I volunteer at a museum that owned the Northrop N9mb. It was in flying condition and I was able to see it fly so many times. Unfortunately it crashed last year, on a test flight, killing its pilot in the process. It was such a shame to lose such an amazing aircraft and a exceptional pilot. This flying wing is amazing, but unfortunately when ever I see one I can’t help, but think about the N9mb.
Wow, this is amazing, I work at the museum that owned the N9mb and though I didn’t know David that well, I had seen him fly on multiple occasions and I believe I heard him speak about flying the wing once. @CobraHueyIndustries
Hello there, I’m Blackhattaircraft, I’m not super good at build and I’m not very active, but I do know a lot a wide variety of aircraft. Welcome aboard
@Rambojutter Sorry for tagging you as well, but I know your good at custom wings as well, I’ve been taking inspiration from your designs for a long time and I didn’t know if you could give some advice
T, can’t wait
Curse me and my stupid IPad
I volunteer at a museum that owned the Northrop N9mb. It was in flying condition and I was able to see it fly so many times. Unfortunately it crashed last year, on a test flight, killing its pilot in the process. It was such a shame to lose such an amazing aircraft and a exceptional pilot. This flying wing is amazing, but unfortunately when ever I see one I can’t help, but think about the N9mb.
Yeah, I guess considering I made it in 10 minutes @AWESOMENESS360
I see that 1/72 Me-262 model on your desk
Np @AircraftoftheThirdReich
Ah makes sense, I didn’t know you saw that @CobraHueyIndustries
Oh I didn’t know you knew I volunteered at Planes of Fame, and no problem @CobraHueyIndustries
Wow, this is amazing, I work at the museum that owned the N9mb and though I didn’t know David that well, I had seen him fly on multiple occasions and I believe I heard him speak about flying the wing once. @CobraHueyIndustries
Epic, tag me
Huh @LlamatheNerd
Yes, this is what SP needed
How did you get here lol @LlamatheNerd
I noticed that yesterday, pretty cool
I identify as an F-86 Sabre
Hello there, I’m Blackhattaircraft, I’m not super good at build and I’m not very active, but I do know a lot a wide variety of aircraft. Welcome aboard
Tell me when your going, I can take you on a tour @ACEPILOT109
If your every bored I'm always available to talk about planes like the P-59 or something else.
@DOX lol, thanks
N @AtlasSP
Lag check? As in it runs fine on your device? @232287168147825
Epic! That’s one of my favorite planes
Epic! T
Wow this is cool
Well it was complete for the most part, but I feel like there was more I could do. Also feel free to inspect anything I’ve made @TrislandianAlliance
It’s alright, all I did was post an image on instagram of it @AWESOMENESS360
Thanks! @ViridiCinis
I used to do that too, but this is more realistic @ViridiCinis
Yeah, probably shouldn’t have gone strait for the inverted gullwing @AircraftoftheRedStar
Thank you! @RamboJutter
Thanks @EternalDarkness
@Rambojutter Sorry for tagging you as well, but I know your good at custom wings as well, I’ve been taking inspiration from your designs for a long time and I didn’t know if you could give some advice
Someone took there daily recommended LSD
@EternalDarkness Sorry to tag you, but I know you know a thing or two about this stuff
Maybe @teodor99
Thanks, I was going to make it more detailed, but I kinda just lost interest @teodor99
@TrislandianAlliance @XAircraftManufacturer
@Bob9998 @TheFantasticTyphoon @Bearclaw
Wait I had no idea you posted this! @AWESOMENESS360
Thanks @232287168147825
I’m ok, idk about awesome
Got it @ACEPILOT109