26.4k BRuthless Comments

  • About the airfoils.. 8.8 years ago

    A symmetric wing produces the least lift and the least drag, a semi-symmetric wing produces medium lift and medium drag, a flat-bottom wing produces high lift and high drag. If you want a lot of lift with small wing area, you use a wing type with more lift. Otherwise you better take the wing type with the lowest drag and increase wing area for more lift. Also all wing types except symmetric gain more lift with more speed, which may become a problem with stability at low and high speeds.
    They are not airfoils by the way, they are wing shapes.

  • Piper PA-34-200T Seneca II 6.1 years ago

    @Gameboi14 The restrictions of the challenge say that the planes have to stay below 1000 parts. 999 is below 1000, that's why I won't add another part. :)

  • Educational gearbox model 8.6 years ago

    Kind of, but not really. It would be hard to get a gearbox working in SP, especially because the rotators have a limited rotation speed on free spin, making gear ratios obsolete. Also trying to rotate something faster than that limit will rip it off the rotators.

  • Piper PA-34-200T Seneca II 6.0 years ago

    @spefyjerbf @SaturnV Thanks guys! Glad you like it. And thanks @EternalDarkness for the Feature! :)

  • C-666 ADV 6.1 years ago

    @Feanor Your build inspired me and also served as a good base for me to build a highspeed train that actually deserves that name and runs pretty smooth. I also added coaches which are a mix between British MK3 coaches and French TGV coaches with nice interior and working doors. The two heads are basically shortened versions of yours with a few changes here and there. Topspeed is 165 MPH and even in medium corners it can go 80 MPH without a problem.
    Because the design is from you I want to ask for permission to upload. :-)

  • Working Artificial Horizons 6.1 years ago

    @Ariathe @MrSilverWolf Thank you very much! :) I hope to see some nice builds with this.

  • Y U ROLL WHEN PITCH??!! 9.1 years ago

    I also encountered this on my MiG-21. It happens when the CoM is on one level with the CoL and too close to it or generally when the CoM is above the CoL. Something similar happens to real aircraft, that's why you either put the CoM lower than CoL (for stable aircrafts like cargo or passenger planes) or above the CoL (on some fighters for increased maneuverability and less stability, but that needs a flight computer to stay controllable). The same goes with placing the CoM infront or behind the CoL. In SimplePlane it's the best to place the CoM atleast slightly below and infront of the CoL, as we don't have an advanced flight computer to make anything else stable and also the AI can't handle it. :)

  • (mobile friendly) Kenworth W900L Studio Sleeper Outback Trapper 1.2 years ago

    @Darg12e Hey man, this is 7.5 years old and I haven't played in ages. Glad you like the coupling system!

  • Pilatus PC-12 NG v1.0 2.1 years ago

    @IamSage Well I'm not really playing this anymore so yeah go ahead, just make sure it's actually an improvement and not a different color scheme or something :D
    According to a previous comment an update made the custom XML settings I did on the prop not work properly anymore I suppose, so that's something that could be fixed.

    The game now also has glass and official instruments and all that fancy stuff.

  • Convoy AA Tank 3.6 years ago

    @KangBaksoIntel1 Yes, that's how the models are in the game. It's a replica

  • Convoy Truck 4.3 years ago

    @SpencerTreePuncher Yeah it took several days if not weeks to get the dimensions of every part right. I repeatedly drove my truck next to the convoy and looked at any differences and made adjustments until it looked identical.

  • MP May 17th 5.8 years ago

    @BlobfishMaster Yeah, I've worked a lot on it to make the suspension really smooth and tune the gyroscope in it. It helps especially when doing those long jumps. But for climbing it's best to disable it IMO. Otherwise it tries turning you around as you lose traction on the rearwheels.

    I thought about making a side-by-side like the Can-Am Maverick X3. But it's so time consuming and I have a lot of other games to play. Also I fear the small footprint will make it flip a lot.

  • MP May 17th 5.8 years ago

    @Freerider2142 Thx dude!
    That's really some nice driving and flying there. I'm surprised my buggy didn't break into pieces on some of those jumps.


    The wife is the superior form of life.
    According to her

  • Piper PA-34-200T Seneca II 6.1 years ago

    @JamesBleriot I like that idea. Might consider building one when I have the time.

  • Piper PA-34-200T Seneca II 6.1 years ago

    @Benny3053 LOL, I actually thought about making it five letters so it's 100% correct, but on the other hand it would make the lettering on one side of the wing much wider than on the other side, and I hate asymmetry. Plus I couldn't imagine anyone here would actually notice such a minor detail! :D

  • Piper PA-34-200T Seneca II 6.1 years ago

    @Viper3000ad Yes, there is a veeery slow roll in flight. During the weeks building it I couldn't find the cause, I guess it's some error. You can counter it with a bit of rudder trim though and it adds a bit of realism, as planes in reality also don't fly 100% perfect and need to be trimmed. However on the ground I never had an issue, except for one time when one of the props magically increased it's power. I corrected it and since then it has always been going straight. You could check if your CoT is offcenter and adjust engine power to be equal if it's the case.

  • Working Artificial Horizons 6.1 years ago

    @Nerfenthusiast Yes, it has zero drag. And also zero weight except for the gyroscope, it needs a bit of weight to work correctly.

    @Jacobdaniel Thank you very much! I hope they are useful to others.

  • Pilatus PC-12 NG v1.0 6.1 years ago

    @CruzerBlade Nope, it's around 2:1. When I built it I didn't have as good tools as nowadays and the scaling didn't work so well.

  • Scorpion V8 Sandrail Buggy Mobile 6.2 years ago

    @Sm10684 Phones have a lot less performance than PCs and in my opinion it's a lot easier to work on PC than on mobile. I could try to make this less performance-hungry, but it's going to cost looks and functions.

  • Scorpion V8 Sandrail Buggy 6.2 years ago

    @Chancey21 Thank you very much! :D

  • Offroad Test Drivers wanted! 6.2 years ago

    @Hayhayjam664 Yep, that worked :)

  • HSAV Mod. II-Z2 7.9 years ago

    @Smasher I guess you mean that this one is missing the axles (basically the wheels are unpowered now). I tried putting some on after doing the suspension, but they always broke it. I could probably get it right, but messing with the connections in SP is rarely worth the effort and I never sacrifice function for realism. Atleast it now doesn't always jump around and roll over. :D

  • Convoy AA Tank 8.3 years ago

    @PcWorld2001 I think you got me wrong. This is a mobile SAM launcher, meaning that it can drive around and is not stationary (= mobile). SAM means Surface-to-Air-Missile.

  • Convoy Truck 8.6 years ago

    @WalrusAircraft I am doing these convoy vehicles first, so I can test my hijack trailer on them. No need to find the convoy every time I make a small change on it. :D I hope you have the Beta, but I am thinking about uploading it with 1.4 wheels.

  • Suggestion - Bomb help 8.9 years ago

    Basically you can really forget about drag and just calculate with altitude, airspeed, angle of attack and gravitation. I've read that's also how real attack aircrafts calculate the impact point.

    First you calculate the current vertical velocity (Vy) by multiplying airspeed with the sine of the current angle of attack and multiply the outcome by (-1), if AoA is below 0°, as the outcome would otherwise be negative when flying downwards (below 0° AoA) and we want flying downwards to result in a positive value, just like flying upwards. Flying level at 0° AoA results in 0 vertical velocity at all airspeeds.

    As an example I'll take 450 m/s (~1006 MPH) airspeed at -30° AoA, which results in 225 m/s vertical velocity.

    Now we also need the height and vertical acceleration to calculate the time the projectile needs to hit the ground. In the first calculation we can only use the actual altitude of the aircraft, in further calculation we can use the height deviation between the aircraft and the ground height on the previous impact point for better accuracy (if the game engine allows reading out the ground height at any point of the map). Vertical acceleration is always 9.81 m/s².
    Based on the angle of attack we need to use the right formula.

    For 0° AoA it's just the square root of 2 x height divided by vertical acceleration.

    This is for negative AoA

    This is for positive AoA

    In the example that would be ~5 seconds at 1000 m altitude.

    With the time we can estimate the impact point distance after calculating the horizontal velocity (Vx) of the aircraft by just multiplying the airspeed by the cosine of the angle of attack. At 450 m/s and -30° AoA that is 389.7 m/s horizontal velocity.

    In 5 seconds the projectile would travel 1948.5 m, so the impact point is 1000 m below us and 1948.5 m ahead of us. You could now just put a marker on the ground there, but I would rather like a pipper on the HUD, so we also need the angle between the line from the aircraft to impact point and the direction the aircraft is facing to. The angle between height and distance of 90° gives us a right angled triangle together with the line between aircraft and impact point. For that we first have to know the angle of the line between aircraft and impact point compared to a straight l

  • Steam Release v1.4 8.9 years ago

    @Delphant Take off from Wright airport and fly heading 210. Sky Park City is very colorful and very close to the Wright Isles, you can't miss it.

    @PhilipTarpley The Kraken is damn scary. Is there anything to achieve? I'm trying to fly through it all the time to see if there's an achievement or anything. I hate that whispering. :D

  • Radar??? Helicopter autopilot??? Destructible buildings???And more. What do you think??? 9.0 years ago

    @Ngoat ![You missed this](And also the brackets) and at the end there is no ! needed, it will just show as a ! then.

    NVM, you got it now. :D

  • Radar??? Helicopter autopilot??? Destructible buildings???And more. What do you think??? 9.0 years ago

    @Ngoat Like this:

    ![this won't show anyway, just type something in here](direct link to picture goes here)

    Don't forget the ! otherwise it will only be a link.

    If you want to post pictures of screenshots, load them up on a platform like imgur first.

  • Chinese J-31 Gyrfalcon Fighter 9.1 years ago

    @Hyperloop They have stolen construction plans of the F-35 and this is supposed to be their version of it, which is also a multirole aircraft, but far superior and with less issues. :D Basically they've taken the good things of the F-22 and put it into the design of the F-35.

  • Convoy Truck 3.8 years ago

    @FoxCraftPlanes You can check the description. Komuchai made an inaccurate model and I spent multiple days to make it absolutely scale. :)

  • Pilatus PC-12 NG v1.0 4.1 years ago

    @Mandanbb8099 It's fine :)

  • Convoy AA Tank 4.1 years ago

    @smolensk Sure, as long as you do a modification to it, it's not a problem ;)

  • Convoy Truck 4.7 years ago

    @FireBirdDynamics They only react once you shoot them or lock them with a missile

  • (mobile friendly) Kenworth W900L Studio Sleeper Outback Trapper 4.7 years ago

    @SilverStar You can use it, but with credits to me and WalrusAircrafts. I mean these days there is a credit system built into the website, but it's still unpolite to use someone's work without mentioning them in the description.

  • Convoy Truck 4.9 years ago

    @Otizzle As long as you're making changes to it other than just changing the color, go ahead. :)

  • (mobile friendly) Kenworth W900L Studio Sleeper Outback Trapper 5.2 years ago

    @Skyler717 3.4 years ago most mobile devices struggled to run builds like this.

  • (mobile friendly) Kenworth W900L Studio Sleeper Outback Trapper 5.2 years ago

    @Skyler717 Mobile version has a lot less parts and better performance since it lacks the interior

  • Convoy Truck 5.7 years ago

    @Nerfaddict Lol, I never tested that

  • Offroad Test Drivers wanted! 5.8 years ago

    @SimonGlaser Yes, I tried to make it obvious. Guess it worked

  • New Moderator 5.9 years ago

    @Mod *Dankeschön
    We like to combine several words to one :)
    And congrats!

  • Refuel 5.9 years ago

    @P0TET0Z The base model is the Mirage III V.1.0 from SpiritusRaptor Link. I modified it to be easier to control at lower speeds and added WNP's fuel probe. I can upload the modified version if you want it. However this is so old that SR has released a V.2.0 of the Mirage III in the meantime.

  • Gecko V8 Sandrail Buggy 5.9 years ago

    @TheStig918 I already did. Just use the mobile version found in the description, it uses the default beacon lights.

  • (Updated) McDonnell Douglas F-4C Phantom II 6.0 years ago

    This thing looks brilliant!

  • APT Class 666 5-Car 6.1 years ago

    @Stormfur Have you also tried this one? It is below 1000 parts and has a low amount of wheels. According to some other mobile users that should be running fine.

  • APT Class 666 5-Car 6.1 years ago

    @GritAerospaceSolutionsLTD It's more a fictional livery, but I chose the Virgin Trains and British Rail liveries as reference.

  • APT Class 666 5-Car 6.1 years ago

    @RailfanEthan second

  • Piper PA-34-200T Seneca II 6.1 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 Yup, like on the real thing.

  • Working Artificial Horizons 6.1 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Yeah, I've seen all the ones which just go with the orientation of the gyro for simplicity and have no markers for the bank angle as it would rotate around with the sphere.
    I wouldn't like to have something like that on my build as I also want correct functionality if possible instead of just looks.

    I'm glad you like it. :)

  • Scorpion V8 Sandrail Buggy 6.1 years ago

    @WhiteKyuremGaming I did make a version without mods! :) You can find the links in the description, but I'll also post it Here. There is also an updated version with better suspension and more realistic looks, which is also available without mods.