416 Buntycliff Comments

  • Spirit of St. Louis 9.1 years ago

    @werecat Oh nice! Thats got to work alot better. I found that if you use this plan as an AI plane In a race or something they automaticaly retract the landing gear and break the tail.

  • BIGBIRD CARPETBOMBER 9.1 years ago

    @DrowsyCob Awesome! I saw your goldfish plane! pretty sweet!

  • Push Plane Challenge!!! 9.1 years ago

    Hey. https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/IrwqFm/Dr-Suess-plane this plane would not cut it in the competition but since you like pushers i think you might find this one a made interesting! Its got both a turbo prop and jet engin and can land on water also having soo many airbreaks lets it do backflips but they are hard to pull out of and not crash....

  • BIGBIRD CARPETBOMBER 9.1 years ago

    @DrowsyCob yea! i had to do that a few times before i got it to the right size. its a bit too big to really have a good time with so im going to be working on a more playable bomber sometime soon

  • BIGBIRD CARPETBOMBER 9.1 years ago

    @DrowsyCob thanks! and yes..... its right on the edge

  • BIGBIRD Carpetbomber 9.1 years ago

    @Trumpus :D

  • BIGBIRD Carpetbomber 9.2 years ago

    @Flightsonic yep makes sense

  • BIGBIRD Carpetbomber 9.2 years ago

    @Flightsonic ?? decide not too?? I dont mind if you do

  • BIGBIRD Carpetbomber 9.2 years ago

    @salvador3031 same, its kindof unfortunate that its soo close to the limit. I started building this bomber with twice as many bombs and i scaled it back to this length so it is fairly playable.

  • Interceptor-82803 9.2 years ago

    Nice work! tip: try setting the rear landing gear to turnable. it will make it possible for you to turn while on the ground

  • BIGBIRD Carpetbomber 9.2 years ago

    @salvador3031 yes haha it took quite a bit of fussing with but it work! thanks!

  • Try out the Steam beta! v1.3.6.1 - Complete input overhaul (PC/MAC) 9.2 years ago

    @PhilipTarpley Ok. that makes sense! thanks

  • Try out the Steam beta! v1.3.6.1 - Complete input overhaul (PC/MAC) 9.2 years ago

    @PhilipTarpley I am wondering if there is any way to get the Activation group 8 to not be activated at the start of every flight and restart of a flight?

  • Monster of St louis 9.2 years ago

    @JolanXBL try holding back on the elevators. That's worked for me

  • Ornithopter Test Rig a.k.a Colors! 9.2 years ago

    LOL This is freaking awesome!

  • First plane that flys 9.2 years ago

    @iFalco I think I figured it out. Thanks for the help!

  • First plane that flys 9.2 years ago

    @iFalco checking right now

  • First plane that flys 9.2 years ago

    @iFalco yes I am.

  • First plane that flys 9.2 years ago

    Lil tip: if you expand the surface area of the horizontal stabilizers it will give the plane more manuverability to go up and down. It does fly very nice! Good job. @iFalco queston! I've heard about moding and am wondering how it is done and if it can be done with a mac?

  • Spirit of St. Louis 9.2 years ago

    Yep! 33+ hour flight :0@LoudBoy

  • DP-63 ''Explorer'' Gold Edition 9.2 years ago

    Oops. Idk how I misspelled that... oh well

  • DP-63 ''Explorer'' Gold Edition 9.2 years ago

    @Enkay your welscom! :D

  • DP-63 ''Explorer'' Gold Edition 9.2 years ago

    @Enkay The Spirit of St. Louis is done! glad i saw your request for one! it was fun to make and well.. was not necessarily easy but it did not take me too long! Hope you enjoy it

  • Spirit of St. Louis 9.2 years ago

    @Noman0rumeral Thank you very much! oh yes. I pushed the retract key out of habit and was shifting through the different views when all of a sudden im loosing controll.

  • DP-63 ''Explorer'' Gold Edition 9.2 years ago

    NIce! I'm going to give the Spirit of St Lewis my best shot! Its an interesting plane and will be quite tricky i think but it looks like a fun challenge!

  • Northrop P-61 Blackwidow "Sleepy Time Gal" 9.2 years ago


  • Northrop P-61 Blackwidow "Sleepy Time Gal" 9.2 years ago

    Oh that's ok. Ill find it sometime. I definitely need to see sometime. But yes he was an talented pilot and and really hard worker

  • Northrop P-61 Blackwidow "Sleepy Time Gal" 9.2 years ago

    @OtterOfToast Oh no way! so you saw Sleepy Time Gal in Ohio too? or somewhere else? My grandfather piloted "Sleepy Time Gal"!

  • Northrop P-61 Blackwidow "Sleepy Time Gal" 9.2 years ago

    @OtterOfToast Thanks man! i took a look at it and i think its pretty good. definitly has more a a stealth look to it which is cool!

  • Short S.25 Sunderland III 9.2 years ago

    Omg man! i used to have a metal model of one of these when i was younger. same collor and everything! this brings back some memories! nice job

  • Building technique help 9.2 years ago

    @AgDynamics I'm mostly interested in modifying the shapes of fuselage segments and changing the angles of wings for my planes.... so my main question is is that possible to do in the in-game editor? I've tried to figure that out but have not found any way to do that in game.