474 AvantRevaty

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AvantRevaty - The SimplePlanes Railways

I'm an YouTuber, which is posting the video about SimplePlanes Railway System in Japanese.

Main Content:

LibertyAtorie Transports:Railway System

This Series includes High-Speed Train, Commuter Train, Locomotives and Freight-car, which is used Classic or Modern railway transport.


Sorted by scale:

SINGLE Series: This series is designed as "Standalone", which means Refers to a device where all functions can be used by simply downloading one piece of aircraft data.
MULTI Series: This series differs from the "SINGLE series" in that you need to download multiple aircraft and connect them on the map, but you can express dynamic trains with longer formations.

Sorted by purpose:

RAILSTAR Series: This train series includes trains and passenger cars used for sleeper trains that travel long distances at night.
INTERCITY-XXX Series: This series, which includes the maximum speed (km/h) in the XXX part, is for high-speed trains such as Shinkansen, TGV, and ICE with a maximum speed of over 250 km/h.
INTERCITY Series: This series, which does not include numbers in the train name, was created for the purpose of being used as an intercity express train on general railway lines at high speeds(160~250km/h).
COMMUTER Series: This series includes commuter trains, intended for mass transit in urban areas.
UNIVERSAL Series: This series is for fast trains that cover long distances but offer cheaper services.
FREIGHT Series: As the name suggests, this series is a freight car for railway freight transportation.

Trains(or something else) planned for distribution:

  • SINGLE: INTERCITY Novem-Pendular: Same as "Novem", but another type of passenger car
  • ~~SINGLE: COMMUTER Compact:~~ Project Cancelled due to Lack of performance.
  • SINGLE: INTERCITY Septem-Duplex: 7-cars EMU but 6-cars in the formation is Double-deck.
  • SINGLE: RAILSTAR Compact: Same size as Septem-Duplex, but for sleeper train.
  • SINGLE/MULTI: COMMUTER Metro: Teaser is available about "Tetra" Model.
  • MULTI: COMMUTER Express: