1,820 Awe5ome Comments

  • Goodbye, If I don't make it 4.8 years ago

    Hello LockheedLover, I don't know you personally but I want to wish you the best of luck and pray for your health. My wishes go out to you and your loved ones in this hard time. All the best buddy.

  • A330-243 China Southern [CZ] B-6057 ''Guangzhou 2010'' 4.8 years ago

    I honestly wish you could see my face. I am absolutely blown away by your dedication to detail on this model, your hard work is very clear and I applaud you for it. Very well done indeed @ReignSUPREME it's very impressive.

  • HMS King George V 3.7 years ago

    @WorldofWarships I do have discord, sent you a friend request

  • HMS King George V 3.7 years ago

    @WorldofWarships yes of course I mean your build! I have a few stills (not of your model I was waiting for a response) of what I’ve been working on. I’ll be sure to reach out when I’ve got some images/video to share with you!

  • HMS Nelson 3.7 years ago

    Hello! I'm working on a project about the hunt for the Bismarck, I'd love to use your model in my animation (with your permission of course) all credit will be given to you for the model and I'm happy to share any renders with you!

  • Bismarck class Battleship mod. May 1940 3.7 years ago

    Hello! I'm working on a project about the hunt for the Bismarck and with your permission, I'd like to use your 3D model in my animation. I'll give full credit to you for the model and I'm happy to share the render with you!

  • CA Prinz Eugen 1941.3 3.7 years ago

    Hello! Not sure if you're still around but if I may I'd like to use your model in a 3D animation using Blender. All proper credit will be given to you of course for the model and I can share the final renders if you're interested! Hope to hear from you! Thanks!

  • USS Marvin James Anders Class Destroyer 1942 4.3 years ago

    I like what you've done with my design, very nice! :D

  • HMS Hood 6.4 years ago

    I'll try and build that next@squideater56

  • USS Missouri "Mighty Mo" (BB-63) - 1984 3.1 years ago

    Hey CoolPeach! A long time ago I asked if I could use your model for a 3D render. Unfortunately for some reason, my PC wouldn't import the model for well over a year. I think it was the poly count. Anyways, recently I tried again. IT WORKED! And as promised here's an initial test render. It's not fancy or special but here's a FIRST work to show you! Let me know if you'd like to see more!

  • HMS King George V 3.7 years ago

    Hello! I'm working on a project about the hunt for the Bismarck using Blender and I'd like to use your 3D model in my animation. I'll give you full credit for the model in my animation and I'll share the renders with you if you'd like them (Just don't expect them to be good lol)!

  • USS Missouri "Mighty Mo" (BB-63) - 1984 4.0 years ago

    @CoolPeach I'll be sure to send them to you when they're done!

  • Modded torpedo 4.0 years ago

    LMAO! This is beautiful!

  • USS Missouri "Mighty Mo" (BB-63) - 1984 4.0 years ago

    Hey @CoolPeach! Love your work, the effort and detail is astounding! If you don't mind, I'd like to use your model in a 3D animation. I'll give you full credit of course, and can send you the still photo's / video when it's completed!

  • HMS Hood Modified 5.1 years ago

    I was the original creator, that is one of my older models of the HMS Hood. My newest version of this specific ship can he found here: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/qDYHG9/HMS-Hood
    So if you’re going to modify anything use the one I linked instead of my older version.

  • Best torpedo bomber 5.1 years ago

    @Leak go for it! I have no problem with you using my design, I appreciate you asking for my permission.

  • Initial D challenge 5.1 years ago

    @Squirrel I did credit the original maker quote "Hello, first of all, this is not my design. All credit belongs to MisterMasada for creating this, I merely adjusted the grip of the tires. Please upvote the following post instead of this one: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/Q2alz1/AE86-Sprinter-Trueno-GT-Apex-83" I literally told the people on this post to not upvote it.

    I credited MisterMasada and at no point was trying to claim this as my own. So you saying "in the future please credit the original maker" is inconsequential because I did. All I wanted to know was if it was possible to break a stupid time in this car. AGAIN I WAS NOT ATTEMPTING TO CLAIM THIS AS MY OWN. I GAVE ALL THE CREDIT TO THE PERSON IT BELONGS TO MISTERMASADA, either you didn't read the post or you just don't care.

  • Improved Jackhammer 5.2 years ago

    Make sure when in the water the jet engine power is never higher than 25%

  • Spitfire F. Mk 24 (mod 2) 6.4 years ago

    Thank you (^o^)@ACEPILOT109

  • HMS Hood 6.4 years ago

    Let me know what ship I should build next

  • HMS Hood 6.4 years ago

    Actually it was B turret but yes that is correct. But I still like Hood better because of her face. If you look at the bridge you can see a face and once I saw that I just fell in love with it. @squideater56

  • HMS Hood 6.4 years ago

    All of that is true thank you for the comment! 😀

  • WWII Destroyer 6.7 years ago

    I'm not certain but if I had to guess I'd say they're based off fletcher class design.@Slavinator

  • ARMOUR MOD!! 6.7 years ago

    I didn’t know that

  • CMS Hunter 6.8 years ago


  • Spitfire F. Mk 24 7.1 years ago

    @Loopy200 thank you Loopy200 :)

  • Yakovlev Yak-1 7.1 years ago


  • IAI Nesher 7.2 years ago

    Hello everyone, if you don’t mind I would appreciate it if you let me know what you think of this aircraft. Constructive criticism and compliments are appreciated. Thank you in advance. :)

  • IAI Nesher 7.2 years ago

    Thank you LusKa

  • Aircraft 7.2 years ago

    @IzzyIA ok, I was just kind of confused why you uploaded that.

  • Aircraft 7.2 years ago


  • Crazy fast thingy:) 7.2 years ago

    What do you think?

  • North American P-51D Red tails 7.2 years ago

    Ok good @EpicPigster1

  • North American P-51D Red tails 7.2 years ago

    There u go, by the way I’m sorry if I offended you.@EpicPigster1

  • North American P-51D Red tails 7.2 years ago

    Please tell me what you think.

  • P-51D Red tails escort 7.3 years ago

    Great!! :) @ItsErisGaming

  • P-51D Red tails escort 7.3 years ago

    Yay it kinda does that sorry. :( @ItsErisGaming

  • P-51D Red tails escort 7.3 years ago

    Thank you!! 😀@ThePrototype