884 Bob06 Comments

  • Simple Eternal Extra V.2 8.4 years ago

    @EternalDarkness right on. I saw you used the Warbird engine in the plane you linked. I wanted to figure some of it out on my own before digging into your plane. Quite clever how you modded the hinge and built a frame for you ailerons and flaps. I was curious how to add flaps to the wings without having to build a seperate set below them. I tried changing the control input in the xml to VTOL on an extra set of control surface but it was a no go. Ill safe you hinge piece and try my hands at how you built yours. Thanks Eternal.

  • Simple Eternal Extra V.2 8.4 years ago

    @Treadmill103 thanks!

  • Simple Extra 8.4 years ago

    @Treadmill103 Thanks man! This plane will probably be a work in progress.

  • Simple Eternal Extra V.2 8.4 years ago

    @EternalDarkness Havnt quite figured out how to mod the engines. Adding extra weight to the wings (detail) really hendered the performance of the plane.

  • Simple Eternal Extra 8.4 years ago


  • Simple Extra 8.4 years ago

    @EternalDarkness Yeah I think I can add brighter colors. What two color schemes would you like to see?

  • Beechcraft King Air 200 8.4 years ago

    Thanks man! It's one of my favorite aircraft. @Treadmill103

  • F-14 Tomcat V 8.7 years ago

    @AceOfSpade just an fyi, I modded the engines slightly in the xml. Spinning fast or abrupt G turns rip the wings off lol.

  • F-14 Tomcat V 8.7 years ago

    @AceOfSpade sure im not opposed to help.

  • F-14 Tomcat V 8.7 years ago

    Thanks man! @Nexus24680

  • F-14 Tomcat V 8.7 years ago

    1. Sweep wings
    2. Nose gear steering
    3. NAV/Anti-collision lights
    4. Position/Formation lights

  • F-14 Tomcat IIII 8.7 years ago

    @EternalDarkness lol. I'm not bashing those who edit. I just like using what's given. I may try editing one day. Yeah I know about the Roman numeral. I added the I as a quick save and just forgot to change it. Oops.

  • F-14 Tomcat IIII 8.7 years ago

    @EternalDarkness okay. I'll try the structural wings on the stabs. What's the point in the trim option in the settings of the wings? I did use double rotators but only to get the pitch roll effect. I'm not big into modifying parts as I like to try to keep within the limitations of the game. I'll definitely look into building better ones.

  • F-14 Tomcat IIII 8.7 years ago

    @EternalDarkness Let me know how it handles compared to the previous. Id like to hear some feedback on what I could do to improve the plane.

  • DMMT (Desert Military Missile Truck) 8.8 years ago

    @Doses13 it made Simple Planes crash out trying load in LOL

  • DMMT (Desert Military Missile Truck) 8.8 years ago

    Dang man. You and me had the same idea only yours looks more thought out. Ill definitely be downloading yours to see how you built and keybind your weapons. Looks Awesome!

  • AT-AT(actually fires) 8.8 years ago

    God its QWOP all over again.

  • F-14 Tomcat III 8.8 years ago

    @EternalDarkness Thanks. A lot of effort went into it.

  • F-14 Tomcat II 8.8 years ago

    I forgot to notch the horizontal stab's control surface up one notch after increasing the surface area. If you want moneuverability feel free to make the change.

  • Simple Float Beech 18 8.8 years ago

    You're right the takeoff is the easy part but the landing is difficult. I can do it with this build. It has to be right around 120knts and full back pressure, touching down with the back end of the floats. Back pressure must be maintained throughout the landing and power immediately reduced. It's hard but doable but that's what makes it fun! @Stingray

  • F-14 Tomcat 8.8 years ago

    @AV8R thanks man. I'm a little upset at the wings removing themselves during high speed, high g rolls. You can hear the wings trying to work themselves loose. I haven't had time to try to fix it since I've been busy flying irl.

  • -Warbrines_revenge- updated to win 8.9 years ago

    I have a bi-plane similar to this. Nice build!

  • Wasp killer 300 8.9 years ago

    @BaconEggs Oh. Good to know.

  • Wasp killer 300 8.9 years ago

    @BaconEggs whos is it? Its nice Id like to check the original builders page out.

  • OV-10 Bronco (UPDATED) 9.0 years ago

    Sweet! I like your design. Check mine out if you don't mind. It was the very first plane I built, uploaded and updated.

  • Honda Jet 9.0 years ago

    @TheLatentImage alright. Thanks man/woman. I had a feeling that was the case. I wonder if it would be removed if named it Accord Jet? Lol

  • OV-10X Bronco 9.0 years ago

    @TheLatentImage wasn't sure if the @ sign sent a notification to you on my Honda jet. I was wondering why there is a removed sign on my Honda jets?

  • Honda Jet 9.0 years ago

    @thelatentimage why do my Honda jets have a removed tag on them?

  • OV-10 9.0 years ago

    @RhysBrown check my ov-10x out. Looks 100 times better! Thanks for the comment!

  • F-5 Single engine 9.0 years ago

    This plane started out as an X-29. Slowly evolved into this single engine variant of the F-5. I dont think there is a single engine variant, but on simple planes there is!

  • OV-10X Bronco 9.0 years ago

    @Liquidfox Thanks man! It came out quite nice.

  • OV-10X Bronco 9.2 years ago

    I wouldn't use your friends download without his permission. Even if it was a gift to him and he let you use his account. It's better that you bought the game @Jasperjl

  • Egg Fighter P-38 9.2 years ago

    I haven't DL'd any of your egg fighters yet. I've been working on the ov-10 egg and it is very hard. I think I've got too many pieces because after 6 prop blades and 1000hp engines it gets off the ground at 160 kts and barely stays up. @GCPIRATE

  • Egg Fighter P-61 9.2 years ago

    I may follow in your steps and build an egg OV-10 Bronco to add to my collection of Broncos that I've built.

  • Micro F-16 v.2 9.2 years ago

    What part did you use to make the anti-collision lights?

  • Egg Fighter P-38 9.2 years ago

    This is sweet! Your simple builds are really under rated in a sea of complex builds. Really clean and simple builds! You should definitely build more egg aircraft.

  • Lockheed P-38 Lightning (armed) 9.2 years ago

    This is great work! I was thinking about building a P-38 as my second project. I love seeing simple and beautiful builds like this!

  • OV-10X Bronco 9.2 years ago

    @Jasperjl Don't worry man. Im not original, I have zero creativity so I have to use photo reference to build my planes. Your builds are creative! The more you build and tweak your designs the better your flight characteristics will be. Keep it up!

  • Sportlight A-200 Sport Seaplane 9.2 years ago

    This is pretty damn awesome little plane!

  • OV-10X Bronco 9.2 years ago

    I don't have it on the iPad/Mac or whatever iOS you're using. I'm not familiar with their interface or know how much more difficult it is to build using a touch screen. I bought my copy on steam on my desktop and it seems fairly easy to pick up so far. I like being able to build with a mouse and pad then test using a joystick controller @Jasperjl

  • OV-10X Bronco 9.2 years ago

    Im not gonna lie man. You seem a little eccentric and dramatic. I can't tell if you're really into this game so much that you're honestly getting emotional over an update or you're the best click bait troll around. Who buys a computer for 1000$ for a simple game and then thinks they blew that money cause an update didn't come out for everyone at once? You obviously, but, come on man, you gotta enjoy what you have instead of scooping sand into your panties. I'm just trying to have fun @Johawks1976

  • OV-10X Bronco 9.2 years ago

    Hope it comes out soon! I bought SP on pc three days ago and I'm hooked! Thanks for the up vote! @Jasperjl

  • OV-10X Bronco 9.2 years ago

    You have really nice builds that looks like you've put a lot of work into. Just seems to me that for someone that puts out great work it doesn't sound like you have fun doing it the way you march around others comments sections. You don't seem to like seeing others learn and create their own work. This seems like a nice community of builders, I just want to enjoy building and viewing others builds. @Johawks1976

  • OV-10X Bronco 9.2 years ago

    Must be hard at the top to get so cranky and not have any fun. @Johawks1976

  • A Sea 130 Duck 9.2 years ago

    This is really nice, man! Wish I was at my computer to get a better look on SP

  • OV-10X Bronco 9.2 years ago

    It's all good. I've only been building for three days. It's a game not a job, so I take any hate lightly. I dig looking at other peoples builds to see how they build and learn new methods and techniques to improve my own. I may dig around in his builds to see if I can find anything useful. @Stickman

  • OV-10X Bronco 9.2 years ago

    Uhh thanks? @Johawks1976

  • OV-10X Bronco 9.2 years ago

    This is my favorite multi engine multi role aircraft. I really wanted to get as close to the original as possible hence the progression of my builds. I may improve one it some more. I think I'll move onto my next favorite multi engine multi role the p-38! Thanks for the comment and feel free to leave any critical thoughts on the build! @Stickman

  • OV-10X Bronco 9.2 years ago

    Forgot to mention. Wing guns are wired to 1. Mini gun is wired to 2. Modify the hardpoints as you will.