9,430 CALVIN232 Comments

  • chief 7.9 years ago

    Could you make a life sized on plz

  • JX-00 Cobra head AC 7.9 years ago

    Could you make one that transforms from a robot warrior into a four legged beast that breathes fire as well as being able to function in both modes (walks runs and fights like a warrior in warrior mode and run and fight like a beast in beast mode

  • F1 car MKVI 7.9 years ago

    It's nice but it doesn't exactly grip the road TBH though it's probably not your fault SimplePlanes Physics does need a lot of work especially when it comes to wheels

  • A-5 vigilante 7.9 years ago

    Nice but here is a tip To sink the cockpit make then fuselage a bit smaller place the cockpit the make the fuselage bigger if done correctly the fuselage should cover the cockpit a bit making it look much better

  • Folding fighter on a diet 2.0 SLIVER EDITION 7.9 years ago

    A update to this will be posted soon @esms1999

  • Trying tracks mod 7.9 years ago

    Not really well they silp a lot but I may have a fix for it but it's going to take some time @lujox

  • Police chalenge 7.9 years ago

    Ok I'll post a link on here when I'm done btw police theme is not my style so will take a bit of time @Hayhayjam664

  • Trying tracks mod 7.9 years ago

    I have made non modded version I downloaded it and then went back and forth to get the rotaters then I join them together making a belt

  • Police chalenge 7.9 years ago


  • [Finished] Airliner Challenge 7.9 years ago

    I would enter but I'm already out of my league as I can't do airliners I'm more of a free builder maybe next time it might be something that I can do but there is no point of me even entering as I wouldn't even have a chance

  • T232 space drive mark 8 7.9 years ago

    Also mark 9 will come out before the ship you see I work on projects many at a time when I hit stump on one I work on another then when I think of something that will work to back and try it @ShrikeParamilitaryForces

  • T232 space drive mark 8 7.9 years ago

    Btw the reason I posted the engines is mainly at first to get parts for them and secondly because people surprisingly really went for the mark 1 which is odd because it was really heavy meaning only a massive plane could have a slight chance of controlling it the post was removed tho due to arguments that started on there between me and Derrick at the time I didn't know it was him and it cause massive amounts of complex stuff and to end it I removed the post to remove the augments @ShrikeParamilitaryForces

  • Challenge complete! 7.9 years ago

    Lol that's the idea he was building it as joke and it was well played @bjarnevansantvoort123456789

  • T232 space drive mark 8 7.9 years ago

    ? I'm unsure as to what nein means but this was a project a bit of time ago it started when I wanted a specific engine look for a specific space shuttle (still in progress along side the regular ship) but my first model was to heavy and due to a slight imperfection which was causing it to turn I had to put two together to combat it the second wasn't much lighter and the rest till mark 5 was basically lighting the thing up then mark 6 the first redesign thx to the new inlets it was faster lighter and I made it from double to single because I had fixed the imperfection and soon came mark 7 the idea to spilt the engines ignition Into stages then mark 8 simplified the stages to make it more practical as well as making it lighter and smaller again the mark 9 will be better as I have a new way to get everything in a much smaller space as well as lighting it up only problem is I still don't have a way to fit it to the space ship however the regular ship is coming along nicely I have the hull the bay doors (working on they fall off sometimes) and the AA-AG TURRET is near finished as well that will be its main weapon in also working on a self destruct mode and a way to fire everything at once so when you know your going down you can make sure you take a few with you @ShrikeParamilitaryForces

  • Arrow™ Private Jet 7.9 years ago

    I love your attitude to the intake I'm like that sometimes however I have realised one thing over time and that is that better vents can really make difference that isn't me saying add some that's me just explaining why I use a lot of vents @BaconAircraft

  • Arrow™ Private Jet 7.9 years ago

    Note I am on iOS so I can't use certain parts @CALVIN232

  • Arrow™ Private Jet 7.9 years ago

    Looks amazing it's a shame I can't download it due to the massive amount of parts is there any chance of a mobile version?

  • Fighter A 10 7.9 years ago

    This may exactly fit within the rules which state that the plane must have decent amount of changes that improve upon the designs performance looks or functionality such as making it smoother to operate

  • indy racer mk 2 7.9 years ago

    Were is the cockpit?

  • Inheritor Tech IT-23 (VTOL) 7.9 years ago

    The left slider is called VTOL but it still a good build

  • P-51D mustang 1:1 7.9 years ago

    Thx and yeah it does look pretty good @luzernsaphir

  • Challenge complete! 7.9 years ago

    Well played but I do believe I said it had to be usable @WorldClassMods

  • Air-V 7.9 years ago

    I love the shape and the colour but the gun may need tweaking to prevent self destruction

  • Air-V Shevannai 7.9 years ago

    Very nice and slick I like it

  • We will remember them 7.9 years ago

    So ok? @Illusion

  • We will remember them 7.9 years ago

    Do mind explaining what has offended you? @Illusion

  • We will remember them 7.9 years ago

    Btw if you 3D print this it's actually useable (wellI was able to attach it to my moped )

  • Well.. 7.9 years ago

    Yeah like so the plane flys out some bay doors instead of taking off from the top@BaconEggs

  • We will remember them 7.9 years ago

    Really? In what way? @Illusion

  • Well.. 7.9 years ago

    Yeah like a flying ice base @BaconEggs

  • Well.. 7.9 years ago

    Try something were the plane comes out a tunnel

  • Supermarine Spitfire 7.9 years ago

    Nicely made all it needs is a paint job to match

  • We will remember them 7.9 years ago

    Yeah he stood up for like not even two minutes then fainted and he said I'm over reacting when I said that's not normal and he should see a gp @Pacman126

  • We will remember them 7.9 years ago

    It's all in the name of honour @Pacman126

  • We will remember them... 7.9 years ago

    We had a whole hour silence mainly because we started being silent at 10 to 11 and was silent until ten past 12 @Pacman126

  • We will remember them 7.9 years ago

    This will be my only post for the day in respect to those fallen

  • We will remember them... 7.9 years ago

    Yes we sure will

  • GUESS WHAT? 7.9 years ago

    Try to build these

  • GUESS WHAT? 7.9 years ago

    I saw@GT3TobyRS

  • GUESS WHAT? 7.9 years ago


  • I just noticed something 7.9 years ago

    Nice got a photo?@GT3TobyRS

  • I just noticed something 7.9 years ago

    Not that one tho he flew a different one @GT3TobyRS

  • I just noticed something 7.9 years ago

    I do believe so I do like spitfires but dispite having a grandfather who once flew one in the war I do really know much about them @GT3TobyRS

  • I just noticed something 7.9 years ago


  • Indy Air Race 7.9 years ago

    They will post it on YouTube when they have finished then you get a link to it@Karma

  • Help! Can't download planes, (Please verify internet connection?) 7.9 years ago

    Ok I'll give that a try thx @AndrewGarrison

  • Help! Can't download planes, (Please verify internet connection?) 7.9 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison while you're here to save making another post could you help with iOS it seems to be crashing a lot well for me it does and it has caused me to lose a lot of nice planes because it sometimes crashes when I try to save it or post anything is there anything I can do?

  • I just noticed something 7.9 years ago

    We can't spotlight anything made by platinum players or gold ether

  • New Cockpit 7.9 years ago

    Try it