9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • Airstrip Drag 7.1 years ago


  • x-37 corsair 2.0 7.1 years ago

    Awesome man I really like the detail and design

  • Airstrip Drag 7.1 years ago

    No mods@JMicah4

  • Airstrip Drag 7.1 years ago

    No only car engines and no other type of engine not even a old prop @spuser0000

  • HELP PLEASE 7.1 years ago

    Rcns would be the only way to work in real life they use a similar system that and thrust vectoring and boosters to turn quickly

  • Daichlon (Remastered) 7.1 years ago

    Plz remaster the gyrofalcon @Ephwurd

  • CALVIN232 7.1 years ago

    Could you get 232 on the plane?

  • CALVIN232 7.1 years ago


  • Monarch- DARK AZAZEL 7.1 years ago

    Holy cow

  • SLQ-1000 7.1 years ago


  • btf3 7.1 years ago

    You do know on loading that bomb giltch loads under the ground and gets launched up into the plane right?

  • MyMessage 7.1 years ago

    Would you do a logo for me?(based on my content on this site)@Thomasj041

  • Fc25 it can reach to a speed of 1400 7.1 years ago

    Yeah but those planes are ridiculously fast to the point where it's literally the speed that is the thing that makes them I should know I have made fast jets and engines rockets some capable of 20000+ mph@Hawkeye156

  • Fc25 it can reach to a speed of 1400 7.1 years ago

    A great jet cockpit could use a little more work to make it smoother with the body but not bad @peachstatue5478

  • Fc25 it can reach to a speed of 1400 7.1 years ago

    The speed isn't lame it's good because the speed of a real life jet is only 800-900mph tops so 1400 is bit fast actually @Hawkeye156

  • little quadcopter 7.1 years ago

    I could definitely make this smaller @spuser0000

  • Sukhoi Sea Fighter 7.1 years ago


  • AV-15 Bulldog 7.1 years ago

    No I mean like could you make a first person view of this because the character in the cockpit is awesome @Showtime

  • AV-15 Bulldog 7.1 years ago

    Awesome could we get that cockpit view

  • So anyone need some help with any builds 7.1 years ago

    Also with so many people helping me I kinda want to give some help to someone to balance it out a bit so I'm not just a needy user like some have called me @WEAPONSMITH

  • So anyone need some help with any builds 7.1 years ago

    It's been taking a bit of time I'm having a friend do some camo on it so I'm waiting on that so I try to remain busy while I'm feeling creative @WEAPONSMITH

  • Simpleplanes aplhabet, 2 Sizes [Mobile downloadable!] 7.1 years ago

    Nice I would love to use these if you don't mind

  • I win! smallest vanilla quad copter EVER!!! 7.1 years ago

    Cool but I recon I could make this smaller without mods I'm on iOS and I'll give it a go at least

  • chain challenge 7.1 years ago

    Chains are easy to make but hard to work with

  • Tiny F-16 7.1 years ago

    Cool a little hard to land (due to its size) I have trouble not sliding then rolling over it's usually all small planes I have trouble with even some of my own truth is once a plane's gear width is thinner than 2.0 the plane should realistically have drag gear to stop this but this is a good looking plane I would love to see a full size version from you soon

  • Angel Bird VI (Painted) 7.1 years ago

    Sweat build spotlighted

  • Piston Project 7.1 years ago

    No I meant I got a different idea but it uses the same concept @BasilThunder

  • Piston Project 7.1 years ago

    This just gave me a idea cool consept

  • Dimensional Fracture 7.1 years ago

    Okay it flys well I have no idea what else to say on that I don't understand what its supposed to be I don't understand it at all but I will say it's oddly nice

  • Monarch- BURNING SKY 7.1 years ago


  • My current project 7.1 years ago

    It's hard to think of a name for I didn't mention it in this but I used to have a channel it didn't go well so that's a concern I never got round to it because I had other problems that occurred not related to viper it was something else that happened two days after I made this post I got into some trouble in the real world which left me with cracked ribs @Tyclone

  • Fw-290V2 Fischadler 2 (red team racer) 7.1 years ago

    Well I hope to chear you up I've built bule teams racer and I'll be adding a green team @PyroManiac

  • Fw-290V2 Fischadler 2 (red team racer) 7.1 years ago

    Haven't seen you around in a while how's things doing @PyroManiac

  • R-Cheese!(2100+ Parts!) 7.1 years ago

    I'm on iOS I crash at 800 parts 1000 max there's no way I could make anything like this not only that I can't even download this @JayDay60

  • drag car 7.1 years ago


  • R-Cheese!(2100+ Parts!) 7.1 years ago

    HOW WAS THIS MADE ON IOS?????????????????????????????

  • T-10 Flanker A 7.1 years ago

    Btw this flys really well @phanps

  • T-10 Flanker A 7.1 years ago

    Ok here is the build @phanps

  • Jet Plane 7.1 years ago

    Not bad a little work on developing shapes and you will me making planes like the best in no time

  • T-10 Flanker A 7.1 years ago

    Could you help me with my build I love the detailing on this I was wondering if you could do some for my jet?@phanps

  • P-12B Kingslayer 7.1 years ago

    Much better great work

  • GOES 3500MPH(5600KPH)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7.1 years ago

    My air arrow has 2 very powerful vtol engines top speed 8965 mph

  • NRSMI activation group missile. 4 boom 50s 7.1 years ago

    This is certainly cool I wonder what other cool weapons you made maybe a cluster bomb?

  • Phantom 7.1 years ago


  • R-1 7.1 years ago

    It's great it would make a great hull for a decent p32

  • CP Industries CP-12 7.1 years ago

    Interesting I like it

  • IAT DS III completed FIXED 7.1 years ago

    Lel @phanps

  • IAT DS III completed FIXED 7.1 years ago

    Funny thing is I'm using the 45 fuselage for that jet I showed you @phanps

  • Aircraft 7.1 years ago

    You need to shift the wings back and the weight forward or add bigger wings to the back and shorten the front ones

  • So anyone need some help with any builds 7.2 years ago

    Maybe in the future @randomusername