9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • Indy Air Race 7.4 years ago

    Yeah why was illy pulled out?@AndrewGarrison

  • V8 2.0 7.4 years ago

    Very nice and simple yet cool

  • Indy Air Race 7.4 years ago

    I will not be entering t232 lilly into this I will be designing a whole new build special for the task

  • So I'm back 7.4 years ago

    tovarisch? @FennVectorCWA

  • Are my creations good? 7.4 years ago

    They are great sometimes people just don't want a build from the same maker they often look around to see what else is around as long as you keep turning out good builds someone will enjoy them eventually

  • Hundreds of downloads, just a couple upvotes... 7.4 years ago

    Yeah because some people don't really like professional well made builds it sounds dumb but I've been running a few tests lately and found people much prefer goofy builds it's odd but it kinda makes sense because sometimes high well detailed builds your thinking they are cool so you download you fly them but it's not as fun because your not getting the feel of a plane that could suddenly lose control it's not a challenge to fly yes there's people who really like the military builds to be good because then they get to challenge the uss beast or another plane but truly people only like the goofy stuff @EternalDarkness

  • I need help 7.4 years ago

    Oh do you mean like this or like a drone well ether way the method I used in the link will work I'll gladly help

  • Sharing Account 7.4 years ago

    Yeah but why do you need to? It's like literally pointless seriously pointless I like really really pointless so pointless I can't get it round my head @KillShot86

  • Plane physics Tips? 7.4 years ago

    ayy my last name is cooper I would have the username ccooper but it was taken strange thing is I end up making friends with him well he upvoted a lot of my planes and taught me how to get a plane working the basics od more speed = faster takeoff truth be told enough speed and you don't need wings to fly the wings mainly help steer the plane and keep it going in the right direction which you can even use thrust for I'd suggest going though the tutorials all of them first then once you have learned how to get airborne use the info on your planes start simple then as you learn to make well flying plane take a look though others test them fly them enjoy them comment what you liked or what you feel could be improved and upvote if you liked it remember to be polite but what you can do is ether build off the plane changing everything to add improvements making sure to credit and change enough so its not a copy or you can strip the build for parts agaim make sure to credit when you use the parts id suggest when putting them it sun assembly's label it as what it is and the name of the original maker makes crediting easy I wish I had at the start in stead I had to track down the original build to find who to credit or you can also jus take the planes apart and learn how they work id suggest the ones that come with the game first and keep doing it to any plane on here that makes you think how does that work? anyway this is a great community who often put things out to help other look for them they will help you a lot also you can do collabs where 2 team up to make 1 great build you say you good with the ascetics (looks) there are some who are good with the flying but not the looks you could team up with them also feel free to ask anyone for help

  • HEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!its serious 7.4 years ago

    I did it too just to see what would happen but I unblocked after the 3 day waiting yesh back then they has a waiting time they might still do@Alienbeef0421

  • Sharing Account 7.4 years ago

    well the accounts are

  • Sharing Account 7.4 years ago

    you don't need to share accounts just have your own its free

  • Bombardier-2 7.4 years ago

    I was just checking back and saw this thought it deserves more attention great job well done it looks amazing and handles well I know I said I wasn't going to be around but did say I would still check out a build or two every so often just so I'm not completely missing everything and I'm glad I didn't miss this

  • I'm sorry 7.5 years ago

    Look games are not a fix for everything the problems I'm having are not in anyway something I can hide from I don't deal with my emotions well I could easily see me lashing out at someone on here no one on here deserves that and well I would feel bad for doing it especially as most the people on here are friends in the way they have never hated on me so I shouldn't allow myself to lose it on here which is why I must go I may return some day if and when I get things sorted if I can @Viperfox @Tully2001 @EliteIndustries1 thx for Being supportive I've had a rough year well goodbye for now

  • Old bule 2 7.5 years ago

    Thanks I spent a good amount of time getting the blades right @MaximusTheMinimus

  • Old bule 2 7.5 years ago

    this build was finished before the b232 attack bomber of mine the attack bomber I didn't upload it earlier because I wanted the b232 to come out first then I basically forgot it till today when I couldn't upload Tully2001

  • CW Rotary Bay V1 7.5 years ago

    4 boom 50s in a bay
    4 boom 25s another bay I'll do the rest @CWhat016

  • flying car 7.5 years ago

    Who else can upload?@EliteIndustries1

  • flying car 7.5 years ago

    @andrewgarrsion could you fix this only two can upload

  • flying car 7.5 years ago

    That's odd @EliteIndustries1

  • flying car 7.5 years ago

    Yeah I still can't upload @EliteIndustries1

  • flying car 7.5 years ago

    Oh so that was a bug I thought it was just my phone @EliteIndustries1

  • B-1.1 7.5 years ago

    3hrs not one post it's like walking into a ghost town

  • B-1.1 7.5 years ago

    Two hours with this being the latest post

  • CW Rotary Bay V1 7.5 years ago

    Could you make one that holds 10 boom50s and 20 boom25s and make it as compact as poissible and reliable not that this isn't just when you make it compacted it might reduce the relibilty anyway if you make the bay it will be used in my biggest build yet and credit will be given @CWhat016

  • CW Rotary Bay V1 7.5 years ago

    This is good could you make a boom 25 and boom 50 Verison that's one that got both bombs instead of rockets

  • Air arrow 18 light 3 7.5 years ago

    Good @Wolffman

  • Flyweight - Shark Tooth 7.5 years ago

    And pitch more by removing the front pitch and making the rear wing bigger and the pitch on the wing less

  • Flyweight - Shark Tooth 7.5 years ago

    Make the roll less and move the weight forward

  • Flyweight - Shark Tooth 7.5 years ago

    Yes but his goes 750 and I've seen how the ai dislikes the controls on it @Zkillerwolfe

  • Flyweight - Shark Tooth 7.5 years ago

    Remember reliability efficiency mobility comes before speed @Viperfox @Zkillerwolfe

  • Flyweight - Shark Tooth 7.5 years ago

    @Viperfox @Zkillerwolfe the plane called vdd3 doesn't pitch hard enough to make sure it doesn't the water a doesn't roll fast enough to start pitching for the turn but also it tends to over roll and over compensate on the turns this is probably because of the high speed the ai is not given time to think so I'd actually suggest slowing the thing down a little

  • A Prototype (Engine by CALVIN232) 7.5 years ago

    It's a good stable thing

  • A Prototype (Engine by CALVIN232) 7.5 years ago

    Also I credit people for parts even if it's like literally the successor of it just as a kind gesture there's no harm done and yeah I watch all his sp videos and bearded beasts well anyone who does sp videos that have audio that isn't music I like to hear the people speaking about the experience of using or building the plane even if their voice is not the best @EagleFlyer

  • A Prototype (Engine by CALVIN232) 7.5 years ago

    Usually yes the successor system is enough but when it comes to YouTubers they don't mention or even notice it so when I make a plane using it on YouTube it looks like it's your engine I used @EagleFlyer

  • Flyweight - Shark Tooth 7.5 years ago

    It was the cockpit for me I edited a previous build to suit the rules forgot the cockpit although now I've changed it to the normal the plane handles better so really I was only putting myself at a disadvantage oh well @Alienbeef0421

  • Flyweight - Shark Tooth 7.5 years ago

    Do note I'm not trying to cheat I genuinely didn't realise that had that you see I edited one of my similar builds to suit the race I removed the modded engines and stripped it down to 17 parts but I forgot about the cockpit again sorry for the mistake and please check my plane so I know I've got everything this time @AndrewGarrison

  • Flyweight - Shark Tooth 7.5 years ago

    It was just the cockpit right?@AndrewGarrison

  • Flyweight - Shark Tooth 7.5 years ago

    Ok please check the plane now I'm sure everything is fine now@AndrewGarrison

  • Flyweight - Shark Tooth 7.5 years ago

    Yeah it was the cockpit sorry about that I thought I removed all the modded stuff I've made a version without @AndrewGarrison

  • Flyweight - Shark Tooth 7.5 years ago

    Ok I think I found it i think it was the cockpit I like literally pulled the thing apart to see if anything had anything odd okay I've made a version with a another cockpit which actually works better @AndrewGarrison

  • Flyweight - Shark Tooth 7.5 years ago

    Ok I'm sure I haven't used modded parts there's no modded tanks I did build this of a plane of mine which I put a unmodded engine in the vents are not modded the wings I'm sure aren't ether so what is it?wait is it the cockpit? @AndrewGarrison

  • Flyweight - Shark Tooth 7.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison? I need to know as soon as possible I don't want to miss this one

  • Flyweight - Shark Tooth 7.5 years ago

    Ok what is wrong with my entry?@AndrewGarrison

  • Air arrow 18 light 7.5 years ago

    It's not really meant to be the design is so the vtol drags the plane allowing it to yak the plane into the desired direction it's mostly designed for ai @AviownCorp

  • Bomb bays 7.5 years ago

    Well it's a close guess @CWhat016

  • Bomb bays 7.5 years ago

    Hmm crazy Calvin huh? Why didn't I think of that when I made this account? (I wonder if the name is available and if the dev/mods would let me change it?)@Viperfox @CWhat016 @BaconEggs

  • B232 ATTACK BOMBER (A.T.G) 7.5 years ago

    It will be huge and it will take a long time that's why I have a couple of side projects so if I get bored I can do them then go back when I want i tend to work on many projects going between all of them as I please @Sarpanitu

  • B232 ATTACK BOMBER (A.T.G) 7.5 years ago

    Yeah well I'm working on sorting out what part is what and such thing is I keep the original thing I downloaded so after a massive manhunt I found the maker of those rockpods on the wing specking of rockpods I need some more I'm starting B232s big bother it's bigger and a lot more ott weoponised well it's going to be I was thinking the new cockpit you are making would be perfect for it oh yeah it's a high tech ultra bomber it's total load out will be many custom rockets 6 of each many custom bombs 6 of each 10 boom50s 20 boom 25s 6 torpedos and many turrets @Sarpanitu

  • Air arrow 18 light 7.5 years ago

    @Tully2001 well what did you guys think