187 Bossman2 Comments

  • Arado 234 blitz 5.5 years ago

    I agree xd. I have school now but I’ve been sick for 2 days but I’m prob going back soon@CDRxavier

  • My first helicopter 5.6 years ago

    Sorry to hear you don’t like my helicopters. Tbh I saw the helicopter given by jundroo but it’s just way too confusing for me to do. Oh also I got into the hobby of flying Rc helicopters since I was like 5 and I used to fly quads at 9 but all of my quads are messed up or something and needs repairs. I also fly a blade MSR an old blade helicopter that’s 4CH. Idk much about you and your hobby for drones and helicopters. But if you’re just starting I wish you good luck into succeeding into 4ch and 6ch helicopters. Myself I haven’t gotten into 6ch yet due to not being able to learn stunts. I’m stuck at 4ch XD@CDRxavier

  • Stealth 5.7 years ago

    Sorry. I am happy with the upvotes. I just didn’t expect for you to take my plane 😂srry. I should have been less rude. I’ll try out your plane if it flies and there’s a motor in it. I’ll download it now@CDRxavier

  • my first stunt plane. 5.1 years ago

    SHOUT OUT TO THIS DUDE! HE UPVOTED FOR ME AND IT MEANS A LOT TO ME :) @Whuy59 dude you don’t even know how much this means to me. Maybe if you download it or downloaded it and you can’t do really good with the plane, just practice :) or just have fun :) I love this plane and basically addicted. I love using slow motion and crashing this lmao.

  • my first stunt plane. 5.1 years ago


  • my first stunt plane. 5.1 years ago

    Yass. I can give you a shoutout. I’d do it in comments. I haven’t been on this website for a few months and I haven’t uploaded in a long time

  • my first stunt plane. 5.1 years ago

    I mean it’s not my first build but it’s my first stunt plane, if you read the title of the plane 😂

  • my first stunt plane. 5.1 years ago

    Please don’t show hate if you’re gonna make a comment about the way my plane looks. And if you do want to make a comment about how my plane looks, please be kind and honest. This is my first time too. I spent a lot of time into this and got frustrated trying to make this fly. Thank you - Nate. ((Yes I revealed my name. Lol))

  • Stealth 5.7 years ago

    lol you stole my plane and made something I don’t even know what it is (sorry for being a bit rude) but maybe someone can take ur idea you took from my plane and make something out of it. It’s funny how you took my plane without even asking me. At least I didn’t see you ask me

  • The stealth plane. (Manuverability is amazing) 5.7 years ago

    I get it but I legit suck at making planes. I try hard xD but none turn out good. Plus I barely know how to do anything like the good people who can make planes. I suck but yeahhhhh I wish I Knew better on this game even though I’ve played for years :/ @CDRxavier

  • New Zealand airlines 5.7 years ago

    Thanks @Destroyerz117 for upvoting.

  • Sea helicopter. 6.0 years ago

    Pls upvote if you like it

  • My first helicopter 6.0 years ago

    I’ll try my best. Understand that this is my first helicopter and it would take me forever to do that. Give me time and I’ll do my best to give you a helicopter that satisfies your like of helicopters @dinokid

  • My first helicopter 6.0 years ago

    Sorry to whoever can’t fly it. You have to go easy on the controls. Don’t over steer or it will flip over

  • Avro Lancaster 6.4 years ago

    Thanks so much jasper for upvoting! It means so much to me

  • FT sea duck (1K special) 6.7 years ago

    I am a huge fan of rc planes and flite test is one of my fav yt channels I’m so happy you made this. Thank you!

  • De Haviland Mosquito (with weapons) 6.9 years ago

    If you want you can download this and do anything to it then re upload it!

  • Boeing 747 7.1 years ago

    I had to put gas blocks on the sides cause the plane used to much fuel if you are wondering

  • B 17 Flying Fortress 7.1 years ago

    I messed up on the speed timing for when you take off so I edited the desc it said 130 but I flew it again it was 190. At least I am getting better at making planes😂😂

  • B 17 Flying Fortress 7.1 years ago


  • Cessna 172 AT 7.7 years ago

    You know what never mind I changed my mind about adjusting it

  • Cessna 172 AT 7.7 years ago

    I have not tried this plane yet but I will download it to test it and I was wondering is it okay if I do some adjustments to the plane then upload it again I give all the credit to you if I adjust it and upload it if it is okay by you

  • The beechcraft 7.7 years ago

    I hope you guys like my plane 😊😊❤️❤️😊😊