But your right. It has been getting boring. Especially with quarantine and all. But you said you like drama? How about I make a post spamming every racial slur I can think of. I will get permabanned, but it will be worth it!
I’ve seen some of your other builds and I think they are very underrated. Some things you can do to get more upvotes is to take better screenshots. One of the ways you can do this is to take it at an angle. Or you can use the Upload with Screenshots mod.
Why, you soul who is so unembellished
It is the man who freed the slaves
So that minorities can enjoy pickle relish
And their rights were saved
This man who made everyone truly equal
So there will be rights and freedoms for all
Thanks to you, I can never sleep again. Just take my upvote and go!
+3Maybe. But most, of not all players start out with building blocky planes. It wasn’t until a few weeks in that I started experimenting with fuselage.
+3Congratulations on not dying! Sorry if this is too sensitive, but what exactly is it like getting COVID?
+3But your right. It has been getting boring. Especially with quarantine and all. But you said you like drama? How about I make a post spamming every racial slur I can think of. I will get permabanned, but it will be worth it!
+3You say they make fun of you for having a low voice? That’s because they haven’t gone through a little something called puberty.
+3I’m not even going to bother to download this freakishly detailed monstrosity of human nature on my potato-of-a-phone. So just take my upvote.
+3As an American, I am legally required to like corn dogs.
+3I’m on mobile and I would love this. The only problem is the wind turbines that are hard to runs.
+3Yes, you could call it modern art. @Theful1941
+3”Little engines can do big things!”
+3Same... @Alta2809
+3Pretty cool, but why did you tag me?
+3So, this build wouldn’t have half the attention it has now if it weren’t for its attention of platinum users. @Strucker
+3The title is longer than the actual post...
I’ve seen some of your other builds and I think they are very underrated. Some things you can do to get more upvotes is to take better screenshots. One of the ways you can do this is to take it at an angle. Or you can use the Upload with Screenshots mod.
+3Blowing up silhouettes of Hitler in SP
+3Congrats on the successful launch of Falcon 9!
+330 upvotes isn’t bad...
+3That’s the 3rd most hilarious thing I’ve seen today!
+3Everyone knows that they had jet engines in WWI right?
+3Blocked and reported
+2Woman moment
+2Mild degeneracy
+2aint no way I’m getting a no from someone named fuggin’ PHRONGUS @phrongus
+2I farded
+2I ate them
+2Not on mobile
+2Goofy ahh boat
+2@EternalDarkness anything I kan do about my username error?
+2Use fine tuner to reduce the scale @ASSASSINSBOY
+2I hate anime, that’s some nice talent you got there though. Just remember , it doesn’t matter what people think about you. You’re art is sick
+2Cool tank, give me two weeks, and I will make this thing hover, just you wait…
+2Nice to see people advertising my server!
+2Thanks to your ignorance, good Embo
+2Nothing good shall happen to you
You shall find a turd in your pillow
That I have stolen from the loo
Why, you soul who is so unembellished
It is the man who freed the slaves
So that minorities can enjoy pickle relish
And their rights were saved
This man who made everyone truly equal
So there will be rights and freedoms for all
+2I love albatross! They taste delicious!
+2It is. I once played Ace Combat 7 on VR with the joysticks. It’s a really cool experience. @BobBobTheLandia
+2Yes! Get an indoor tiger instead. @WolfSpark
+2SPBC is cancer @chibikitsune
+2@Boeing I was 7 when you made this...
+2Your girlfriend... is she single?
+2It’s piss... @WarshipDude
+2If you watched the show, you would know that it’s BROTH, NOT SOUP! Get it right!
+2You know SP is full of simps when this post has 130 comments in 13 hours.
+2How did you get more than 3 screenshots?
+2It won’t happen if I put ‘for school’ after it! @Sol
+2Stay snug Tunguska