26.4k BRuthless Comments

  • MiG-21Bis v.1.3 (choose your loadout) (re-upload) 9.0 years ago

    @@Wahoo12 Alright, I am nice today, so you'll get your rewards. :)

  • Flying Blackberry Pie RTGDD-challenge reward 9.0 years ago

    @@MrBackstabby @@goboygo1 @@ZeElephant @@FIOu @@aircraftarsenal123 @@TomTheBuilder @@MrSilverWolf @@DethFromAbove @@Damian125 @@JaySto @@Samwise @@SteadfastContracting @@Gg1234 @@bspboy @@Rocketguy777 @@Samuah @@hockeymdog @@calcifer302 @@RedstoneArmory @@Normin4tor @@Supercraft888 @@Wakescar @@AeroEngineering @@Wahoo12

    This is one of the supplied pies as a reward for fully reading the description. Feel free to choose one or more of them! Some more flavours are going to come soon. :)

  • MiG-21Bis v.1.3 (choose your loadout) (re-upload) 9.0 years ago

    @@MrBackstabby Due to the high demand I'll only upload some predefined flavours which were already wished, you can choose one or all of them as reward. Can't update the description though. I don't know why. :)

  • Speed1 9.0 years ago

    So I am giving you two comments instead, it also gives you points. :)

  • Speed1 9.0 years ago

    You only have one creation

  • The Egg Beater v6.0 FINAL 9.0 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor Here is the ISCS prototype. Hope you can do something to the gear system and make it work. It also needs a gear on the other side though, I only have one on one side now for testing. I also figured that I need a gear system to change the rotation around. At the moment it would roll to the left when the aircraft is banked to the left already. :D

  • The Egg Beater v6.0 FINAL 9.0 years ago

    It's upside down now. @goboygo1 Thanks, though I don't know how that changed your life yet. :D

  • P-732 Meteor2 9.0 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor This one is a more stable version. I have put two wing layers into the front so it could pull more Gs, but it still touches the water and crashes rather often. Speeds above 800 MPH are nothing good for a prop plane it seems. :D

  • MiG-21Bis v.1.3 (choose your loadout) (re-upload) 9.0 years ago

    @goboygo1 @ZeElephant @FIOu @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries @aircraftarsenal @TomTheBuilder Sorry, was sleeping. You can't upload more than 5 creations per day, so the pies have to come a bit slow. And Anarchist didn't read the rules. :D

  • P-732 Meteor2 9.0 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor In an earlier version it overtook your egg thingy. :D But 99% crash-ratio.

  • MiG-21Bis v.1.3 (choose your loadout) (re-upload) 9.0 years ago

    Would also be nice if you would tell me what you think about having all weapons in one package to always make your own loadouts and how good it works for you. :) Thanks for all the upvotes and compliments again!

  • P-731 Lightray 9.0 years ago

    @calcifer302 Can't get it reliable, but my P-732 Meteor 2 actually managed to overtake the Egg Beater v6.0. Bad thing is, I don't even have a time of it, as it always failed by touching the water or crashing. Also when starting on the right side some engines drop off or it explodes. That might be different in the game version of the devs though.

  • P-731 Lightray 9.0 years ago

    @calcifer302 Here you go It's also available over "Stuff" > "Tournaments" in the top-right corner of the page :)

  • Flying Chocolate Pie RTGDD-challange award 9.0 years ago

    @Damian125 I like to hear that! :D

  • P-731 Lightray 9.0 years ago

    @calcifer302 That would make it even longer. Too long for the tournament. :/ Or I'll just accept that SR has the best build I've seen so far and I am currently not able to beat it in the low amount of time remaining. I'd then leave the P-731 in, as it is my most stable one.

  • MiG-21Bis v.1.3 (choose your loadout) (re-upload) 9.0 years ago

    @calcifer302 I would always play such games with advanced controls on PC rather than on anything else. Not even on a Mac. :D It just offers the most options.
    @MrSilverWolf I also thought about making a MiG-25 or 23 or the more modern MiG-31, but they won't have much use in the game in it's current state. They are pure long-range high-altitude interceptors. I'd prefer to make replicas of ground attacking crafts, good dogfighters and those that are good at both. The next one will probably be the Saab JAS 39 Gripen, as it's one of my favourites. :)

  • P-731 Lightray 9.0 years ago

    @calcifer302 Also had that idea, but takes too much of the maneuverability and also creates more drag. I'll maybe get back to that idea, if my current one fails.

  • P-731 Lightray 9.0 years ago

    @calcifer302 Mine can also do that, but the AI on the right start point can't. It explodes with most clipped engines. So I have to find a way to get eight or more of them into my plane without clipping them.

  • MiG-21Bis v.1.3 (choose your loadout) (re-upload) 9.0 years ago

    @calcifer302 It's too short to be stable with those big main wings and the small tail with small vertical and horizontal stabilizers. It needs some resizing and probably adjustment of the center of mass (CoM).

  • P-731 Lightray 9.0 years ago

    @calcifer302 My newer version of the P-730 is very similar to it. It uses the same engines, but my design doesn't offer as much space, so I am very limited in options to make it more reliable and faster. My best time was 1:09 so far, but on the right starting position my engines start dropping off or I have to place less engines or reduce agility, which might result in crashes and missed rings. :/

  • MiG-21Bis v.1.3 (choose your loadout) (re-upload) 9.0 years ago

    @calcifer302 I hope you are not talking about a craft for the tournament, as I am currently also working on one and there's not much time left and it still needs improvement. :D

  • MiG-21Bis v.1.3 (choose your loadout) (re-upload) 9.0 years ago

    @Skua Thanks! I hope you also like and enjoy the end product. :)

  • P-731 Lightray 9.0 years ago

    @bskngshrk Well, no. It's more unrealistic without mods than with actually. :D As we are not using pure physics, we are using bugs of the game to be ahead of the others. Sadly I have just seen the design of SR. It's very similar to mine, but he has more engines and doesn't crash. @calcifer302 Clipping engines is really only possible by nudging in the PC version. The agility comes through it's very low weight, large wing area, optimized control surface placement and size and also having a wing-layout that allows for the CoM almost to be directly on CoL without getting too unstable.

  • MiG-21Bis v.1.3 (choose your loadout) (re-upload) 9.0 years ago

    @calcifer302 So, you want the upvotes or are you just saying that you've read it all? :D

  • The Egg Beater v6.0 FINAL 9.0 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor It's a part of the Inertial Stability Control System I have mentioned somewhere in the comments under my MiG-21Bis, which is basically a mechanical flight computer and autopilot. It will help making huge cargo and passenger planes, bombers and even airborne aircraft carriers easier to fly, especially when they're unbalanced or you want to have your pitch, roll and yaw controls exclusive for something else (like flying another plane, controlling a cruise missile or guided bomb) without the other plane crashing through steering inputs that weren't meant for it. But I don't think I could make it small enough to fit it into normal sized aircrafts. But something of the size of my Amphibious Stratosphere Cargo Transporter would be possible. The gear system I need is actually for the roll, the pitch is very easy to make and I only have to attach elevators and of course some rotators and steering rods to it. There are two free swinging weights on rotators - one swinging forwards and backwards for the pitch and one swinging sideways for the roll. The gravity pulls the weights straight downwards, with a deviation from beeing level automatically resulting in counteracting pitch and roll controls to level the plane out. Pretty much like a gyroscope, but way bigger and simpler. Building an actual gyroscope would be very difficult, atleast taking the steering inputs from it would be. :D I think this is something that would make atleast some builds in SimplePlanes way more advanced.

  • The Egg Beater v6.0 FINAL 9.0 years ago

    I'd upload my project unlisted, but I don't have uploads left and need one of them for my new racer. There are three axes coming together into one "gearbox", which is 3 x 3 x 3, all axes are attached to rotators on the outside (through nudging). The axis in the middle of the other two has a torque it shall transfer to the other two axes. Basically I only need three working gears, so they are all connected and the two outgoing axes have a different rotation from each other (left axis rotates right, right axis rotates left, while middle axis rotates right and provides power). It's hard to explain. Maybe I can make a screenshot. :)

  • P-731 Lightray 9.0 years ago

    @bskngshrk And I actually can't believe which speeds I am going with a prop plane without modding... :D

  • The Egg Beater v6.0 FINAL 9.0 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor You mean using the attachment points of rotators so transfer the spin 90° to the side? I don't think that's possible. I mean, I've got everything else figured out, just the actual gears are missing. :D I just can't get them to touch each other without beeing attached to each other. That's my only problem.

  • P-731 Lightray 9.0 years ago

    @bskngshrk I guess we're in the same boat then. I've also created something that can overtake it like it was a brick in the air. :D But it needs some fixing and slight adjustments for more optimized AI control. It's also dropping engines sometimes when it starts on the right side. :D But that's all fixable.

  • Flying Chocolate Pie RTGDD-challange award 9.0 years ago

    @bspboy Three T1000 engines with optimal settings and an extremely lightweight and highly maneuverable aircraft powered by them. But I got something now that completely outclasses any of my previous prop designs. Not modded and top-secret. :D

  • Shark Tooth 9.0 years ago

    Gosh I've just finished my ultimate racer and I am still in the upload-limit. :E Hopefully I will be able to upload my new one just in time. It is an extreme improvement in performance over my last one to say the least. :D

  • Flying Chocolate Pie RTGDD-challange award 9.0 years ago

    @bspboy Normally 1:23, but I see some deviation every time I close and startup the game and do new tests. Sometimes it ranges to 1:24 or 1:26.

  • The Egg Beater v6.0 FINAL 9.0 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor And actually...What's the smallest gear system you could think of in SP? I need sprockets that transfer torque from one axis to two axes which are at a 90° angle to the first axis inside a 3 x 3 x 3 box, kind of like this -|- . Of course the two axes would spin in different directions, that's exactly what I need. :D I can't get my gears working. They are either attaching to each other or move through each other without collision. Do gears even work properly in newer versions? Thanks in advance! :)

  • The Egg Beater v6.0 FINAL 9.0 years ago

    Nice airbrake in the back there! Do the propellers actually create thrust? They don't seem to be getting any air. :D

  • Shark Tooth 9.0 years ago

    @Squirrel But some claim to go 1:16 to 1:19...Not in my game somehow. Guess we'll have to see in the race.

  • Shark Tooth 9.0 years ago

    I've tried everything, but below 1:23 isn't possible in my game, even when risking crashes. I've also already tested against other racers that were uploaded, nothing is getting below 1:23. So I guess I'll have to rely on the fact that my submission is extremely agile, stable, lightweight and fast and hope it does better in the SP-version it will run in or that it doesn't contain the bug I am experiencing (if it is a bug). I've even tried T3000 designs with way more power and they've scored worse times actually. o.O

  • MiG-21Bis v.1.3 (choose your loadout) (re-upload) 9.0 years ago

    @hockeymdog I guess after all complications I have to say congratulations for doing it right! :D Apple pie is a new one. I'll get my hands on that.

  • MiG-21Bis v.1.3 (choose your loadout) (re-upload) 9.0 years ago

    @Samuah You've also done it wrong...But okay, I'm used to it now and you seem to have read the description. :)

  • Flying Chocolate Pie RTGDD-challange award 9.0 years ago

    @bspboy You could just download a design that has it and copy it out of there, save it in a sub-assembly and put it on your own craft. Or maybe someone has put up some of them already. I currently don't have the time, have to finish my own racer. :)

  • Flying Chocolate Pie RTGDD-challange award 9.0 years ago

    @Seeras Doch, sehr witzig! :D Wegen "Das merke ich mir"! xD

  • Flying Chocolate Pie RTGDD-challange award 9.0 years ago

    @bspboy You put one engine on the base, then make a small fuselage piece with 0.5 x 0.5 diameter on both ends and try to stick it through the middle of the first engine and attach it t the base, then use the nudge controls to get it into the center of the propeller. Put the second engine on the top of that stick and nudge it towards the other engine, centering the spinners of both propellers and watching that they have enough distance from each other. :)

  • Flying Chocolate Pie RTGDD-challange award 9.0 years ago

    @Damian125 @Normin4tor Here are your requested chocolate pies! :)

  • Flying Chocolate Pie RTGDD-challange award 9.0 years ago

    @Seeras Pfff, krepier an Alzheimer :D

  • MiG-21Bis v.1.3 (choose your loadout) (re-upload) 9.0 years ago

    @Rocketguy777 I noticed. Thank you! :D @bspboy Pumpkin has to wait longer, but I was able to push chocolate out now. :) It should give you kind of a taste of the other upcoming designs. :)

  • Flying Chocolate Pie RTGDD-challange award 9.0 years ago

    @Seeras Muhahahah! >:)

  • MiG-21Bis v.1.3 (choose your loadout) (re-upload) 9.0 years ago

    @bspboy Pumpkin is already finished. I'll try if I can upload again now. :) Will mention you on it.

    @SteadfastContracting Thanks! :)

  • Souped Up Junkers Ju 288JET 9.0 years ago

    You are here just one day and your planes are pretty good already. I'm looking forward to the things you will build when you get used to the tools and tricks a bit more. :)

  • MiG-21Bis v.1.3 (choose your loadout) (re-upload) 9.0 years ago

    @Rocketguy777 Okay. :)

  • MiG-21Bis v.1.3 (choose your loadout) (re-upload) 9.0 years ago

    @SteadfastContracting Thank you! :´(
    How's the plane for you?

  • MiG-21Bis v.1.3 (choose your loadout) (re-upload) 9.0 years ago

    @SteadfastContracting But I also want to reward those that don't make it fully to the end and atleast get the controls and functions of the plane. So that's kind of tricky. I am trying to make it more clear how to do it and how not to do it in the headline, but everytime I try to edit it, it gives me an error. :/