We got the same in our school in case of terrorist attack. They tell us get down and escape if you can and if you can't hide the best you can. I think if something like this happens knowing that might work can reassure you but yeah this tactic doesn't seems very smart
@AircraftoftheRedStar if you really want to finish it you should make a basic shape of the aircraft with everything you need to make it fly scale it down then make the fuselage in a different save then ask someone to fusion the 2 part and test it
+5try this one
+4The holy graal of the mod
+2@mushr0om thanks you so much
+2@PilotOfFuture @F104Deathtrap thanks you so much for once I got the feeling to knowing what I was doing
+2Simping rn
+1@X4JB nice biplane
+1@temporaryaccount no
+1We got the same in our school in case of terrorist attack. They tell us get down and escape if you can and if you can't hide the best you can. I think if something like this happens knowing that might work can reassure you but yeah this tactic doesn't seems very smart
+1@CRJ900Pilot I dindnt see thats thanks you
+1@Spudgun239 the main gun doesn't shot but by pressing the little down arrow next to the speed indicator you should find out
+1@vamsam maybe the serv is empty and I dont nkw
+1they use a german mg-34
+1@StallFlight @NirvashTec uncool
@Dllama4 Factually wrong get your fact straight please.
@Dllama4 me u2 slow
@Zanedavid Zandgard
@Zanedavid Zandgard
@BuiltBionixInd10 good enough
@X4JB yes
Silly goose
@StallFlight pp extendus
@Destroyerz117 thanncc
Tagged from the teaser post
at what point do you you consider it fictional ?
a real destroyer class with a few modification and a invented count ?
I need halp plz
@AircraftoftheRedStar fine tuner with multiselection
@Davisplanez I have no idea sorry
Remove the gyroscope
@AircraftoftheRedStar if you really want to finish it you should make a basic shape of the aircraft with everything you need to make it fly scale it down then make the fuselage in a different save then ask someone to fusion the 2 part and test it
@Ownedpilot ok I get it tell what model and I will do a suspension aux petits oignons
@Mattangi2 oui
@DeezDucks I try its Beacaus the axe of rotation isn't the same as the axe of the wheel
@Baldeagle086 Or I made one
@jamesPLANESii I don't know I thought it was good but now I realize I am wrong