also beautiful job by Thanadol

    And for the many circular scoop vents
    I like them, they're kind of cute lol

  • amogus 3.7 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 "Oh, looks simple" -checks part count- FIFTEEN HUNDRED

  • RMS TITANIC 3.8 years ago

    "And where the sailors are"
    If I'm correct it's called the accomodation area

  • Is it possible to make props look like this? 3.8 years ago

    Yea, so the question still remains

  • Level bombing beats SAM technology (and some other stuff) 3.8 years ago

    I do, but I use HSFX7 instead

  • Is it possible to make props look like this? 3.8 years ago

    Yes, i tought about that as well
    I just want it permanent while not making planes look dumb
    Honestly i love it so much i can just fly and watch that perfectly clear prop without doing really anything lol

  • Level bombing beats SAM technology (and some other stuff) 3.8 years ago

    Made by An2Felllla as well, it's clickable
