6,908 Aviationfilms109 Comments

  • Bremwell Beowolf 3.3 years ago

    @L33XXEEL sorry for the late reply! Thanks!

  • Petlyakov Pe-8(ASh-82FN) 3.3 years ago

    Oh boy this is gonna be tough to do but can you explain to a monke brain like me how to do these amazing FT gunners

  • Fiat G.55 Silurante with foldable wings. 3.3 years ago

    Haha upvot and spotlit go brrrrr

  • Mmmmm AC refrence 3.3 years ago

    @ZeroWithSlashedO man i wonder who it is

  • Mmmmm AC refrence 3.3 years ago

    @ZeroWithSlashedO mmmmmmmmmm who could it beeeeee

  • SILENCE LIBERAL - Bossfight 3.3 years ago

    we need more bossfights like this is atually super fun

  • Su-24M 3.4 years ago

    Just sayin we never seen the Su-24 and the hellkeska in the same room

  • Here yall go! A rivalling aricraft against.... 3.4 years ago

    @rexzion the 109 TL in a nutshell

  • Here yall go! A rivalling aricraft against.... 3.4 years ago

    Planning to upload when sam uploads his bf-109-TL if he doesnt then it'll be uploaded a day or two from now

  • Reese’s Puffs 3.4 years ago

    Mmmmm hungy

  • PZL P.54. 3.4 years ago

    The fact that this thing is the aircraft that ive made that has the most parts by like 27 parts is just mind blowingly low (which is good for other mobile users!)

  • Randomusername’s Builds (ARCHIVED) 3.5 years ago

    @edensk alright just so you know im named N1k

  • Randomusername’s Builds (ARCHIVED) 3.5 years ago

    @edensk if you're still willing to share them, i have discord and can make an archived forum.

  • Apocalypse Ramp Car V.2 3.5 years ago

    Ok so if this thing:explodes cars upon impact but suvives than this is almost basically my striker truck that has a plow up front thats can be used mainly to ram enemies,if that was jsut a one time occurancd then pog a ramp car

  • SPVR Update - Labels 3.5 years ago

    Take my upvote just do it

  • Mech Parts Challange 3.5 years ago

    Forgot this: it must be a successor if you dunno how to do that just put a link in the comments

  • Anti Air_AI 3.5 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 ion know if wr serve that tho

  • what happened to random username 3.5 years ago

    @TriStar who.....who does that tho

  • Randomusername’s Builds (ARCHIVED) 3.5 years ago

    Funny thing, i collected all of random usernames planes on my tablet that broke like a week ago :) i cant get it fixed for cause i promised my parents the only time they buy me something is simpleplanes so yeah :D

  • the drone 3.5 years ago

    I actually downloaded this and forgot to upvote,anyways this thing is awsome!

  • Based off of an aircraft from Captain John/ACEPILOT109S video 3.5 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii ive done that but ill still do testing with cannards

  • XP-48 Alligator 3.5 years ago

    @SussyBreadBoi thank you!

  • XFWAAC-MCLV ''Actias'' Flying Aircraft Carrier 3.6 years ago

    Question lore-wise: how long does it take for these types of aircraft to be built?

  • F O L L O W 3.6 years ago

    So uhhhhh, it follows people when set to agressive

  • NS.F-6 Wasp 3.6 years ago

    Epic plane dude!

  • The feeling when u didn't get any upvote . 3.6 years ago

    Poor hawksnest

  • triggered 3.6 years ago

    I beg u please stop this torture

  • HmMmMm. 3.7 years ago

    @SPairforce ok so modern or nah?

  • HmMmMm. 3.7 years ago

    @SPairforce hmm sure why not!

  • XFA-22C Velociraptor V.vi 3.7 years ago

    @Nerfaddict oh i see

  • XFA-22C Velociraptor V.vi 3.7 years ago

    So basically,the f-22 evolved into this magical mashup of bolts and other unknown parts

  • F4F-4 WILDCAT 3.7 years ago

    Fun fact: i actually taught him how to do that gunsight!

  • Just an idea ive had for a while.. 3.7 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 true but then again this is just an idea, just had to put it out there just incase i forgot

  • cursed A-10 WARTHOG 3.7 years ago

    @SimplyOrange he got this idea from our old groupchat in discord :)

  • ACX-1 Prototype '187 3.7 years ago

    Ok so after some experimenting, either this is with my aircraft or with this carrier, it used to be able to sustain 6 boom 50s but now it can barely hold up against an interceptor missile,no i have not changed the health neither did i change the explosion scale,so im curious why this aircrart carrier went from being an undestroyable aircraft carrier to an easily defeatable one.
    UPDATE:okay so it somewhat kept its invicibility against missiles, i shot my missiles to the sides of it and it held up so this means only the main body is prone to this sudden loss of durability, although before no matter where it was hit it would stay a float.
    UPDATE2: so after messing around with my UCAV that has a cannon on the bottom of it i spawned in this thing thinking it would explode into abunch of messed up parts but surpisingly it held up against the cannon,and this time I DID modify the cannon,the cannon had 2.9 damage scalar,so it was pretty easy to take things to their grave but this thing surpisingly held up no matter where i shot it from,it seems that some sort of glitch may have affected this things durability? Maybe even possibly my device? Tests uave started again.

  • A6M ZERO (Bum) 3.7 years ago

    Its cool

  • Interceptor project 3.7 years ago

    Cool plane mind if i yoink the design? No but fr can i base an aircraft off of this? This thing looks awsome!

  • ACX-1 Prototype '187 3.7 years ago

    Ah yes,the perfect carrier for my VTOL nedds even though i could easily land on it with a traditional aircraft

  • Mobile Multiplayer 3.7 years ago

    Ah yes the rickroll of the mobile simpleplanes realm

  • Supermarine Spitfire Mk.22 3.7 years ago

    Awsome stuff dude! Keep it up!

  • Prototype 53 3.8 years ago

    Okay so, what the heck is up with this build style its so.....unique yet simple, you font use custom colors yet it looks so diffrent from normal,just good job dude like seriously!

  • I dare you to do stunts.... backward. 3.8 years ago

    Uhhhhhhh why? No no how?

  • I flew backward again. 3.8 years ago

    Simpleplanes woke up and chose ace combat physics

  • [AI] X-02 Wyvern 'Mister Blue' 3.8 years ago

    @GuyFolk alrighty

  • [AI] X-02 Wyvern 'Mister Blue' 3.8 years ago

    @GuyFolk how do you make your thrust vectoring engines look good and not...horrible and by this i mean now have those gaps

  • Bomber Medium 3.8 years ago

    Finally! Something i can take down that isnt a build of my own!

  • [AI] X-02 Wyvern 'Mister Blue' 3.8 years ago

    The only ai i know of that can use the cannon.
    EDIT: imma use my UCAV against this

  • [Teaser] Railgun Dance 3.8 years ago

    Dude........im so confused what the heck like how

  • Uh....help? 3.8 years ago

    @t0mato72 that....that sound epik!

  • Uh....help? 3.8 years ago

    Also im sorry if i have the wrong tag for this forum, i dont know which tag to put on this.