Sees creation. Gets interested. Doesn’t read description. Downloads. Opens simpleplanes. Stares at previous normal sized creation while waiting for mothership to load. Suddenly screen turns white. Zooms out.
@Trijets thanks. I’ll probably try the whole monster truck thing. I’m thinking of a frame for the body. Also, it just realized the engine, cockpit, and gryo (only use it for flipping over when stuck upside down because it drives better without the gyro activated) isn’t centered...
squats without heels touching
+2I do not approve of this vehicle.
This is literally witchcraft… how…?
+1I am the 4th WAH🐙
+1Damn... this thing is still going
+1You turn the gyro off. The gyro is there to flip it back on it’s wheels if you flip it. Turn off activation group 8 @P7VDS
+1huh indeed @FoxTwo
+1It scares me
+1Sees creation. Gets interested. Doesn’t read description. Downloads. Opens simpleplanes. Stares at previous normal sized creation while waiting for mothership to load. Suddenly screen turns white. Zooms out.
“Oh…my……. Good…. God….”😳😳
Dude, use this thing in water
I just made it give users seizures @210100
It auto credits the previous builders @210100
Yes I love flying bad dragon’s newest creation
Thanks for giving me permission to die
It wan’t intended to move. That bomb is so thicc it could destroy the entirety of simpleplanes. @TrojanAircraftSystems
Make it super thicc@Skylerthedrawer
Did you drive it yet?@FusionFire
Nope. Completely original@FusionFire
This thing reminds me of the chapparel 2x vision concept car
eVErY thINg@SpeedDemon348
Ok boomer, whatever you say... whatever you say@Catincoma
Wow you are blind@Catincoma
So making it drive better means I stole it?@Catincoma
How was that constructive?Unless you’re being sarcastic@Deadly8Nightshade
Why don’t your drive both of them?It’s not always about the looks you know...@Deadly8Nightshade
What am I looking at...?
Bro I remodeled the suspension and made the truck drivable. It even credited the other dude@Tully2001
Shhh don’t worry about it XD@Bman01
Try both of them and look at the tacoma (red truck)@Nickr
Check out my other rc inspired vehicles :)@L3dg3ndary
@Gameboi14 I also have no will to live
@Gameboi14 I've been studying for the SAT... kill me
@LordKillMePLZ sssshhhhhhh
It doesn’t need it@LordKillMePLZ
@BOOPER same
Why don’t you pull yourself out of your own sorry ass and try it before criticizing it.@Roadrunner232
“You changed almost nothing” head ass@Roadrunner232
I changed the suspension, added rear wheel steering, and made it lighter.@Roadrunner232
Jeremy Clarkson just nutted
Levan polka
How... what... nani... qué...
@marcox43 I hate to break it to you but... it’s finished
@Trijets i just updated my previous comment. (kinda have a problem with rushing things)
@Trijets thanks. I’ll probably try the whole monster truck thing. I’m thinking of a frame for the body. Also, it just realized the engine, cockpit, and gryo (only use it for flipping over when stuck upside down because it drives better without the gyro activated) isn’t centered...
Ranting......... just don’t mind it............
Milkin’ the meme (facepalm)
It’s just a meme creation...
That’s for self righting... just turn it off when you drive