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  • Tipjet Attack Helicopter 9.5 years ago

    I changed your design a bit and made it actually fly! And plus I made extra wheels for better stability when landing and made the extra wheels go in with a rotator! Thanks for this design by the ways!😜

  • Fairey Swordfish Mk. II 9.8 years ago

    Don't worry I figured it out oh and thanks for replying😜

  • Fairey Swordfish Mk. II 9.8 years ago

    Yes! It defiantly sounds fun but one last question how do you fire the torpedo?

  • Fairey Swordfish Mk. II 9.8 years ago

    Great modle I wish I was a good builder because I love planes oh and how did you make the bomb and make the engine work because it wasn't getting any air? But great love it!,😜 10/10

  • C-130 9.8 years ago

    You have really taken your time so sad I can't use it it's to big

  • Batmobile 9.8 years ago

    Wow just wow great job oh and how do you turn on the back engine and could you try make it a small bit faster that would be great😜