7,366 Bellcat Comments

  • Sus 3.0 years ago

    @xNotDumb, @YYEE, actually you can access the channel just by acccessing the video, via clicking or tapping on the top left text that becomes invisible once the video runs; and by clicking and tapping on the channel name once you have accessed the video. If there is something wrong with my advice, tell me.

  • mig-29 3.0 years ago

    @omer13, well, I will give you a tip, learn some more and you will become a good builder. Don’t prioritize upvotes because it takes you away from building better to building worse.

  • My uncle's car 3.0 years ago

    This is very detailed, even the undercarriage seems functional (although the appearance, large wheels, and high ground clearance might make it look like a monster truck too high for an occupant to access and leave the vehicle, even though it is possible you make it as accurate as possible to your irl uncle’s car). Too bad I have not enough points to spotlight you. :(

  • mig-29 3.0 years ago

    The top looks closer to the actual thing, but the sides do not look close to the actual thing (e.g. oversized canopy, weird nose that does not angle down a bit, oversized inlets, weird and small fins). I would recommend you to also make the sides and the front, practically all sides, inline with the blueprints (you can move the blueprints around by modifying the coordinates, make sure tone side of the blueprints match with the other sides). Otherwise, your replica will not be an accurate one.
    This is how you use it.

  • need mods 3.0 years ago

    @ImSimon, oh right, sorry. There is the underwater camera mod where you can view things under the water

  • CBST-76 'Jararaca', Troop Support Vehicle/ IFV, Brazil/Brasil 3.0 years ago

    That’s a good armored car. You’re using the tractor 2 wheels. The ratio of part count-detail is quite impressive anyways.

  • Defending the skies. 3.0 years ago

    Looks like it came form an American sci-if movie. Where are the ladders for access anyways, eh?

  • THK-126 3.0 years ago

    I can see improvements but not enough. The main wing fuselages overlaps with the ailerons, and I the back of the main wing fuselages is not parallel with the back of the main wings. The seat still pierces through the canopy. You should modify the main fuselage so the canopy won’t have to be so low, like making a hump and fuselage slicing it, so you have a flat hole you can fit the canopy onto. I also would like if you put a redirect to this post on your old post (instructions here).

  • Gun.....? 3.0 years ago

    It’s a cannon made for an main battle tank.

  • Houseboat 3.0 years ago

    The Dummy Part 2: The Return Of The Dummy.

    Coming to cinemas in coming soon...
    I am assuming this houseboat is made in the United States of America or Canada as these countries’ everyday houses have an iconic look that is present everywhere (a mostly wooden construction with wooden clapboard siding, and slate roofs) that your houseboat replicates (except the edge pillars need to be a bit thicker). It could have been better with rtgx enabled.

  • How to make Text in Simpleplane 1.11? (Need help) 3.0 years ago

    BUT PLACING IT....MAKE ME GOING CRAZY. Everytime i tried to placing the text, it is not what i wanted it to be placed.

    @Pasha06, unclear. Please clarify further.

  • I’m 3 Years Old! 3.0 years ago

    @X99STRIKER, ah I should have put this in a “joke ruining spoiler”. Sorry for spoiling your joke.

  • How to make Text in Simpleplane 1.11? (Need help) 3.0 years ago

    I find the text unclear and do not know what you really mean. But, I will give you a tip: you can use and customize the label part. The label part is located in the “cockpit interior” section of the parts tab.

  • How to make text in Simpleplane 1.11? (Need help) 3.0 years ago

    You can try and put a label into the fuselage. The label part is located in the “cockpit interior” section of the parts tab.

  • Whats with the Comeback of German_________ 3.0 years ago

    I have seen what appears to be a “German Corsairized” version of the Mil Mi-24 Hind. The one that probably started this trend was another airbrake laden plane, just like the German Corsair but had 4 propellers and the main fuselage is modeled after a bomber .
    This is because of the ironic and controversial nature of the German Corsair itself, a craft that got a lot of upvotes, despite the poor quality of said craft. These new “German Corsair Inspired Planes” (or “GCIP”) appear to have gained such upvotes due to their correlation with the original German Corsair.
    And I highly recommend you to please do not report these posts, unless they violate the rules. Any abuse of the reporting system to remove a craft that violates no rules may invite moderator action to your account (no, I am not a moderator).

  • How do I make an offroad suspension? 3.0 years ago

    @BSEW100, have you set the hinge rotator movement degrees to 90 degrees, while the hinge speed is set to 0 (floppy)? That should turn a stiff hinge into a floppy hinge.
    The same goes to the rotators. However, if you set the rotator movement degrees to 0, then it becomes floppy and the rotator can move 180 degrees (while having the rotator speed automatically set to 0 (floppy); here it says “disabled” instead of “floppy” but may return to the latter if said rotators’ movement degrees is not 0).

  • epic point count moment 3.0 years ago

    I may request that you please specify what is the meaning behind this forum post, since it only has the title “epic point count moment” and not anything else.

  • How do I make an offroad suspension? 3.0 years ago

    There’s a part called a “shock”. It looks like a shock absorber and acts like such, being able to contract and extend and then going back as it was before again. This makes it a good choice for suspension.
    Try making the double wishbone suspension. I know it looks hard and takes time, but it is relatively simple, at least.

  • Unconstructive copies (and probably plagriarism) in a nutshell... 3.0 years ago

    @FumoCirno, I did not put Reimu into the comic. Why are you mentioning her here?

  • My first land vehicle 3.0 years ago

    Are you building a 3 wheeled Asian auto rickshaw, also known as the “Bajaj” in my native Indonesia?

  • Removed posts 3.0 years ago

    @SheriffHackdogMCPE, then if it were to be build posts, it is likely they were meant to be political enough to warrant a removal from the site.

  • need mods 3.0 years ago

    @ImSimon, I think it is because of poor internet connection.

  • need mods 3.0 years ago

    @ImSimon, what is the problem with MP? Can you describe it in clear detail?

  • Does anyone know how to post pictures on the video? 3.0 years ago

    @3doinghiemgane, English is my main language. When communicating with other users, feel free to translate your words into English, using a translator device.
    There once was a way to post images in comments before, but now you cannot put images in comments. I can give a workaround:
    [any word you like](image url)
    Just replace the phrase “any word you like” into any sentence or word you can say. Also, replace the phrase “image url” into an url to an image, like postimg or discord. Hope it helps.

  • F.Corp Snowcoat 1 3.0 years ago

    @KONOJERRYDA, you now can put mods in VR, at least if I remember.

  • Does anyone know how to post pictures on the video? 3.0 years ago

    I do not know what are you saying. Please clarify, so I can answer your question.

  • hmmmmm i might be 3.0 years ago

    @ZeroWithSlashedO, there is a multiplayer mod you can download. Just download both, multiplayer and trollshield (a mod that gives you more tools to prevent your fun from getting ruined) and you can finally play multiplayer safely.

  • A blueprint website 3.0 years ago

    The blueprints become clearer, only if you have an account (you must be 16 years or older to have an account, according to it’s terms of use). In my opinion, I don’t think this post is advertising (nobody likes advertising spam here and moderators will remove advertising spam that occurs in this site), and you can actually use blueprints to create crafts without consequences on the site. By the way, they also have a policy on royalty-free illustrations the site mostly consists of.

  • I have a question 3.0 years ago

    @CarrotSlicingCat, probably no, thank you. Just because I have a good amount of proficiency in law does not mean that I am suitable for a job as a lawyer.

  • I have a question 3.0 years ago

    All Wikipedia articles are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported, which means you are permitted to use and remix the Wikipedia articles, as long as you properly attribute the author (but not imply endorsement from said author) and clearly apply the same license to derivative works of said articles. Images are usually licensed under any form of CC-BY-SA, but some are licensed under different licenses. Images that are not under a free license but are used in some Wikipedia articles as “fair use” are NOT free-to-use images but rather copyrighted images and should not be used (unless your useage of said image constitutes fair use or fair dealing in your jurisdiction) as it can open you up to litigation and probably imprisonment and fines.

  • Can you guess the car? 3.0 years ago

    @NakAk, I am sorry but I am truly unable to see the image.

  • Can you guess the car? 3.0 years ago

    @NakAk, how to put images in forums?
    Use this code:
    Replace the placeholder word ImageUrl with the url of an image posted onto a site (like PostImg). For more information, visit there.
    Hope that helps! :)

  • GMLV-1 3.0 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii, please recurate this craft. I have XML uploaded an improvement to the craft and uploading XML decurates the craft.

  • Feature wishlist (Comment why to support) 3.0 years ago

    Ability to save custom colour pallets in the designer for use in other craft

    You can either copy and paste the XML for the colors or try to make a successor of another craft.

    More islands, airports and places to explore (drag strip, city etc.)

    The game cannot support more islands, sorry.

  • Feature wishlist (Comment why to support) 3.0 years ago

    (Upvote to support)

    This is unnecessary and distracts people from commenting on why. Just put the “(Comment why to support)” and you’re probably done.

  • Lightning Dragon 3.0 years ago

    Looks very decent. Only things I want are that the wings should be straight instead of swept back (assuming prop planes cannot go fast enough), the base of the wings and fins should be thicker, and the propeller hub should be visibly separated instead of being attached to the hull (like putting a small gap between the fuselage and the hub).

  • (Closed) Modern Defence Vehicle Challenge 3.0 years ago

    @Kangy, you should put a “[CLOSED]” tag to indicate that this challenge is closed.

  • GMLV-1 3.0 years ago

    Note: the fuel probe is the quite large round-tipped antenna on the left side, near the back end of the vehicle. I haven’t had any time to review, so mistakes can occur.
    And please forgive me, the word “lights” was actually meant to be “light”.

  • Trireme (Day After) Tomorrow 3.0 years ago

    @MintLynx, now if the target version were to be released, I can do something great which is an act of...


  • Trireme (Day After) Tomorrow 3.0 years ago

    The ancient times were filled with rowboats with auxiliary sails. I could recreate a ship battle scene from 300: Rise of an Empire using these triremes!

  • b 3.0 years ago

    That’s all I have. Sorry if nothing in this list interests you.

  • Final Version of my Grandpa's Semi is being Planned 3.0 years ago

    @T8flight, they can follow you and reveal your location. While the police have already done that, there are private, paid services that can use various methods to follow you and your license plate to your home, potentially allowing advertisers, scammers, and even robbers to visit your home to cause mayhem and chaos in your life. There could even be “identity theft”. The blame could be directed at you for something you did not commit, just because someone copied your license plate and used it to commit unexpected actions. This could give you unexpected consequences as said person may have committed crimes using your license plate to either to hide their identity or to lay blame on you. So it’s better to redact license plates when posting photos than to expose you to these real life consequences.

  • [SOLVED] Why cannot the cylinder grip be clicked and dragged in the game? 3.0 years ago

    @EchoVehicle, are you referring to me or another person?

  • Final Version of my Grandpa's Semi is being Planned 3.0 years ago

    @Strikefighter04, sorry, but there are real risks associated with showing unredacted license plates, as they can be either be scanned by paid services to get advertisers and scammers to your home, or worse, identity theft which could lay the blame at you for doing something you did not do but a criminal using a license plate that looks just like yours. No wonder google maps censors license plates for privacy reasons. If you want more information here, please read here.
    Hopefully you get the point.

  • Final Version of my Grandpa's Semi is being Planned 3.0 years ago

    I would highly urge and recommend that you please redact the license plate present in your pictures to prevent any risks associated with such. Do not use the same license plate in your builds either, as it can presents any risks mentioned before.
    Good luck on your work.

  • Republic OS-14 3.0 years ago

    Nice aircraft. Looking good anyways, even with the custom gear. Why aren’t you using smoothing on this plane?
    Is there a version with a cockpit?

  • UW-13A 3.0 years ago

    This plane is big and a good concept of a seaplane bomber but how can it work as a flying boat? There isn’t any window to the bottom of the seaplane and the hull is very oddly shaped with no outrigger floats for stabilization. The horizontal tail fins look too big. Turbojets or turbofans in pods are more practical than fighter jet engines with too tiny inlets, since the general aircraft shape does not appear to allow supersonic capability. The wings need to be thicker on the base than to the tips and even the bombs appear to be misplaced at various locations in the main wings and they seem to be more of adding useless weight that can rip a wing apart. Maybe put the bombs in the bomb bays inside main fuselage. Only thing that I like is the grayscale colors and cockpit being present in the plane.

  • Dllama4 discord acc has been hacked . 3.0 years ago

    I have not heard of this news before. It is likely he enthusiastically clicked on a malicious “free nitro” link, or invited the also malicious “free nitro” bot into a server of his. I also almost fell for that, since the bot had a verified tag, that makes it less suspicious; I’d thank the community for saving me though.
    Dllama4 also posted a forum post warning users not to click on the “funny links”, though he did not elaborate further.
    There is a chance that after his Dllama4 discord account was hacked, the Dllama4 account in simpleplanes.com could be hacked too.