48.9k Bife Comments

  • mikoyan gurevich mig-21PL-13 Sea bass 4.8 years ago

    This is some cursed stuff

  • IL-28 3.5 years ago

    @Astro12 Well then go ahead!, i did it in 333 parts because it is a rule of the challenge.

  • Simpleplanes Users 3.7 years ago

    now this is true content

  • Bogdan Vs SR is the SP version of Pewds vs T-series: Change my mind 4.6 years ago

    The chad SR Vs The chad BogdanX

  • How To Make Fuselage Wings (Part 1) 2.5 years ago

    Very good video! Thanks for explaining in detail and not just passing over to the next step, also your voice is not crooked up i have no idea what the guy below is saying if anything i appreciate more that you are actually using your voice.

  • Spit Update ! 4.3 years ago

    n u t

  • 2021 NoGo HomoLiner 4.3 years ago


  • why is everything so goddamn boring? 4.4 years ago

    The community is going through some dumb stuff in my opinion, after all it is a game but at the same time it is indeed a game where a lot of people put a lot of effort and time into creating some really cool stuff and sharing it in this site, and that's part of why i get people getting mad at the german corsair for getting hundreds of upvotes with pretty much no effort compared to other builds, im not trying to say that the creator of the german corsair put 0 effort into it maybe he tried to make a good plane for his skill , but afterall i have no idea on what he thinks. And in the other hand i think it is very dumb to fight about stuff like this over a game like this, it's just a plane that got ton of upvotes out of nowhere because of a joke and most of us can just laugh it off and move on with other things, but then again there is a lot of really good builds in the site that took the creators lots of time and that they think that it's they're best build yet and they are just run over to some kind of meme build that itself must feel pretty bad and demotivating tbh.
    If this happend to some of my planes that i tought they were really good and that i have put lots of effort into building something that hopefully the community would enjoy, i would indeed feel pretty bad and upset over the whole thing.
    Tbh in the end i understand both sides and i get the whole thing behind this dumb stuff, i myself don't want to put myself in a side neither on a extreme.
    As i said i belive this whole thing it's pretty dumb i mean we are after all just people arguing over some plane that doesn't even exist on the internet with people that we don't even know on some game that it's not even such a big thing, we shouldn't be caring about stuff like this, if the motivation for making stuff is upvotes this thing just not might be for you, and this community and site shouldn't be something to look for 24/7.

  • Su-27 Flanker 2.8 years ago

    @TheFlyingWolfYT 'beef-eh'

  • A Simple Plane 3.1 years ago

    This is, as the young folks would say, quite poggers

  • The Final SimplePlanes Weekly, with Awsomur. 4.5 years ago

    Return of the king

  • Airgento A-lk 33 4.6 years ago

    Pampa Chiquito Pampa Chiquito Pampa Chiquito

  • Questions About "Names" 4.6 years ago

    lmao my name just be meaning Beef

  • be respectful 4.9 years ago

    I hate drama in this place

  • Face reveal at 2000 followers? 3.3 years ago


  • EMB 314 Super Tucano 3.7 years ago

    @Basilisk Brasil nunca foi olvidado, é só isso ou há muito poucos aviões do Brasil, isso é para os irmãos brasileiros.

  • Nabau COIN Aircraft 3.7 years ago

    Nice puca

  • ANBO VIII 4.5 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot Thanks! Sometimes the most forgotten aircraft are some of the most nicest aircraft

  • New account details... 4.8 years ago

    1000 Points*

  • FMA IA-58 Pucará Turbo 4.9 years ago


  • Meow 5.0 years ago

    c h o n k y

  • Medium Bomber Challenge [CLOSED] 2.9 years ago

    Babe wake up, new walvis challenge just droped

  • CIAB C.001A 'Chimango' 3.0 years ago

    @Falkenwut Thank you! And well yes i took some inspiration from the JF-17 and from some others aswell, and regarding the intake it is something a bit out of the common, Thanks fot the kind words i also appreciate your works!

  • Don't ask why I made this 3.4 years ago

    Wholesome 100

  • If you delete your comments etc, please stop. 3.5 years ago

    I agree, there is times were i want to go back to a comment that had some usefull information but then its gone.
    But at the same time it is peoples profiles and they can do what they want with it.

  • Boeing 737-700 4.3 years ago

    @Guiso @Milanesa G r a c i e l a

  • Adressing the Upvote Issue 4.5 years ago

    t r u e, also really cool vid, hope to see more!

  • XABLE Sm10684 Fallen Kingdom 4.6 years ago

    Ugly Af, Have an upvote

  • S-61 baby condor 4.6 years ago

    b u e n a r d o

  • DF-17 'ThunderStorm' 2.0 4.8 years ago

    @ChisP Don't worry, it also bothers me lol.

  • Tududo Zadun ETB-139 Turdo 4.8 years ago

    Looks like a Pucara wich is noice

  • Happy Birthday SimplePlanes 2019! 5.0 years ago

    What about them Helicopters

  • FW 44 Stieglitz 5.1 years ago


  • A400M Atlas (life size) 5.4 years ago


  • Airshow Photography Post [2022: Part 1] 2.2 years ago

    These look fantastic! Some almost look like paintings

  • Su-27 Flanker 2.8 years ago

    @SuperSuperTheSylph Maybe, i could make it a series.

  • CIAB C.001A 'Chimango' 3.0 years ago

    @TatsuTheOtaku Thanks!

  • Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29A Fulcrum 3.3 years ago

    This is great

  • IAe 33 Pulqui II 3.3 years ago


  • Yak-150 Brawny 3.4 years ago

    @Falkenwut Glad you enjoyed!

  • Falklands War Challenge(Closed) 3.4 years ago


  • Yak-150 Brawny 3.4 years ago

    @Tetrodotoxin It is in fact, not only the nose has to carry the pilot, the radar/camera, 4 cannons and to top it all of two massive engines, so the design is as fictional as it can get, and thanks!

  • LTS T-75 / su-75 checkmate 3.4 years ago


  • CF-5 Freedom Fighter 3.4 years ago

    @Aventadorcf18 Thank you! and for now no, but i'll see in the future.

  • CF-5 Freedom Fighter 3.4 years ago

    @PapaKernels Thanks!

  • I.Ae. 29 Jucu 3.4 years ago

    @TatsuTheDemonLord Thanks!

  • Strategic Air Command Challenge 3.4 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT Yes

  • Heinkel He 162 3.5 years ago

    Muy bueno te salio che! Por cierto, sos español, no?

  • Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21F-13 Fishbed C 3.6 years ago

    Mig-21F is best Mig-21
