Next level creativity!
@Guiso 👉👈
@OPaiTaOn I also like it! I think it's the best one out of them all.
Why did i tought this was a real thing
Nightmare fuel
Cum pero dulce de leche
@Inuyasha8215 Thanks!
I was looking for this aircraft just minutes ago, what a coincidence lol
@2008abdupro It's the games default sky, to adjust it go to game settings and set the day time to around 12hs and also make the sky clear.
@POTETOZ graciela
Mirage chiquito
same, i need to get off the internet.
this do be epic , Grupo de discord Hispanohablante si estas interesado en entrar.
yes yes yes
oh no
@Micmekox Thanks!
@LostCausesIncorporated The P-51?
Ta lindo el A4
@FinnReignSUPREME Thanks!
@Alta2809 No problem!
@Alta2809 Thanks!
@b0ss Thanks! And sure will!
Massive legend here
@b0ss Спасибо!
@ThomasRoderick Idk, i used the blueprints, still there might be something a bit off, and yeah why not
@CRJ900Pilot Thanks! Yeah the wings were a bit of a problem for me
@b0ss Thanks!
@SmashGrabJr lol
@emanuelga Gracias
@Notnoob1000 Np!
@Nachog G r a c i e l a
@SkyCloudGaming Yes no problem!
Jet Provost?
Quality > Quantity
ⁿ ᶦ ᶜ ᵉ
@Prolex917 They did! Only the late ones atleast, but at the time they started using missiles the soivets already made a more modern plane.
@ThomasRoderick Nope
@nameisalreadytaken Thank you!
@emanuelga Ndea Xd
@emanuelga g r a c i e l a, f i e r a
Flies like butter, Amazing work here!
@Mustang51 Nice!
Felicidades che!
Unable to locate the funny
Ok now this is epic
@SovietBun c h o n k
@Evenstsrike333 Thank you!
+1Next level creativity!
+1@Guiso 👉👈
+1@OPaiTaOn I also like it! I think it's the best one out of them all.
+1Why did i tought this was a real thing
+1Nightmare fuel
+1Cum pero dulce de leche
+1@Inuyasha8215 Thanks!
+1I was looking for this aircraft just minutes ago, what a coincidence lol
+1@2008abdupro It's the games default sky, to adjust it go to game settings and set the day time to around 12hs and also make the sky clear.
+1@POTETOZ graciela
+1Mirage chiquito
+1same, i need to get off the internet.
+1this do be epic
+1 , Grupo de discord Hispanohablante si estas interesado en entrar.
+1yes yes yes
+1oh no
+1@Micmekox Thanks!
+1E P I C O
+1@LostCausesIncorporated The P-51?
+1Ta lindo el A4
+1@FinnReignSUPREME Thanks!
+1@Alta2809 No problem!
+1@Alta2809 Thanks!
+1@b0ss Thanks! And sure will!
+1Massive legend here
+1@b0ss Спасибо!
+1@ThomasRoderick Idk, i used the blueprints, still there might be something a bit off, and yeah why not
+1@CRJ900Pilot Thanks! Yeah the wings were a bit of a problem for me
+1@b0ss Thanks!
+1@SmashGrabJr lol
+1@emanuelga Gracias
+1@Notnoob1000 Np!
+1@Nachog G r a c i e l a
+1@SkyCloudGaming Yes no problem!
+1Jet Provost?
+1Quality > Quantity
+1ⁿ ᶦ ᶜ ᵉ
+1@Prolex917 They did! Only the late ones atleast, but at the time they started using missiles the soivets already made a more modern plane.
+1@ThomasRoderick Nope
+1@nameisalreadytaken Thank you!
+1@emanuelga Ndea Xd
+1@emanuelga g r a c i e l a, f i e r a
+1Flies like butter, Amazing work here!
+1@Mustang51 Nice!
+1Felicidades che!
+1Unable to locate the funny
+1Ok now this is epic
+1@SovietBun c h o n k
+1@Evenstsrike333 Thank you!